What to do start-ups, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the big companies

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What to do start-ups, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the big companies

Сообщение DARPA » 06 окт 2015, 20:49

When you're little, you do not think about what problems are at large. I'd like to be great. But it is essential that during the growth of the business is not to repeat the mistakes that usually allow big companies. These errors are very expensive and they are very difficult to correct. Therefore, it is better not to do. This was my performance on LeanStartUp this week. I share their presentation with my comments and additions to the sometimes not very informative slides.

Large companies are burdened with assets greater economy. Each property requires attention and generates costs. The scale of these costs sometimes difficult to assess. They clung to each other and as a result - the company is ineffective. Therefore, if something can not take in the property and does not have - it is better not have.

Today's technology and the market enable to abandon many of ownership that previously seemed firm in terms of the need for ownership.

Since mid-September, I decided to give up the personal car and driver and completely moved to the taxi service. The decision is due to practical and economic considerations. Digital is coming ... Stay for a company car and personal driver makes no sense. Most of the time, they toil in the standby state, and my costs in going to the taxi service may be reduced by 50 percent This is another example of how the world is changing. What it was unimaginable before becoming a reality.

In large companies, just that people get used to engage consultants, to contact others to confirm sighting and alignment. It's a hidden form, and shift work, and the responsibility for it on the other. Involvement and responsibility of employees in large companies suffered greatly. You also do not need it!

Therefore, the main rule is in startups - get involved 120%. Sometimes it seems that consultants and other external guys - very smart and knowledgeable. And they have what you need. But, in fact, not all that is offered to you by - you really need a lot of things you yourself do much better. Just because I do it for myself.

In addition, when you make it yourself, you learn a lot faster. In the process of self-study, you will learn the unique role, learn new skills. Therefore, lead your blog or cook for yourself that you present! Presentations I always do myself, although, of course, in the company there is a minimum of a couple of dozen people who could make them for me and for me. But his thoughts and vision you need to express yourself. Also, when doing something himself, he begins to better understand the subject :)

Big companies believe that they have enough resources to do everything. And they lose focus. The system is complicated and often lost control, and costs are rising. Startups need to keep the focus of the limit because so many resources and there is no margin of safety, too.

An example of limiting the focus for me is the management Snapchat. Evan Spiegel, cofounder and Ceo Snapchat, we had a party in the Beeline, and we discussed various options for cooperation operator and Snapchat. But every time we have offered money, but it took quite a serious adjustment Snapchat and the appearance of small, but additional functionality, Evan was adamant. He firmly believed and believes that the focus must remain marginal and "purity" of the product. It helps him to grow among users. And the company is one application already grown to $ 15 billion valuation.

Employment in large companies sometimes relaxes. There is a daily routine and everyone there obeys quite measured rhythm of a large organization. It seems that everything is working and do not have to get up early (although there are always exceptions). But the work of people in a startup - is quite another state. It is necessary to plow in the morning until late at night. From dawn to dusk. Otherwise, stay and startup. Or worse - a failed startup.

This is my set alarms on your phone :) At 7 am every day I leave for work. Although I supervise a big company, but we need to do a lot more. Therefore we have to get up in the correct startup - very early. And at work.

The big companies are always big budgets and more or less stable (though too, is different) - and it is much corrupts people. Employees of large companies is quite atrophied brains to find cheaper and more for free embodiment of what can actually be done for free. Moreover, in a large company, if it is free, it is believed that the poor quality or even some bullshit.

But start-ups need to fight with atrophy of the brain and try as much as possible to preserve the culture - to find a free or very low-budget solutions to problems. And 90% of them actually can be found.

Even in our great company PJSC "VimpelCom" (her know how Beeline), we use free or extremely low cost solutions. Because it's cheap, really easily and quickly realizable. Well, you can always find a freebie. For example, today we offer for our customers rate "ALL" - unlimited and free 4G. Advertising, of course, but very to the point, it seems to me :)

Every company needs to have a clear head. The one that always, in addition to the bright prospects, sees risks and still knows how to count money. In large companies there is the chief financial officer with an entire service budgeting, perfomance management and the like.

