The cause of atherosclerosis in humans - not cholesterol

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The cause of atherosclerosis in humans - not cholesterol

Сообщение DARPA » 29 сен 2015, 01:44

The cause of atherosclerosis in humans - not cholesterol, which is available in real butter and other products!

The famous Viennese surgeon and scientist Theodor Billroth (a well-known author's surgery to remove part of the stomach with ulcers) asked his disciples to carry out an interesting experience. Goats and sheep have removed the thyroid gland. The result was quite paradoxical ...

The operation has led to a spike to total cholesterol and atherosclerosis, including coronary. So, herbivores, who have never tried the cholesterol-containing animal foods, developed atherosclerosis.

It was suspected that low thyroid function can lead to atherosclerosis. Later, these assumptions have been confirmed in humans. That lack of thyroid function, not animal fats, is a major cause of atherosclerosis. Since the nineteenth century, atherosclerosis successfully treated with low doses of thyroid hormones. In the second half of the twentieth century there was a theory, the effects of which are equivalent to carrying out a mass genocide.

The birth of the theory that the cause of atherosclerosis is the use of cholesterol-containing animal foods, were involved in the self-interest minded scientists and greed of pharmaceutical companies. It fell victim to the many millions of patients with atherosclerosis.

Among the victims was also the US President Dwight Eisenhower, who immediately after the first heart attack, doctors put on a low-cholesterol diet. Regardless of diet, cholesterol levels continued to grow. The harder the limited animal fats, the higher the level of cholesterol. However, cholesterol increase and weight. The result of improper treatment appeared sad: the president happened a few heart attacks, which ultimately led to cardiac death. Presidents do not treat the most learned doctors. If the attending physician of President D.White listened to the advice of his colleagues who knew B.Barnes, it is possible that the whole history of the progress and direction of research would have gone a completely different way. Many millions of dollars were thrown into the furnace of inconclusive scientific research to confirm the "guilty" of animal fats in the occurrence of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Until today, no real evidence has been provided. Nevertheless, the general public was not informed, and anti-cholesterol drug Lipitor successfully holds the leadership of sales. Lower cholesterol President Eisenhower could help another means exclusion from the diet "dense" carbohydrates. That's sweet, rich in starch and refined food is the second most important cause of high cholesterol and atherosclerosis artery infarction.

Meanwhile, even the father of physiology Rudolf Virchow wrote that cholesterol has never been a cause of atherosclerosis and OH appears only in the final stages of arterial injury. Cholesterol comes to "heal the wounds", but has never been the cause of this "wound", according to scientists. Elevated cholesterol is only a sign of inflammation in the body, but not its cause. Damage artery walls by many factors. For example, the elevated blood glucose and insulin levels.

Not surprisingly, half of people with myocardial infarction had normal cholesterol levels. Conversely, those with a low cholesterol level higher mortality in 2 times.

Evidence insolvency cholesterol myth can be cited. For example, the population of northern India consume 17 times more animal fat than the population of the southern part of it. However, the incidence of atherosclerosis artery infarction northerners 7 times lower. Cholesterol is an indispensable substance which has also antimicrobial properties. It is required for fetal development of the brain of the fetus and for the normal function of the central nervous system. 23% of the inventory for nothing cholesterol is in the brain.

If many generations of our ancestors would be on low-cholesterol diet, then I fear that the human brain would look like a jellyfish. Not surprising that low cholesterol lowers the memory in middle-aged and older.

I would especially like to emphasize the vital importance of cholesterol as a building material for the synthesis of vitamin D and hormones, such as sex and adrenal hormones. It is low-cholesterol food weakens the possibilities of the body in dealing with stress.

The absence of animal fats in the diet causes the liver to work overload. Since cholesterol is critically needed for life, the liver is forced to synthesize it from what is available from carbohydrates. The synthesis of cholesterol by the liver requires the mobilization of huge resources. Lack of cholesterol in the diet is a real crisis for the liver! Is not it better to give her the opportunity to do work for the elimination of toxins?

I am afraid that no one knows that cholesterol is an antioxidant. And lowering its level increases the risk of cancer, sexual dysfunction, memory disorders, Parkinson's disease, stroke (yes, a stroke!), Suicide and even aggressive behavior. Is it because in the low-fat diet-obsessed America takes so many cases, the use of firearms for the purpose of mass murder, such as schools? So what advice to you is if someone boasts that it has a low cholesterol level, it is better to be a man very polite ...

No one would argue that gray hair is the cause of aging. Similarly, cholesterol is not the cause of myocardial infarction. The myth of cholesterol led to the fact that the declared enemy of heart health is extremely beneficial to the health food - animal fat. It came to the absurd "circumcision": cut off from the yolk protein, and began to throw the most useful part of the egg.

The time has come for the solemn funeral of the myth about the guilt of cholesterol in myocardial infarction. And this should be done with a great military salute. To salute salvoes heard as many deceived people.

Author: OI Sinev, Candidate of Medical Science - a doctor, a specialist in natural medicine


In continuation of this theme with the Jewish Information Site:

In 2003, in Washington came the fundamental work of the famous in the scientific world of Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, titled "Myths cholesterol» (The Cholesterol Myths). In the book, the author summed up the results of its nearly half a century, and a number of other doctors work on the study of cholesterol. He wrote: "The idea that too much animal fat and high cholesterol are dangerous to your heart and vessels is nothing but a myth." Over the past more than 10 years, his book has been translated into many languages. In addition, on the same subject as the number of medical centers in the world, and some scientists have published work in support of the idea of ​​cholesterol as a myth.

Unfortunately, the mass consumption of cholesterol-lowering drugs continued population as the standard ratio of doctors to the problem of cholesterol.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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