Time fell from Pattaya in Russia

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Time fell from Pattaya in Russia

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 15 мар 2016, 12:10

Palm trees, the sea, great food, yoga in the fresh air and the eternal rasslabon. Time flows differently here. It disappears, and spilling litter hlopushechnym confetti. Rain colored impressions playing with bright colors, but it is similar to the previous ones, made at the same Chinese pipeline. The eternal Groundhog Day sucked deeper and deeper, like quicksand.

Time swift streams seeping through his fingers, without stopping for a second. It is not possible for anything to cling to. Where you can spend a few months and did not notice it. In polar year is two, but the residents of Pattaya, you can safely go to retire within five years of residence. Default about tourists, for whom two weeks flying at a speed of a mad parrot. Understand that bright plumage as possible, but do not have time to consider the bird.

Pattaya carousel makes a full rotation every night, returning you to the starting point every morning, or rather afternoon, when lazily crawled out of bed. It's a fun ride with songs, but if it is too long to ride, it inevitably begins to feel sick. From day to day repetitive small unpleasant details accumulate in someone who is no longer possible to hold back any props.


Firstly, you are a guest, as a constant reminder. Moreover, the visitor is not particularly welcome. You suffer only because of money, hiding her irritation behind a smile. Accidental Tourist in a whirlwind of tours does not notice anything, but the person living here for months, regularly confronted with a cold attitude to yourself. All tense waiting for the early payment, without worrying about your mood and comfort. Is the product or service. Quickly pay and Wali yourself, do not bother to do business.

Even the knowledge of Thai does not guarantee that the local will be welcomed with open arms. Everyone looks like a walking ATM machine and nothing else. The standard of living in the local average low that only inflames cupidity. There resort, where they are accustomed to the heavy traffic of tourists. Once I arrived to distant lands, so rich. White people always and all obliged to give money. Even in public places, such as at the beach or in the park, is attacked sellers of all rubbish and beggars. The role of the eternal debtor tires.

Secondly, hard look. Pattaya travel for cheap sex around the world and the atmosphere of this correspondence. Therefore, women here look with undisguised lust. At first amused attention of lustful old men and jealousy rays from the eyes of their Thai girlfriends. Then it becomes annoying, but it's all nonsense - very hard look at the Arab-Hindu population. They look so that immediately want to run to the shower to wash off the greasy fingerprints. Vile, although there is nothing wrong. In all the years that I visit Pattaya, never never touched one, in contrast to the hustle in the Moscow subway, where paw regularly.


Third, all obsessed with money. Holiday scheme works clearly. If you realize that you are not willing to pay for goods or services, as do ordinary tourists, do not wait reverence. With his ordinary citizens, too, is not a special ceremony. There are all in a row to push the beam in a minibus or build in the queue at any state structures as stupid cattle. Hesitated, and can shout. God forbid, the insurance company refuses to pay the hospital. All dogs later, even if you die. Discharged astronomical bills for medical care and will shake as long until they get every last baht.

There is nothing free. Once the owner of the apartments in Croatia by Zadar pouring wine, fed figs and boating of all guests. It did not threaten him ruinous spending was done wholeheartedly. Pattaya is unthinkable. Here believe every penny and live modestly on a small salary or low margin. They can make a discount, but no gifts. On the one hand not to overpay for anything, on the other - do not get surprises. Fair enough, but sternly.

Fourth, is suspected of fraud. The same specificity resort place with dashing tourists. On the border asked return tickets that did not stay long position. If there is the slightest hitch with the payment of goods or accounts can instantly get out of yourself. Some stores are so afraid of thefts that prohibit try on clothes. If you start to wander along the rows with souvenir rubbish, on the heels of the seller with a disturbing person. All fairly spit on good intentions and hurt feelings.


Fifth, except for the coast and the only public park there is nowhere to walk, and I love to walk. Sidewalks are virtually absent. A few pedestrian zones either destroyed or made to tables, bikes, garbage cans and pillars. Heat and dense flow transport chadyaschie buried desire to go anywhere during the day. Thais do not like to walk and do not advise others. To walk normally account for somewhere special to go.
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