Handbag cleaners "Gazprom" as an illustration of unequal exchange

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Handbag cleaners "Gazprom" as an illustration of unequal exchange

Сообщение DARPA » 16 янв 2016, 13:58

Probably most readers have heard of her purse from Dior, which was stolen from the cleaners, "Gazprom". The victim modestly appreciated her 300 thousand. Then journalists have unearthed what is this bag 2600000 (two million six hundred thousand). "You cheated. You have been given a much better fur - Shanghai is the leopard." Well, it is clear that the victim did not cleaner, not some woman Attracting, well, at least, cleaning the operator used in the manufacturing process of advanced marketing achievements and creative solutions. In principle, the woman Attracting a bucket and mop, too, could wash office, but agree that it is not glamorous. "Sticky".

However, it is not about that. Talking about equivalent exchange.

Let's recalculate the value of handbags on the cost of the main product - oil. Or, to make it more clearly, the cost of the most popular products of its processing - gasoline. How many gallons of gasoline has been given for this h..nyu that the picture handbag? Without claims to scientific accuracy, navskidu. Just to be clear about what proportions in question.

Take the conditional price of a barrel over the last year - $ 60. And about the course - 60 rubles. That is, somewhere in 3600 rubles per barrel. 2,600 divided by 3600 - we find that the bag cost $ 722 barrel of. From a barrel of oil (again - about), get 102 liters of gasoline. Plus, there are still other valuable by-products - but okay, sleeping on the shrinkage-outage. 722 a barrel multiplied by 102 liters - get 73 644 liters of gasoline. With an average annual consumption of 3,600 liters (if you go for 100 km a day and burn 10 liters) it turns out that bag is the cost of gasoline, enough to ride in a car for 100 kilometers a day for 20 years. 20 years, Carl! 100 km per day.

The question is, why so expensive handbag, and that's so special? - Leave to psychologists. Dear it is for the same reason that the native potentates considered very expensive color stёklyshki. For us the important question of why people with psychology Papuans have access to nation-wide strategic resources.

Let's look at the cycle of things in nature. Oil was explored and mined from the Russian interior. In exchange for her oil company received a non-cash US dollars, that is tsiferki computer. And then these tsiferki began to turn into pieces of leather and cloth stёklyshki, equipped with beautiful leyblochkami. How is this different from the sale of land for the Papuans with glass beads and fire-water? Yes, nothing at all! It is exactly the same. Old and proven way to take away the Papuan something of value in exchange for the trifling trinket.

To sum up the activities of a major Russian resource companies is very simple - to walk on its head office and homes of employees and to gather into one handful acquired over the years of "values." Will slide handbags and straps, and sweet multi-colored pieces of glass cloths, and zakolochek ryushechek, and dog costumes. That's what gave us the reality of the West in exchange for oil, gas and metal.

We are sometimes surprised Western capitalists who do not wear expensive brands of clothing and do not buy super-expensive cars - that's what they are modest! Yes, it's not modesty. Simply, they are well aware that the price of the junk that they themselves and vparivayut.

Stalin in exchange for grain and oil purchased modern machinery and build factories, trained engineers and design bureaus created. You can imagine what it would be with a friend Poskrebёshevym if he saluted hours, the cost of which is equivalent to the cost of the composition with a grain of ... Yes, in general, it's not the fear of punishment - they were adults who knew the value of things, and the proposal instead of several modern machines or the reservoir oil to buy a handbag, tie or belt might cause they just laugh.

I do not want to say that we do not build and do not do. MIC still revived, and it's great. But I do not understand why society tolerate managers who are ready to change the strategic resources on pointless trinkets? People who buy their "Cleaning operators" bags worth 722 barrel of oil, should not work in state-owned companies do not because they are thieves, but because they are in terms of development - young children. But children should not be allowed to dispose of money - all spent on toys.

No wonder all the same in the Soviet Union was banned advertising! In general, the time would have us to be serious and stop to change the strategic resources on shiny baubles. The crisis, after all. And even better to make themselves "luxury" and their vtyuhivat rest of the world.

The last historical example.

"..Krasavitsy Roman, seductive and powerful, demanding husbands and fans silk tunic. This tunic cost extremely expensive, almost as expensive as gold. The Romans were spending a lot of money on silk, buying it with the merchant-brokers in Iran and Syria, gave their wives, mistresses and ... did not have the funds to pay his soldiers. Because of the non-payment of salaries soldiers rebelled. Emperors and nobles perished in the flames of riots, but this terrible policy that ruined Rome, lasted for two hundred years (I-III centuries. ).

It was an unpleasant situation in China. The Chinese are prepared for silk or horses on the steppe, or luxury items from the Mediterranean. Corals, purple paint, jewels battered nobility and peasants took silk. All want to get the most precious commodity that by selling it to please their wives and daughters. Naturally, the Chinese have developed a system in which everything was done, how would say today, "to pull". All the wives and concubines of the emperor (as Emperor relied harem) steel smuggle their relatives to positions of rulers and chiefs. These families received the right to manage a domain, immediately began to press the farmers to get money for bribes. Their crime, of course, could not remain secret for the government: the Chinese are always wrote each other denunciations, the benefit of them had a lot of literacy. Stewards at times executed. But those anticipating bitter fate, treasures buried in the ground, indicating the place for their children. And that is why the Government, knowing the manners of compatriots was executed not only the offender, but also his entire family.

So the silk trade turned out to be disastrous for both empires: Roman and Chinese. "

(Lev Gumilyov. From Russia to Russia)
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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