In 2016, the strategic direction of US foreign policy will be the conclusion of negotiations on an agreement on the transatlantic trade and investment

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In 2016, the strategic direction of US foreign policy will be the conclusion of negotiations on an agreement on the transatlantic trade and investment

Сообщение DARPA » 21 янв 2016, 22:26

It is reported that the agreement provides for the creation of a free trade zone with the United States and the European Union. In these states accounted for 60% of global GDP and 33% of world trade. In addition, the task to put in place (to ratify) the agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), which in October 2015 was signed in Atlanta (USA) 12 states.

In the country of TTP is estimated to account for 40% of world trade. In both agreements involving the United States, whose share of world trade is estimated at about 10%. Thus, in the case of the entry into force of both agreements are two transoceanic partnership will control 73% of world trade. More specifically, control trade will be the United States. It would seem that for free trade has been an institute called the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The WTO today is 162 States. From the beginning, the organization has been designed in such a way that the decisive voice on key issues remained for Western countries. US, Western Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, to liberalize world trade for the benefit of their transnational corporations (TNCs).

But in recent years to do this is becoming increasingly difficult. Negotiations have been conducted since 2001. Developing countries are trying to facilitate the access of their products (primarily agricultural) to the markets of Western countries, but one and a half decades of progress in the negotiations could not be reached. Washington and its allies harder to promote their business interests in the world markets for goods and services. Since 2012, Washington has begun to create an alternative platform of the WTO in the form of two transoceanic partnerships, bearing in mind that the United States will be determined on the grounds of rules of the game, and the WTO quietly become a shell without content.

Performing such a maneuver, Washington counts: 1) to restore its control over global trade;

2) The cost to weaken Russia, China and other BRICS countries, leaving them in the trade isolation. Usually they say that the two partnerships promoted by the United States, will enable them to establish an effective world trade over the control. Not certainly in that way. It requires three clarifications. First. The initiator of both projects actually serve as the US government, but the State is acting in the interests of transnational corporations (TNCs) and transnational banks (TNB), which ultimately will control the global trade. And the state wither away, or the United States, as the WTO, will become a shell without content. Second. Under the control of transnational corporations and TNB will be delivered not only trade but also economic, social and policy of all countries involved in the said partnership.

States involved in the TATIP and TTP, will lose most of its sovereign prerogatives. Third. Besides the two transoceanic partnerships plan it includes a third element, which is rarely mentioned. This Trade In Services Agreement (TISA), the Agreement on Trade in Services (CTS). It is assumed that all the countries that sign agreements TATIP TTP and join the TSA. If TATIP and TTP present in the form of original Trojan horses, the agreement on trade in services looks like a weapon of final victory.

Under the "final victory" refers to the complete elimination of sovereign states. Another year and a half ago, no one had heard of the TSA. Information about the upcoming convention there in the summer of 2014 on the site Wikileaks. From this information indicated that the preparation of the TSA began in 2012, initiated the agreement made by the United States and Australia. Gradually the circle of participants in the negotiations expanded. At the time of leakage of information were involved in negotiations for 50 countries (including 28 EU Member States).

Their total share in the world trade in services is nearly 70%. Preparation of the TMB has three key features. Firstly, the negotiations on the TSA conducted outside the WTO. Within the framework of the WTO, as it is known, operates the General Agreement on Trade in Services - the GATS. Considering that in the field of international trade in services is still plenty of unresolved problems, it would be logical to address them through completion of the GATS. But the US and its allies decided that they closely at the WTO, they organized a parallel negotiating platform. In fact, this ramshackle organization with a history of nearly 70 years (GATT appeared in 1947).

Secondly, to discuss the project STU persistently invited Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa. They are not even officially informed of the existence of such a project. In fact, it is a policy of isolation. That is not the TSA is aimed at cooperation and to oppose. No wonder Barack Obama says that America can not allow countries like China, write the rules of the global economy. Like, these rules have to write the United States. Third, the TSA until the summer of 2014 was developed in secrecy.

