Модератор: zlata


Сообщение DARPA » 09 фев 2015, 18:39

Today will tell you about a girl who will not give 100% just a guy and tell you why. Classification bit cynical and will be based on the respect of women in their vagina. After all, nothing more and some not, so there is che ...

1. Princess dumplings. It's a girl, brought up in the strict traditions of cult worship knight lovely lady. She was not aware that the lady primarily had a noble origin. To which, incidentally, were attached land and status. So the young knights, hands on his knees begging beloved and dedicated to them verses were not so unselfish. Our princess thinks otherwise. There is a hole - so the lady! Worship!
Until about the age of 60 years or so "lovely lady" all waiting troubadours, composing songs in her honor. At a young age, however, sometimes on such goods is a merchant. Typically, this well-bred boy "from a good family", located in the extreme stage spermotoksikoza and raised the same mother, princess. He usually ready for a long and serious courtship, and not a small thing and offers right hand and heart. The main thing is not to be mistaken lady. Once my eyes turned this tragedy. GS from our institute fun group ran a letter that she wrote to some fool in love, and everything shows it. There praised the beauty and purity of GS What is remarkable purity GS lost two years ago with a guy with a harvest from his native village.

2. Trader dumplings. If the previous type are characterized by high requirements in terms of romantic courtship and would like serenades, stars from the sky and walks under the moon on the handle, then a woman, brought her mother as a "vendor dumplings" wants quite earthly and material things. Apartment, a car, a house and a fur coat. And sometimes just boots and Snickers, that's depends on the imagination. Like a real go-getter, a dumpling vendor, and sometimes with his mother, a crucial strategic question - how to sell something that has absolutely all women, and even at a higher price? If Mom catches clever maiden goes to the rich Papic abroad if silly - arranged in Moscow in leisure establishments - "I came not ..." But most of all she just has one or more wealthy man. Any attempt at rapprochement intangible perceived it as a hoax and naebalovo. It is these ladies have come up with insulting word "rogue".

3. smart-ass dumpling. Second Description of girls we can see still some remnants of honesty. Quite differently behaves girl - smart-ass dumpling. It has long been realized that men want from her is sex, and immediately. Such is the nature of your male uncomplicated. By learning to imitate the human condition, who is looking for the same thing as you, girl entices you to reckless spending, gestures of courtship and other nonsense. Such things taken brag to her friends. Girl behaves consistently so if coveted dumpling is about to be issued in the best possible way, and she is a smart-ass time developing a plan, as you get away from the restaurant, destroying half its pre-reserves. More subtle nature make it even more brilliantly - in every way demonstrate a desire and then gracefully stuffing your foot in fpendzonu. Well, what happened with them. So the fate of this.
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