There, where Russian tanks have not reached yet, diplomacy is already hard fighting

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There, where Russian tanks have not reached yet, diplomacy is already hard fighting

Сообщение DARPA » 05 фев 2015, 19:19

There, where Russian tanks have not reached yet, Russian diplomacy is already being destructive fights to keep and expand footholds and recruit secret agents, receiving sensitive information and through agents of influence and "blood money Putin" buys loyalty is quite a respectable gentlemen in the country - democracy leader and anti-corruption. Russia is engaged in God knows what, and thus necessarily wins. Command such diplomatic corps should people in the rank not lower than the General of the Army, and correct - Marshal of the Russian Federation. Someone does not agree with the assignment of the title Lavrov?

That is what Europe did not expect, so it's latest developments. It's not even in the victory of the left in Greece, and not even the fact that they immediately knock together a coalition started hitting on the head of the Germans and other miserable frantsuzishek. And not even the fact that "educability" can not in any way to choose a line of defense against Greece, and more grunt something not articulate. But it is exactly what the thing is that Europe simply crumbled, and is, in fact, it still has not touched.

We all, of course, read the hysterical materials that Russia destroys the European Union. But if you believe this, then Russia threatens the entire world, and with it, nothing has happened. Our dusty and rather shabby globe, however, copes with the task assigned to him and all the anti-Russian lamentation, good only grounds on which these words lie. However, the motive without words perceived better. In short, would you shut up, gentlemen with kruzhavchatymi asses!

Europe sees no way out of this situation, and there really any sanctions which do not help. Russian still support Putin, and be done with it, apparently, did not succeed. At the same time the EU because of the sanctions throw their economies into the furnace Ukrainian war. This decision is made by Merkel and reap the fruits of national begging the less developed countries of the EU. Looks like that's patience in these countries and rested in the Bose.

Found a strange thing. In a giant bureaucracy of the EU and there is no plan of their own salvation. According to official statistics, only in 2014 because of sanctions Germany lost $ 6 billion. (According to our estimates, nearly $ 11 billion). Now imagine how much it will be in all 27 EU countries. Moreover, the loss of the EU in 2015 will be larger and the possible means to compensate for the deadweight loss of foreign companies in the EU will be less. I must say that German losses are significant, but it can somehow come to terms with them, because the export of engineering products in Germany is very wide. But the loss of exports to compensate for the rest of the EU does not succeed. However, one should not think that if Germany among customers all over the world, then it is ready to accept the loss of Russia. The falling ruble exacerbated sad picture snikshego European exports, and that with all that, no one in Europe is not clear.

However, all these difficulties and were only difficulties, but, as has long been spoken in Russia, "a bad head to the feet rest does not." West decided to take the initiative in Minsk Lukashenko, who became world famous peacemaker in one night. West immediately made rack waterfowl that lives in the swamps of Belarus. Lukashenko at one point was the navel of the earth, and the West immediately became his beckon mortadella, hoping to tear away from Russia.

Already once been forgotten spitting in the face of the State Department, where Lukashenko has evicted them from Drozdov. No matter how much the US Lukashenka was not angry, but all in one day came to say goodbye (for the time) and start the process for the separation of Belarus from Russia. Exorbitant idiots from the State Department for some one they know the reasons decide that they will do with Belarus as well as they did with Ukraine.

Firstly, it does not, but even if this happens, the more evidence of hostility towards the West in relation to the Slavic peoples and come up with would not have been possible. Then Russia's response can be anything. Brussels should not be surprised if he was on the missile radar in Russian. The first would be a crooked word from Germany could be, relatively speaking, the last. West accusing Russia in the destruction of the EU itself, however, continues to try to adjust the Slavic people against each other. This is a bad practice. However, because Putin and Putin that he sees through these evrobosyakov dozens.

Very surprised many application Lukashenko that he called for an additional amount of reservists in operational units. Were also made necessary arrangements armored formations. Who is going to fight Lukashenko?

