About life in Europe

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About life in Europe

Сообщение DARPA » 17 янв 2016, 16:33

I have repeatedly expressed their common position: by and large, do not care where to live. If you take a country where there is no war, epidemic, ebola, total unemployment, hunger, lack of rights and freedoms and regular natural disasters, on the whole, quite a few countries differ, and everywhere you can with a normal level of income to build a comfortable life. And happiness - it inside and turn in the present case it is just a change of scenery.
About advantages of living in Italy, I will not write, because I think they are so obvious. The main subjective advantage that said guests have mom - it reigned we have peace and tranquility in the background measured in European life. We often have guests from Russia and, of course, their level of nerves and a general glow in contrast always felt, but I cheated on our perception. But, apparently, stay in a rustic mountain air does not pass in vain =). Well, the rest plus you, I think, guess =). Now about the difficulties that have to be faced.
Of course, time and again cited the lack of "bohatoy" illuminations, paid (very not cheap) parking, huge income taxes - it's all garbage, at least in a situation of sufficient intelligence to proschityvaniya all tsiferok before departure =). In my opinion, the main challenges at the two immigrants. According to the observations, they lead to the return home (or to the new relocation) and not pay toilets.
First - it nevpisyvaemost Russian Ponte European realities and the need to take their "average". In Russia, a very thin layer of so-called middle class (even in Moscow), so earning in Russia a normal European wages, you can afford a lot and against the background of how the country lives in the middle, you feel like a king. In Europe, it is quite normal salary, that makes you the most European "middle class", which in practice means that the salary is not particularly show off, and will be just normal and dignified life, "like everyone else".
More in our popular concept of "status", something similar to the American reality, where every increase of the work is expected to upgrade the house, the car, the child's school, progressive consumerism. Hence originate mortgage payments and credit polzarplaty iPhones. In Europe, a completely different attitude to money, status, and the notion of culture is almost not spelled out. Firstly, it is considered just plain ugly to boast of money. Secondly, to earnings made more rational attitude. The Prime Minister does not consider it a humiliation to fly economy class on scheduled passenger flights, and if the machine is selected from the family home only once a week for food, then it makes no sense to buy a new Mercedes, you can do a decade Fiat. There often ask themselves "if I can afford it" and "if this is rational waste", and in general human welfare is very difficult to determine by how he dressed and what goes, and even where he lives. I have never heard of the European statement in the spirit of "uncomfortable in his position to ride such a modest car." Now these phrases from citizens even cut ear =).
In general, no special privileges, all live rovnenko, which means that if all of a sudden you for some reason want to imagine some special "buns" - the plot is not the standard three-hundred and 20, a gasoline car with a big engine, and not a tiny hybrid, kindergarten or school fee, but not the state - the fee for these vagaries is disproportionate - and monthly expenses, and taxes.
The result is a culture shock - that is, all of these vagaries standard European wages are not expected and there is a feeling that your standard of living has slid sharply down, in spite of all the good infrastructure such as police work, clean streets and good ecology.
I must say, this side of Europe we somehow spared because we are from the beginning were ready and happy to have exchanged the "show-off" on the cleanliness and safety =). Besides the IBA, work for a large company and at the same time the economic crisis in Italy (= relatively low prices for all) if you do not allow us to show off, then at least have the standard of living of local 40-50 year olds, rather than bare thirty students =) . Perhaps life in some of Norway would be different (as, indeed, and the salary). Nevertheless, you can not not celebrate on a daily basis, that much of the disposable income goes to private is not, and for the public good, and the rest have to manage quite rationally. I know it's not a story about how the Russian people that thought at some point it became unbearable and they went back to their homes on the ruble =).
The second important point - this is a lack of quality communication. Much of this, of course, is caused by the lack of a common cultural code. And it's not even the fact that we have, for example, it is not forbidden to climb a girlfriend at home in the fridge, and in Italy it's just no one comes to mind (although related to personal space, including psychological, we have with Europe very different), but what we watched cartoons as a child, after the frost walks went home and drank tea, and the apartment smelled of tangerines, etc. All these small details of ordinary life, from birth hoarding, actually play a very important role, especially when you want to build with someone communication is not at "hello - hello", and a little more closely.
It is in the treasury of other ideas about pastimes and all other interests. In Italy, people break away from Mommy's breast and go into free swimming career by the age of 30. After that they spend five years on the job (people similar to our educational circles and more a part of life to go abroad), get married, have children, and from that moment 90% spend time with his family. It was with his family, and not, for example, with its detnymi friends. The family is generally the most important and basic interest of Europeans, especially the south. Karerotsentrichnost, especially among people over 35, much lower than in Moscow and in the United States. Among the young lovers to hang out more - but it is again, the category of plus or minus 24 years old, and those who are older, again, spend time with parents and grandparents. Christmas and New Year - grandmothers, vacation skiing - with parents, and so on to their own family and children, and then - with them (and sometimes three or four generations at once).
If you look at the demographics of our Milan office - the thirties there can be counted on the fingers of two hands. And that we have a very progressive company, on average, the market situation is much worse. Basically ambitious and precocious youth from leaving Italy, and not vice versa. At the same time when I think about what would have happened if my husband was 40 or 45, I clearly see the interaction with Italian mummies on children and what to cook for dinner (Italians can talk about eating non-stop!), But that's all. People who are interested in traveling, books, sports (in addition to vacation on skis), and most importantly - jobs and careers, women in business and the like, to me two years to find a find a managed very little, despite the excellent of inscribed anywhere, languages and openness to new interesting experience. Given that I irrepressible extrovert, I suffer from it. And of course, I am terribly spoiled their circle of contacts in Moscow - still believe that such a concentration of people there is only steep in the top ten cities in the world, and now all my life I will suffer from the fact that I was lucky to be born in one of them. Sometimes, after a couple of months, limited communication it seems to me that the item itself could become a base for me to return to Moscow if almost all my social circle not parted over the years in other countries, or did not change a way of life =). After krymnasha and sanctions to return to Russia in general somehow it seems to work, which is alluded to, and gradually strengthened break in the mentality and reality (visible and in person, and online debates), although, of course, rule out nothing can =) .
In this communion with immigrated compatriots do not always solve the issue - almost everywhere is quite narrow and specific group of people, and it turns out that the communication does not choose the quality, and on linguistic grounds. In Italy the most common Russian - stay here back in the 90 tour guides and other representatives of tourism professions, as well as the wives of Italians settled home, that is, again turns divergent interests and lifestyle.
I think it is this point leads to the fact that many choose a more easy way of embedding in the local immigrant or returning to their homeland with the comment that came back "because of the people."
Such are the observations. What do you think, what are the most complicated things in exile? From whom is mostly your circle of friends, if you do not live in the CIS?
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