In a startup does not need to create a great service. But someone with a sober head, which would periodically return the entire team down to earth and not give profukannyh money necessarily need. Only the authorities do not give him the - or did not take off. Here the important balance between the flight of imagination and enterprise, sober view of things.

From my personal experience, to find a great CFO and a man with a sober head - very difficult. We have the best work in the Beeline CFO, combining and sober view and understanding of the laws of business development. But at home I have the role of a man with a sober view of things perfectly fulfills my wife. And I am quiet for this part - both at home and at work.

Large companies grow so large that they forget their purpose. They have so many internal problems and concerns - of negotiations, meetings and things that they forget what they work. And they work for the client.

Startups sometimes enthusiastic team is so excited about the idea of ​​his idea, and the fact that they came together and everything is so cool that completely forget about his destiny. A mission from the start-ups and large companies one - to meet customer needs. And if your great idea Customers do not need - your startup will be zilch. So first of all think about the Customer and about what you need to satisfy. And make sure that he has chosen you - because it is convenient, fast, fun and pleasure. Without it - not your startup or your team does not need in this world. As well as the big companies - they lose their Client and inevitably die.

Spacious offices - it is for large companies. And what if the secret is not for everyone. The problem of large companies - is the fragmentation and disunity. People sit in different offices on different floors. In different rooms and behind closed doors. And this much is lost.

The beauty of a startup - all next to each other and in constant communication. This is a huge plus, and the longer you keep it, the later move to separate rooms and on different floors dispersed for the better.

In large companies, communication value, but to abandon their offices do not want to. Status, convenience and so on. But in the Beeline, we try to move in the opposite direction. And I'm out of his big, but the office, migrated to the open space.

Large companies operating in mature markets, keep yourself in good shape analysis of its market share, constantly comparing with competitors. It's really "sticks" and makes us think faster and more interesting. Otherwise, any large company begins to live by itself and its velocity slows down sharply. Look at monopoly industries, or where the dominant state - the speed and tone of life in them, tend to be quite low.

For start-ups market share does not matter for two reasons. First - their share of the existing market is scanty, the second - the market does not exist. Therefore, once it is necessary to keep yourself in good shape apart from being in good shape it keeps a constant lack of money.

Save tone to solve this case. Add energy and tone can be by participating in some kind of competitions and contests. Just do not participate in all - select the best competition and participate. Themselves vote, get a bunch of questions and comments that exactly thought-provoking, and of advertising himself did well. Unless, of course, prepare well :)

For example, we support the great contest startups - Eurasia Mobile Challenge. For all parts of the world selects the best ideas on mobile developments with the final in Barcelona - at Mobile World Congress. Welcome!

Large companies therefore considered great because they work a great number of people. It's cool, of course, but it is a source of great concern and problems. The structures are complicated, the information between the levels of distortion, we need people to manage other people, we need people to manage the people who manage other people want control of people and so on and so forth.

Each new person in the startup (and in any company) - is a risk and a source of potential problems. Of course, the new person brings something. But the balance of benefits and risks are often not in favor of the latter. Therefore, extends only as a last resort, the new man take only when absolutely sure that it is really needed and can do what you really need, and only he can do it.

If you follow these tips will not, very quickly turned into a traditional organization with its great challenges and getting these letters, as shown, is not far off. And this is a sign of the enormous structural problems in the organization. Startups such problems do not last long!

As a bonus to the 10 councils will add another one - a personal manager for a startup.

It is important, what are its goals and what goals the organization in the mind of the leader. If he thinks that would be a millionaire or even more, a billionaire - the likelihood that he will be named, it tends to zero.

We must think about the product, about the Customer, your company and the achievement of results - in short, it is necessary to think about work. Then the money and all the rest will come. Only later!!! Otherwise, if ever!

That's how it looks - the big screen and the small speakers :) But that's not it - and that everything will turn out:) In general, all you should have. If you follow these tips and use ALL our tariffs. Statistics show that the proportion of successful start-ups to those who use Beeline communication operators, and our most popular EVERYTHING rates above the average figure is 2-3 times * So make your conclusions !!!
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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