What if Putin will not give up ?, "The American Conservative", US

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What if Putin will not give up ?, "The American Conservative", US

Сообщение DARPA » 05 фев 2015, 19:11

What if Putin - really tough nut to crack? What if he decides to fight till the last drop of blood, not wanting to see how the West humiliates his country, or his regime collapses and falls into chaos - that he, apparently, is considered equivalent to things? Is this possible? In America, a lot of politicians willing to attribute to Putin vilest quality. Hillary Clinton, are not exactly the most radical orator in America, compared him to Hitler. Of course, such a comparison is not in any way is not justified. But even if Putin is at least 10% of such reckless as it is usually described, what conclusions should we draw from that?

Leading English-language newspaper sphere today tout US plans to expand and intensify the fight against Russia and its intervention in Ukraine. Former officials from the government, polishing its image sharp and decisive men in preparation for the new leadership positions, we recommend to start deliveries of powerful weapons to Ukraine. Do they include a list of supplies instructors and advisers who have to teach Ukrainians use of weapons? Strobe Talbott (Strobe Talbott) in the Washington Post, Ivo Daalder in the Financial Times, Editorial Washington Post, other prominent figures from the Clinton camp and the government - they are all in favor of large deliveries. They want to make Russia a high price to pay for the loss if it will continue its intervention on the side of the rebels in the east of Ukraine. Putin has "calmed down only when the costs of continuing the war will be too high," says Daalder. The supply of arms "raise rates" and thus force Russia to go to settlement. Strobe Talbott says the same thing in the Washington Post: «further aggression" must do "so expensive" to Putin stopped. But no one in their advice and warnings even said a word about what a negotiated settlement may provide for Ukraine's status neutral, non-aligned state. The Russian leader, who regularly compared with Hitler, must obviously admit their mistakes and allow NATO to include in the country, which has been repeatedly route for foreign intervention in Russia.

Here's a thought experiment, which I do not think the original. I heard it proposed to hold last week, one Washington think tank. This proposal was made by a Russian emigrant living in America. How do I know this person well informed about the thought processes of the Russian leadership. What happens if the tightening of economic sanctions, combined with the fall in oil prices will actually lead to a crisis of power in Moscow? Faced with a shortage of hard currency and galloping inflation, say to Putin: "Okay, NATO, you won. Ukraine yours "? Or it will be decided on such measures, which will completely change the existing reality?

Take for example oil prices. They are low, they fall. This is one of the main reasons for the budgetary constraints of Russia. Will they remain the same low, if Israel strike Iran? Last week, the militant Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warmly welcomed in Moscow. I do not think that Netanyahu will have much persuading to apply a series of punches. Promises of support from major nuclear powers may be sufficient. Or let's look at the other side. Will the price of the same low, if the Saudi monarchy (and we all know how stable monarchy) will face an armed insurgency, which is aimed at its oil fields in the eastern provinces? Take your pick - "Islamic state" or Shiites. It is not hard to find people that will not be too much to push and persuade them to start fighting against the Saudi monarchy. Can Russia to accelerate the emergence of rebel movements? Can certainly, if it comes to a certain point of despair.

Or think about it that's how the scenario above, the most shocking of those who put forward my emigrated from Russia to the source. What is the Baltic country, which has appeared in the depths of the crisis artificially organized between pro- and anti-Russian forces would be the best testing ground for tactical nuclear weapons? I imagine this can not - this is the most alarming development in international politics since the time of the Cuban missile crisis. One such explosion very quickly put an end to all the talk about the fact that Putin and his government meekly surrender as soon as we "raise the price" for Moscow for its intervention in Ukraine.

I am not an expert on Russia, but I'm not really sure that Ivo Daalder, Strobe Talbott and all their company are experts on it large. However, they, like many members of the Washington political class, convinced that they, like the American elite, have the God-given mission - to rule the world, fitting it to our neo-liberal capitalist notions of what a good society. They - part of a single web of Washington (the term "military-industrial complex" for it is unlikely to fit), whose task is to constantly expand the scope of human activity, which is supposedly the case of Washington, belongs to the sphere of our "vital interests" and always helpful and beneficial for everyone else.

There is no doubt that the Ukrainian crisis began with the attempt of the American and European elites to use the long-standing resentment of the population in the troubled country to achieve victory and defeat for the West to Moscow. Billions of dollars have been spent to lay the groundwork for a coup d'etat and the people's revolution (Maidan became partly so, and others). And these efforts have been successful. Bravo, they cried. "This will go down in the history books," - said our ever interfering ambassador after the February revolution. And then Russia responded - and the energy and force her answer stunned Washington and all of the State Chancellery of Europe.

And now they are thinking how to respond to Russia's response. If the West is a little more pressure, "raise the price" for Putin for what he is trying to keep out of NATO in his garden, the man certainly subdue and bless the transfer of Ukraine into the Western alliance. This is quite logical, as it is also logical that the North Vietnamese should capitulate under the pressure of carefully calculated Washington bombing their home country. Is Putin does not realize that he is opposed to a more perfect and more advanced social system?

But what if Putin react not like saying all these warriors from think tanks? This is somebody thought?
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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