Let it be known to the reader, but opponents of the Belarusians would have to be Russian. In other words, Lukashenko at the instigation of the West felt threatened by Russia. Perhaps this is a kind of hysteria pumped from the Baltic states and Poland. We all see that there is the sound of repeated statements about the readiness to defend against Russia and NATO's readiness to defend the sacred frontiers of European democracy, for example, Romanian or Lithuanian.

We must pay tribute Lukashenko, he for some time held. But when it came to what he heard from the Kremlin notes of disapproval by some Lukashenka's statements, here Lukashenko trembled. In addition, the voice suddenly sounded from NATO about the opening of six new command posts in NATO member countries. What will happen in this case the President of the Republic of Belarus? On the one hand, the West is trying to lure Lukashenko and even invite him to a meeting in Riga, on the other hand, Lukashenko understands that the West would always, completely deceived, as happened with other "friends" of the Western democracies, like Gaddafi.

Lukashenko sure exactly what to believe the West should not be, but also against Western pressure to not resist. So, you must still keep close to Putin. A striking example - Yanukovych. Putin did not listen, turned the dustbin of history. But here, Putin did not quit, unlike the rest of the world and every garantёrov with which Yanukovych something to negotiate, and that the West spat as soon as due to inactivity Yanukovych, which it negotiated with the West, not turned out to be vulnerable. No, from the point of view of Lukashenko, the West can not be trusted.

In this situation, the West draws exactly what he deserved - distrust. Do not believe those who would like to pay in Western adepts. Do not believe those who are already members of the EU. It seems a suitable time when the West found themselves deceived in their expectations of those whom he wanted to cheat. As if this were not warned analysts, but it was unexpected. The EU froze in the final, silent scene of Gogol's "The Inspector General". All this is to discredit nepotrebe sank in humiliating poses and almost hanging in the air: "Look, look, the whole world, the whole of Christianity, all look like the mayor fooled! Fool him, fool, old scoundrel! ".

The most dangerous for Europe is that another mayor in Europe is just not there. And those who have around Merkel, frightened in earnest. Things can fall down, and all of these charitable institutions tomorrow rangers find themselves on the ash heap of history, because history itself can now choose a new path of development. This new development path for Europe and new ways of development for Ukraine.

By the way, the story is not itself chooses, but with the help of smart people, as it was always in Russia - the clerks of the embassy of the order, which travel in carriages over the vast expanses of the country and to foreign countries, sometimes pushing the curtains in the window of his carriage, drawn by four, and looking on the snow-covered fields of their homeland - the land for which have somehow always fight.


In the network has long been hanging frames departing from Ukraine people. You can understand why these people are leaving and perhaps they are right, but you should always think about what you need to return to their country. That tells you quite a successful person who has lived 25 years in the West. Perhaps to understand this, you need to be away from home. I tell you this so that you understand how important a person to live in his own country and in their society. Yesterday, when Ukraine has sought to Europe, she was on the verge of losing itself. Today, ordinary people, not gods, crank the wheel of fate of his country on its original path. This is the only way of life in this country. Ukrainians have only to help her grow and develop, but for now just to survive. Terrible scab leprosy already withers, the wound scars, although will hurt for a long time. But now, although this is still no one sees, but it already has, throughout this horror comes to an end. For the third time cock crowed. Already dark forces and are ready to cringe at each other's throats. The sun will rise again for Ukraine in the East. And though amputated limbs brave people and dead relatives, of course, does not return, all this did not happen in a drunken brawl, and in the holy struggle. In the fight with the enemy, who had encroached upon your home.

* * *

Once upon a time, once in his native city, and came to the house, where he lived for the very first years of my life, I saw that the city and the house survived the parting with me much easier than I do. City lived his life. That's so cold stone can hold a man's heart, even if it ruined stone. Ukrainians have to remember this. To remember and to return home. And all the "strawberry" and "Christian Ivanovichi" let "teach and treat" at home.

Leaving abroad, remember every turn and every pebble road home, because you have to go back on it.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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