Syria: a first terminal

Модератор: zlata

Syria: a first terminal

Сообщение! » 15 мар 2016, 18:28

Frankly, I am surprised at the reaction of some bloggers who file this decision almost as a loss. As I wrote, the main objective of the operation in Syria - the restoration of the old world order and international peahen, that is, the restoration of the authority of the United Nations Organization as the only organization whose decisions are binding on all countries.

If you remember, in what state some six months ago, it was the world in general and Syria in particular, it is easy to see dramatic changes.

"We do not see eye to eye with Russia, largely through Syria, and I'm not even talking about a position on what is happening outside Syria. Probably, in the situation on Syria, we will remain at odds with Russia on various issues. But Russia has taken a leading role in the peace negotiations, they were helpful, and they were jointly ", - acknowledged the recent US State Department spokesman John Kirby.

During a recent joint conference call with the participation of Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and the head of the Italian cabinet minister Matteo Renzi was praised US-Russian agreements, which received the support of the UN Security Council. "Noted with satisfaction that the ceasefire has been generally observed, bringing the first positive results and, more importantly, creates the preconditions for the start of the political process in Syria through the establishment mezhsiriyskogo dialogue under the auspices of the UN," - said the Kremlin press service.

"The reality is that without Russia, we could not move forward in any talks on a political solution in Syria, or in the implementation of the Minsk agreements on Ukraine. And without Russia would be no agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. If we need solutions, we need and Russia ", - said German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in an interview with Bonner Generalanzeiger.

These quotes I gave not to tickle someone's or your own vanity. They only indicate: a unipolar world is gone.

If you look at things sensibly, the active phase of Russian participation in vnutrisiriyskom conflict ended when Russia and the United States made a joint decision of the ceasefire and secure it with the UN Security Council resolution. Today, there are two of the Centre to monitor compliance with the truce - Russian airbase Hmeymim and American in the Jordanian capital. Both we and the Americans are negotiating with the leaders of towns and villages, armed groups, monitoring the situation regularly exchange data and conduct meetings via video.

You can say the situation has entered into operation. In this sense, yesterday's decision on the withdrawal of our compounds is quite logical.

Nevertheless, and as many I, it was unexpected. Of course, I want to Syria was completely liberated from the terrorists and went back to my old life. But it may be delayed, and the second Afghanistan we certainly do not need. All that was needed to support the legitimate president in a difficult moment, Russia has done. But this is not our war - further Bashar Assad will solve its problems itself.

Including the opposition problems which need to negotiate rather than fight. Who created all the conditions for a constructive dialogue, a sin not to take advantage of them.

I do not rule out that an agreement was reached with key regional players that are configured against the Syrian president - Saudi Arabia and Turkey. For example, that they will not insist on the displacement of Bashar Assad, stop supporting terrorists and their ground operation will not start themselves.

Over the past six months, Russia has shown that otherwise could quickly change the balance of power in the Middle East. Now in these places, we believe in the word.

Interaction with the US also established - last night a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama. "The importance of tight coordination of the efforts of Russia and the United States, including in the military sphere, to preserve the truce, to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid blocked settlements and an effective fight against terrorist groups" - formulated the official version of the theme of conversation, the Kremlin press service.

It seems like yesterday Moscow has fulfilled its part of the non-public transaction, as Russian president and informed American. Waiting for Washington to fulfill its obligations.

In my view, the US should be in response to persuade Ukraine to fulfill Minsk agreements. In late March, Petro Poroshenko just going on a visit to Washington, where he will get instructions.!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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