Vladimir Putin turns off the Russian military mission in Syria. Hike for truth ended

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Vladimir Putin turns off the Russian military mission in Syria. Hike for truth ended

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 15 мар 2016, 18:26

Vladimir Putin turns off the Russian military mission in Syria. Hike for truth ended and today our soldiers will start to pack your bags and advancing home. Probably the first time in Russian history, we come out of the military conflict without an unambiguous result. We have won or lost? The impression that look interesting movie-detective, and when there is literally ten minutes before the final, the screen pops up the word "end of the movie." The viewer is given the opportunity to dofantazirovat ending tape! Let's try?

How it all began? LIH occupies a large part of the country, controlling oil production, due to which and develops. It develops to the extent that easy oil is trading with an informal Turkey, hoping to in the near future an IPO for a better capitalization of their business. There was even talk that the son of President Erdogan of Turkey is the main partner of the warring shady dealers. It is rumored the Russian media, the US also claim that in transactions directly implicated President Assad of Syria: in fact, so LIH does not conquered by Syrian forces.

Actually, money and money, oil, and oil, and LIH Assad. Why do the US and Russia were there? Russia needs base closer to Turkey, and in general control of the region and the United States, of course, no such neighborhood does not want and about! Ideally - to remove Assad and put some democratic president, approved by the White House.

- But it's not fair! - Poluplacha says Assad Putin, while in the Kremlin. We support you, support, there's even postcards and posters produce, learn to pronounce "Shpasiba Putin!" and "Dushba navcegda" and you say, do not want to stand up for us in this Mahach. And Vladimir Vladimirovich decides to stand up!

And we fly our falcons, and gauges for them, and flew thousands of materials in the media! Victory can not be avoided. Well, if Vladimir Vladimirovich stood up, then all evil will be defeated! Instantly there were caricatures of Obama-Erdogan-monkey and pig instantly smell rhetoric "Syria will soon be ours!". Money to spare, LIH - too. We will show, they say, the US has as its Russian protect!

Indeed, money is not spared, resources - too. The Russian army triumphantly comes. Syrian troops act as cleaners: smooth out the territory from which fled after the bombing of LIH with part of the population. "Russian invincible!" - A new trend in Russian media space. US general is either in shock, or in some strategic thought: what to do?

It would seem that the final "Syrian blockbuster" is almost here! Russian world completely free from LIH, the world applauds, Assad announces democratic elections, where he himself had won. Vladimir Putin - a brilliant strategist of his time. United States arrange for the full program, giving full initiative in the struggle and, most importantly, - large-scale victory over terrorism in the world. Again Cover Time, The Washington Post even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (Aha, got on scham Obama ?!). But what's really going on?

A brief retelling of appeal to Putin's people, called Obama agreed to curtail Mahach. What happened? Terrorists rolled arguments more seriously? Someone stood up for them, too? Why just yesterday "ahhahhaaa, Obamka, finished badly", and now "called Obama". Why does not Obama, incidentally, is called, and Vladimir Putin, it gained? Questions much more questions than answers. It's like the appearance of a black screen in the middle of the film, about which I wrote a little higher.

And while the audience does not understand what happened, flies epic legend "End of movie." Putin withdrawal. Thank you, mission accomplished! Which exactly? Is LIH defeated? Where the ceremonial signing of the surrender in the presence of leaders of the world community? That, they say, so and so, to admit guilt, and hope for your mercy in the tribunal. Or at least a handshake and the words of Obama, that Russia lifted all sanctions, because it really is a reliable partner on a global scale!

What a feeling that is now 1945. Soviet troops were already in Germany, barely crossed the border, but it is clear that victory is inevitable. And suddenly it appears Stalin and said: Then, without us! Thank you, the victory will bring to the United States late. Maybe I'm stupid and do not understand until the end, but somehow perceived way out of the conflict right now. Neither the United States is not buckled, neither the West, neither diplomatic nor like anything else. Assad, probably, thanks to writing and a tear rolled down his cheek: he leaves.

What actually win? Spent cloud resources in return received out of the situation without any large-scale bonuses. I do not think anyone thinks serious bonus "thank you" from Assad?)) Is for "thank you", we have spent hundreds of millions of dollars? Hardly. Or "we help those in need," Russian war in Syria desert? The absence of these trophies just more tempting to think of defeat, not victory.

Winning only one - a sharp reduction in the risks themselves to receive the full program. Yes, Mr Putin, reduces the likelihood of a full-scale conflict that goes beyond Syria. It did not have the money or the US really caved in on a "non-public". But the fact remains - we come out of the conflict, return home their equipment and soldiers. To war and that's enough. Someone who, but there are people who perceive Putin's decree only as a victory without any conditionalities - the mother of a soldier who took part in the operation.

Perhaps, once opened documents, where Vladimir Putin's motives will become much more obvious and understandable. Now it seems that the second season of the show will "Syrian house" made in the USA.

The withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria - a victory or a defeat? We have got what they wanted, or did Obama is forcing Putin to fold?
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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