Saudi Arabia and the Middle East

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Saudi Arabia and the Middle East

Сообщение DARPA » 13 янв 2016, 16:11

January 2nd Saudi Interior Ministry announced the execution of 47 people convicted of "terrorism or incitement to it." Among those executed was the famous Shiite preacher Nimr al-Nimr and even a group of Shiites who do not have nothing to do with "Al Qaeda" or to "Iclamskomu state." At the same bodies of those executed are not demonstrably been issued to relatives and were secretly buried.
These actions are immediately led to mass protests of the Shiite population of Saudi Arabia, the suppression of which was immediately thrown into the police and special forces. Of course, all this could not but provoke Shi'ite Iran, whose leaders have compared the policy of the authorities CSA with militancy "Islamic state" and suggested Riyadh cut staff in its embassy in Tehran. And the next day, radically-minded Iranian young people gathered at the Embassy of Saudi Arabia broke into the embassy and defeated him, as well as the consulate in Mashhad KSA ...
In response to the defeat of the diplomatic missions of the kingdom in Iran Riyadh immediately announced the severance of diplomatic relations, and combat aircraft of Saudi Arabia during the bombing of the capital of Yemen, Sana'a occupied by Shiite militants hussitami hit the territory adjacent to the Iranian Embassy in wounding several employees Embassy.
Such a sharp escalation of the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia even more randomized and without that very heart-pounding and the situation in the region, where both blazes several armed conflict - a civil war in Syria, the anti-terrorist operation the US and its allies against the LIH, anti-terrorist operation of the coalition of Syria, Iran and Russia against Islamic radicals fighting against the Kurds, and LIH AnNusry.
What does this new "hot spot" on the map of the Middle East?
It is evident that Saudi Arabia alone is not able in any way seriously confront Iran. Their military and mobilization capacity is not comparable. Iran is much more powerful and dynamically developing country, with vast experience of warfare in the region, a powerful army and industry, while the Saudi monarchy is actually a "hothouse" political entity raised on windfall profits from the huge oil reserves were under the control of several tribal chiefs proclaimed themselves after the departure of the British colonialists "kings" with operetta army unfit for action. Even the combined forces of the so-called "coalition of the Saudi", which includes such "conditional" countries like Somalia, Sierra Leone, Mali, or are on the other side of the world Malaysia and the Maldives, did not raise the level of combat readiness Sauditskoy monarchy. Why we need Riyadh Series so demonstrative conflict with Iran?
To find the answer to this question, we must consider the situation in Saudi Arabia itself. Today, the Kingdom is rapidly slipping into the most difficult in the history of economic and political crisis. The current governor of KSA King Salman Al Saud old (he is 80), and is seriously ill. In fact, Saudi Arabia on behalf of several groups of controls crown princes claiming the throne and constantly warring with each other. In the context of such political turbulence of the kingdom was drawn into a military confrontation in Yemen, where the Shiites rose-Huthis. The outcome of this sad adventure - hussity gradually take the initiative and work closely with the Saudi army threatened to take control of strategic isthmus Gulf of Aden, which goes through the export of Saudi oil. The economy of the kingdom is in deep crisis. So, in 2015 Riyadh finishes with a record budget deficit of nearly $ 100 billion, accounting for 15% of GDP. (For comparison - in Russia today a deficit of only 3.5% of GDP, Ukraine - 7.5%). The price of oil is falling rapidly, and in 2106 the budget deficit in Saudi Arabia, according to experts, can reach for 60% of GDP.
At the same time, there is a systemic crisis of the main geopolitical project of Saudi dynasty - Wahhabi-Salafi "redistribution" Greater Middle East, which is more than forty years has been the Saudi dynasty and its allies Qatar and joined them in recent years, Turkey's Islamist erdoganovskoy. After unsuccessful attempts of the sixties of the last century to unite the Arab East and North Africa into a single geopolitical entity under the banner of pan-Arab Baath Socialist Party, strongly opposed the Saudi dynasty, seeing it as a threat to its existence, Riyadh itself, in turn, took up the union in the Middle East, but under its protectorate. It should be noted that gegemonistkie plans ErRiyada have quite a long history. More in 1744 diriyah Amir Muhammad ibn Saud took protection theologian Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and took his religious teachings later became known as Wahhabism. For several decades, Ibn Saud and his descendants on the basis of religious enthusiasm Wahhabis were able to subdue the entire Najd, west and east of the Arabian Peninsula, but in 1811 by order of the Ottoman Sultan against them made by the Khedive of Egypt Muhammad Ali. Over the next seven years Saudis have lost everything, and in 1818, after five months of siege, the Egyptians took their capital diriyah and razed it to the ground, and Amir Abdullah I ibn Saud was sent to Istanbul, where he was beheaded.