Moreover, if an agreement is signed, the content will remain a secret even within five years. If the signing does not take place, it is still within five years of negotiations on the material will be classified as "secret." Games for Democracy ended. EU negotiations on the TSA led the European Commission (EC) without approval from the EU member states and the European Parliament. Until mid-2014, the European Parliament was never informed of the negotiations on the TSA. However, in the summer of 2014, the Committee on International Trade (INTA) became interested in the negotiation process in view of the serious concerns that have arisen after the publication of Wikileaks.

Viviane Reding MEP was appointed Rapporteur for the TSA. At a press conference January 13, 2015, she complained about the total lack of transparency of the negotiation process and noted that transparency is key, and that the locally necessary to participate in this process, the European Parliament, the social partners and NGOs. Nevertheless, in March 2015 under public pressure, EU Member States formally delegated authority to the European Commission to negotiate the TSA. Negotiations are conducted in Geneva. Formally, they have begun in March 2013.

It's been 15 rounds of talks, last held in December 2015, the next round is scheduled for 16 February 2016. Co-chaired the meetings alternately perform the US, EU, Australia. Now, after each round of talks were published memorandums and press releases, but it is an empty piece of paper in which no content. Here are the main features of the TSA.

Firstly, the TSA provides that the rules in the market of services since the entry into force of the agreement will be determined not by national states, and by some supranational institutions. States lose the right to take any laws and regulations, deteriorating business conditions in the market.

Secondly, it provided the TSA regulation affects not only the market for commercial services (transport, tourism, hospitality, communications, consumer services, etc.), but the most important functions of the state. In terms of the TSA is "public services." Third, the TSA provides that the State should gradually abandon the provision of services to the public, transferring this activity to private business. (Ed. - Which is already being implemented in Russia) Here, let me retreat. If you teach the people to the concept of "public services" (first step), the more you can take the next step: to convince people that these "services" should apply.

Then the third step is a suggestion to people the notion that "services" are not necessarily provided by the State, cheaper and better it will make a private business. And then a private business "effective" will be engaged in the provision of public housing and utilities, health, education and other services. How it looks in reality, everyone knows.

Fourth, the TSA requires to fully open the national market "services", which will come TNCs and TNB. As a result, the state as the sphere of "general public interest" should be wither. Experts who have studied the working documents of the negotiations on the TSA ("leaks" occur despite all the precautions on the part of the organizers of the talks), according to the following details.

First TSA destroys the social functions of the state (education, health, public services) which will be transferred to supranational structures. It will be eliminated state regulation of the financial sector. First of all, this insurance and banks. They also need to adjust the supranational bodies. TSA provides for further liberalization of the financial markets (despite the fact that the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Has shown that it is impossible to do).

The most important part of the upcoming financial reform (and global governance as a whole) - a translation of monetary completely cashless. It is easier to manage the "consumer services" citizens. Objectionable citizens will be very easy to disconnect from the system "services". Finally, special attention is paid to the area of ​​information services (media, internet, library). TSA provides for the establishment of strict control over the population by means of information and communication technologies that will enable citizens to monitor compliance with the standards set by supranational institutions (world government).

TISA is a project of privatization of the state in terms of social, financial and information services. Benefited from this project are not millions and billions of people, and the families of the world oligarchy, to build a planetary concentration camp called "global governance." Introducing the document shows that this is a final plan to seize power in the world financial oligarchy, the owners of the money.

There is no place empty language of demagogy about "democracy", "human rights", "corporate social responsibility". Everything is hard, concrete, serious, with an incremental movement in a given direction. This project is the final transition to the new world order - about this, as described by George Orwell's novel "1984" and "Animal Farm." The owners of money in a hurry. The signing of the Agreement on trade in services is scheduled for 2020, but it is likely that the process will be boosted.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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