The collapse of the tenge and the other tails

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The collapse of the tenge and the other tails

Сообщение DARPA » 11 янв 2016, 14:38

1. The rate of the Kazakhstani tenge continues to dive, January 8 put a new anti-record - 351 tenge per dollar. The reasons for the devaluation of tenge exactly the same as we - stop world trade, which had led to a collapse in oil prices.

However, even though the currency problem and will not go for purses Kazakhs painless accident in Kazakhstan, I do not expect. It is easy to notice that the tenge now just returned to his usual steady level 5 tenge ruble:

This means that if nothing unexpected will happen, Kazakhs do not expect any strong downturn in the industry, not runaway inflation.

2. The Speaker of the European Parliament said that in Poland there is a "dangerous Putinization European policy": ... e82cb16e1b

It's amazing how many in the West think of us - in spite of the number of rolls over its own, without any relation to Russian concerns.

You can understand why we are discussing so many American problems: America is big, and from events in the United States depends very much around the world - both in the political and economic plane.

But how some Western politicians manage both ascribe all their problems the evil machinations of Russian, and at the same time claim that Russia - is allegedly "country gas station," which planet is more important than any of Somalia?

Perhaps more surprising is just another controversy - the opposition blamed the fall of the ruble at the same time decline in oil prices and the reunification of the Crimea with Russia.

When you write the next time that the "current exchange rate is the price paid for the Crimea", ask the opposition - "Is the Russian economy is not dependent on oil?" Conversely, if you say that the fall of the ruble to blame oil, ask - "is obtained, the Crimea is not related to the crisis?"

In any case, by the way, once again, I note that the main reason for the current crisis in Russia - it is still creeping global economy in crisis and the subsequent decline in oil prices. Vivifying sanctions, of course, managed to push a year ago, nearly double quotes of the ruble, but on that fuse our Western partners is over, and now the sanctions, perhaps, have already started to pay off by accelerating the process of import substitution.

3. On the domestic processors "Baikal" will produce computers for trains and planes:

Compete in price with the Chinese is that we can not, not the volume. However, trains and airplanes in the first reliability is important - and here the domestic electronics is quite competitive.

Let me remind you that the processors in Russia is now being developed and produced quite a lot:Российские_микропроцессоры

4. In the US, closed the country's largest metallurgical plant. If the plant is still closed - and this all goes - the volume of aluminum production in the US will fall to the level of 1950: ... skyi-zavod

In Russia, meanwhile, built two large aluminum plant - Boguchansky and Taishet:Крупные_российские_проекты_(строящиеся)

One of them - Boguchansky - should open already almost in January this year.

You ask me where they will take the new electricity plants? My answer is - opened new plants in Russia continuously: in fact, this is why we can afford to open new aluminum plants.

Here is a list of the largest power plants built in Russia in 2015:

The list, as you can see, an impressive - nuclear power, hydro power, thermal power plants ... the total amount of the entered power varies gigawatts.

5. I told you that one of the main reasons why the Americans bombed Libya, Gaddafi had plans to replace the dollar with gold dinars? Here, please confirm:

US State Department published the uncovered correspondence Mrs. Clinton showed that Americans are really worried about this.

6. Paluyan Paul writes that the first dog appeared in Siberia 35,000 years ago: ... let-nazad/

So, to build a clear, substantiated facts chain: the first dog on the mountain Afontova and dogs from Altai caves - this is the beginning, remote up to 35 thousand years into the past. Such similar finds - evidence of sustainability of the species and a large area of ​​distribution have already drawn up the domestic dog. Then - a few thousand years - a dog hunters in the Neolithic ritual burial places on the territory of Siberia and the Far East. It's the large animals, the ancestors of Siberian huskies, which scientists call laykoidami so. Laykoidy - versatile dogs that can drive the deer to go on the trail of a wounded mammoth afflicted with spears and arrows. They successfully distract the bear and cave lion, allowing people to gain victory over the terrible beast. And in the subsequent periods of the same dog appeared laykoidov-steppe shepherds of the Bronze Age (the so-called "bronze dog").

7. "patriot Handbook" published an article with a large selection of links to the sources, covering deaths of the Su-24 in Syria:Гибель_российского_Су-24_в_Сирии_24_ноября_2015_года

8. Recommended reading list of the technical outlook for the immediate future of Russia. It is painted, what specific events await us in the years 2016-2018:Будущее_России

For example, in April 2016 will be made the first rocket launch from the cosmodrome "East" and in June 2016 - a conclusion at full power energy bridge to the Crimea. In August 2016 the Olympic Games will be held in Brazil, but this time the Russian team will be very difficult to show them worthy of our reputation as a result.

9. Association of Moldova with the EU resulted in a decrease ... total exports of Moldovan goods:

Moreover, Socrates, as it turns out, not only the supply of goods to the CIS countries, but also the supply of goods to the EU.

I'm not sure that at the end of 2016 Ukraine will be able to show better results than Moldova and everything to increase the volume of exports to the EU.

10. "to Lenta.Ru" positively changed for the better. For example, a wonderful article, revealing some Western myths about North Korea:

I note that there is no doubt that the standard of living in North Korea is very low. However, as there is no doubt in the fact that the information on North Korea, which appears in the Western media, is often unreliable.

11. In Lithuania, a demographic catastrophe is brewing, says Gintaras Sarafins, Lithuanian journalist: ... katastrofa

It seems to me that Mr. Sarafins few late with their gloomy forecasts. Demographic catastrophe in Lithuania - thanks to 25 years of "independence" - has matured and blossomed:Литва

Lithuania's population decreased from 3.7 million in 1992 to 2.9 million at present. To understand the scale of the tragedy: if Russia's population declined at the same rate in our country is now living not 146 million and 116 million people.

12. Sad news from Alex Exler's - blogger, who has the reputation of opposition circles rather rukopozhatnogo person. It turns out that the Spanish speakers on TV on New Year's broadcasts stars fellow citizens want in the first place ... work:

The reason is clear: unemployment in Spain reached 25%, and specifically for the youth unemployment rate reaches 50% of the monstrous.

13. The remarkable list of 15 useful links for those who have any relation to the production of web sites: ... ov_3899306

For example, short game, which is literally 20 minutes to teach you to do the right kerning:

14. "Rosatom" began to build a nuclear power station in Egypt - it will be the first nuclear power plants in the country:

Let me remind you that every nuclear power plant - is not only a significant amount of money for its construction, but also a strong trade relationship for at least 50 years ahead, to serve as the nuclear power plants and to supply fuel for them can usually only manufacturer.

15. Analysis of finance "Plato", the discussion of which in recent weeks managed to have many podnadoest:

Recommended for those who like to first thoroughly delve into the numbers, and only then make an opinion on the topic.

16. George Lucas - author of "Star Wars" - praised the Soviet censorship. If Soviet censorship is usually praised for what she did not admit to the reader absolutely frank slag, the George Lucas said that the Soviet filmmakers had more freedom than his own:

I think many will agree with Mr. Lucas: If the Soviet directors could do without much regard for the financial success of the picture, the Western directors held tightly and keeps on a leash invisible hand of the market.

However, let me forgive patriots, yet it is impossible not to recognize that American cinema has made very, very impressive success: including creative ...

Or, for example, we do not think about the cinema, and poetry. In Pushkin's time the number of illiterate people has been in Russia since a hundred times lower than in the present. And what - we can boast today that live in Russia 100 geniuses level Pushkin? I'm not sure.

However, it's a topic for another article. Merry you Monday - and please do not watch tomorrow every 15 minutes for Stock market graphs. Be sure to happen as soon as something really interesting about this conspiracy of each iron.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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