Since then, the Saudis tried twice more to create an extensive Arabian-Arab state under his control, but all of these attempts to rigidly suppressed and repressed until 1927 Britain did not recognize the independence of microscopic ErRiyada. A New History of the Saudi monarchy began with the opening of the Arabian Peninsula under the ground huge oil reserves ensured a fantastic and enriching the Saudi King Faisal, toppled in 1964, his brother Saud. That's when Faisal and launched a geopolitical plan of expansion of Wahhabism in the Middle East Islamic space.
As part of the plan since the beginning of the seventies The Saudis have established very close relations with the United States, playing for the time being the role of the rich and lavishly generous American allies in the Middle East ready around to follow them. For many billions of Saudi bailouts and bribes increased two generations of American politicians and diplomats. With their help and with their hands in the nineties - the two thousandth years in the US military intervention and special operations Saudis initially weakened and isolated, and after that, and finally "smoothed" the most powerful secular regimes in the Middle East - Iraq and Libya, destroying the Baath as a geopolitical rival. A new stage has begun with the Saudi expansion, so-called "Arab Spring", in which the money on unproven Riyadh extremist groups and the army began the triumphant march of the Middle East, occupying one country after another. It KSA and Qatar are the main co-sponsors, and curators and igil and Dzhabhad Alnusra and notorious AlKaydy and more of a tangle of various extremist groups.
But very soon the Saudi plan misfired. Promotion Saudis to the worldwide caliphate very firmly opposed the other pole of the Islamic world - Shiite Iran, who saw in the expansion of a direct threat to its existence. All captured Saudis countries began speaking Shiites, who soon moved into an armed confrontation. Then there was a crash plan in Egypt, where the curators from the United States, fearful of revenge sharp Islamist hands of the Egyptian military "smoothed" group prosaudovskuyu Mursi. And for those erriyadsky "Drang nach-Osten," finally stalled in Syria after Assad's government was supported by Iran first, and after that, and Russia. Even more complicated situation Riyadh Iran's support for Shia in Iraq, who are taking power into their own hands, gradually LIH driven farther into the wilderness.
On the face of the systemic crisis in which Saudi Arabia is clearly not calculate the forces, no longer able to effectively carry out its geopolitical plan to capture the Greater Middle East, and begins to slide into a large-scale political, military and economic collapse. In these circumstances, the Saudi princes, it seems, decided to use his last trump card - the force of its allies have long lured Americans to intervene and move ErRiyadom currently playing a game of stalemate or even a draw. In which the United States firmly besiege Iran will take under its protectorate Riyadh and save from defeat Islamist Internationale in Syria and Iraq, the head of the military confrontation in Syria in the framework of a permanent endless war. During her Saudi princes hope to "translate" became futile antiassadovskuyu war into a war of all against Sunnis "infidels" - unbelievers, which is trying to put the CSA today Iran and Russia, where currently they'll take the role of defenders of the faith and the new Saladin ...
That's just how this plan meets the Saudi American interests? Judging by the dynamics of oil prices, the US did not rush to save the KSA. In fact, the output of US oil companies in the world market finally buries Saudi Arabia as the world control the price of oil, on what almost forty years to keep the power of the Saudi dynasty. Another global player - Russia - is also not going to cut oil production, if only because it was in an economic crisis due to the introduction of Western sanctions against it. Although falling oil prices also seriously undermines the Russian economy, but the force of the impact collapsed the price of oil on the Saudi dynasty is not commensurate powerful.
In these circumstances, rigid confrontation with Iran and "vparivanie" Americans dominate the Iranian threat in the region remains the last argument naked Saudi kings.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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