Ukrainian soldiers of quilted jackets Kramatorsk

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Ukrainian soldiers of quilted jackets Kramatorsk

Сообщение DARPA » 29 сен 2015, 01:47

Sergeant Alexander Ruzhansky recently demobilized. He himself from Kharkov, went to the front as a volunteer, volunteers before, and before that was involved in the Maidan.

Following his impressions about staying in Kramatorsk.

"In general, the theme of Kramatorsk. This is me in ATU, then :) I Went here in full confidence of all-embracing vatnost local plebs. But life has made some adjustments to my understanding of this village."

"The city drive civilian vehicles with Ukrainian flags, and the central market Kramatorsk I have seen not a little tray quiet trading Judeo-Bandera, Azov and other pravosekovskoy attributes: Ukrainian flags, red and black banners, chevrons Azov, AQL PS, and other're coming out -fashistskie gadgets :) But people more interesting. We go on the market in the patrol, so our valiant fighters and not buzili blyuli decorum, so to speak. The Armor and Kalash. Suitable grandmother and starts to wail on the subject, what the fuck we Arms go. Like, people fear. Suddenly, out of nowhere undermined by another old lady - Come otsyudava, hag old! That's why sho guys with guns here and not have those your bandyuganov! The pressure was so rapid that the first granny at flunked face and instantly disappeared into crowd. It's nice. "

"Scene Two. Buy a kiosk fellow nicotine poison. In the bag did not have 50 cents. While I chukha turnip what other cigarettes bought (I'm not a smoker) standing behind zhenschinka wished for me to pay and asked how much is not enough, pulled out a pack of paper money. Hearing that question is fifty dollars, she was already upset. At this point, because of her back popped parnyaga instantly sunuvshy coin Stallman. Glory to Ukraine! - he shouted and contented ordered a beer. Okazavschayasya unclaimed woman smiled and wished me health. I I was in uniform. And I shine. "

"There was also a mother with a child who has asked us with a friend, so we do not get out of here, keeping in mind, of course, the Ukrainian army.

- We are here in order - she waved her hand in a vague way, - is not necessary. We are tired of all this, but we want to be in Ukraine.
I understand that she spoke for himself and his family, but it is, I apologize, it is fucked as duhopodёmno. Honestly, as much goose on the back. How to stop these people? "

"However, for objectivity. Happened One militant pensioner who came, like, just to talk, and then, said the classic: Why did you come here?

- Dear, you were in Kharkov?

- A hundred times. Che is here to Kharkov?

- I was here a hundred times. Yes, near Kharkov. And in Kharkov you did not ask what the dick did you come here?

- Well, it's ... No. But I went for.

- Ah-ah-ah-ah, for means. So, pidaras old, and I'm here on business. I got it?

Pence squandered began to bleat something under his breath and scratched his head and rolled.

Here are my modest atoshnye sketches and nablyudalki from Kramatorsk ".

I write about Alexander Ruzhansky not accidental. Like many who were on the front, he is now under investigation - the military prosecutor's office wants to plant for 7 years. Soon I will write a separate post about this, because the event is quite revealing. Not such a blatant both "Ravlik", but the system works in the same way.

The war has raised the status of the military prosecutor's office, which acts as civilian prosecutors as cops. Factory case, first to extort money from the victim, and if do not want to pay or can not - close to the court for many months and years. The court then that can not be justified, even though the deal embroidered with white thread.

Prosecutors and cops do not care about sentiments, which are important for us - the war of liberation, volunteers, patriotism and so on. For them important only money and careers, which helps to get more money. The war gave them a unique opportunity to achieve these simple goals, breaking the fate and engaged in extortion. Hundreds of thousands of people suddenly found themselves at their mercy, the time of harvest, so every day and every hour at a premium - because the war could end, and this possibility will never be presented.

In war created fortunes, new parochial clans elite corruption and elitki "from rags to riches" because the number of feeders has increased. Harden old feudal clans. Thousands of innocent people are rotting in prisons. Tens of thousands - pay off in silence, sometimes selling the latter.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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