Small business in Russia for example, a businessman from St. Petersburg

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Small business in Russia for example, a businessman from St. Petersburg

Сообщение DARPA » 10 фев 2015, 14:42

Businessman from St. Petersburg Igor Frolov dreams to create a Russian brand scales Google, working on the world market and rid the country of oil dependence. But while it is necessary to deal with government officials, to pay for the loans, and think about how to survive the crisis. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" published revelation businessman.

Bribes for the award

If you decide to do business in Russia, we must understand that it is in the country do not need anyone else. No one wants you to work and prosper. Nor your employees, much less power.

I was engaged in business in 2008, also in crisis. So I'm to financial disasters does not get used. I opened a small repair shop and atelier fur. It was then for the first time met with the Tax Inspectorate. They came with the purchase of the control. Found fake violation, fined. I was going to the tax argue that the violations I have not. Colleagues warned not to contact, you're right, of course, but to spoil relations with the officials, they'll then plaguing not give. I spent so much effort to conduct business honestly, I could not allow myself to fine. Come, bring a piece of paper, and head of the department of tax I openly said:

- We still need to fine you, to receive the award for the New Year.

- Even the president said that the country stop scaring business - I say.

- Less president listen.

Officials still will be my business to thrive or tomorrow will be closed. They do not capture the connection between my taxes and my salary from the budget. They have another task - to leave home at 6 pm, the child abroad to learn to share, plan to perform.

Shito RUSSIAN Threads

But with the coats of the future was not. Most people need a simple, convenient, quality clothing. So I decided to sew a jacket. Studied the market, technology, modern materials. Choose the best suppliers found. Sewed the first batch. We had to get a certificate for the products. Ring up the company, ask where the expertise to bring a jacket. "Why do we jackets, - answer me. - Bring the money will be certified. "You can even sell things radioactive. Found the federal budget institution for certification, took the jacket, paid money for examination. A woman who works there says:

- Give us these jackets.

- I'm sorry - I say - why should I? I spent the money on production if they are not selling, not on the new stitching.

- Well, - she was offended. - Will have you to us again for certificates talk.

People in positions of authority in Russia, the feeling that they can all, all they need.

It was necessary to test our models in the business. On the Internet, I learned that an expedition to the Barents Sea. Proposed to develop a special jacket for them. Booked for a month. The expedition was satisfied.

From domestic in our jackets only thread. It is true that good. We were looking for Russian materials. But the quality is still inferior to foreign analogues. And secondly, they are hard to find. I now write comments on the Internet, saying that we produce the best products. But, guys, If you are, why you are on no information? As such, like me, you find it? Produce good enough, you should be able to express yourself.

We initially did not go on the price and the quality. Collected good materials. Leaving only what is necessary. Get the jacket at 11 - 13 thousand. Rubles. Imported counterparts are 20 thousand.

Where does PRICE

We started to sell their products over the Internet. It's cheaper. But it was necessary to open and store. I started searching the premises.

Met a woman who rented shop. Comes all the Ponte and Porsche Cayenne. By age younger than me. Where, I think, she had such a profitable business? Conversation, it turned out that her mom is in charge of the district administration, and urban spaces. She takes her mother to rent a square meter for 500 rubles and deliver another 2.5 thousand. Rubles (it was a few years ago). That's the whole business. But these businesses do not create jobs, do not benefit the economy. They produce our costs and yours, buyers costs. I would have these two thousand. Rubles overpayment for rent included in the cost of goods due to the fact that there is this girl and her mother. Shop I had not opened.

You ever thought how much it actually costs the thing you buy? I saw in the shop jackets for 20 thousand. Rubles. Suggest businessmen: I'll sell my goods in 7 th. Rubles, and you will be able to sell cheaper jacket 20,000, with their interest. "Why would we? - They ask me. - We have these jackets in China for 30 - 50 bucks buy "(when the dollar was 35 rubles). You know: you pay 20 thousand. Rubles for what it actually costs $ 30! I ask: how do you determine the price at which goods can be sold? Exhibitor jacket 10 thousand. Roubles, unless people buy, rises to 15 thousand. Continue to buy, lifts up the price even as sales did not stop. Then you can arrange the sale. And even with a discount of 70% surcharge reaches 150%.

But we now have to raise prices due to the crisis by about 4 thousand. Rubles, yet all imported materials. And it is a minimum because we figured out how to reduce costs further. I'm just moving in Veliky Novgorod. See, in St. Petersburg, one sewing jackets on average costs (rent, utilities, plus salary) in the 2 - 2.5 thousand. Rubles, and in Veliky Novgorod - only 1 thousand. Rubles. The room we will have more, then we will be able to sew and more.

Instead of an epilogue

Officials can only help close

Authorities say a lot of support for small businesses. Where are the results? I remember I came to St. Petersburg in the Department to support small businesses. What, I ask you to support me can: a loan at low interest rates, a discount on the rent, assistance in obtaining public procurement? And they told me: we can give you free legal advice. So if closed flimsy legal assistance provided to me!

It is fair to say that among the officials there are also those who help business. When I decided to move to Novgorod, also addressed in such an organization to help pick up the room for production. And helped me to find the perfect place.

I tell colleagues from China: they state businesses money gives almost no interest, but puts a condition: after a certain period, you must increase production and to enter the international market. You ask someone abroad need my jacket. But they are needed. I have orders from Finland.

But need real help. Several years ago I took a loan to a business in one of the state-owned banks at 24%. They've already overextended by 25%. And on TV say that the government has allocated more money to this bank, so he gave businessmen normal loans. And they give out, only on such terms to small businesses close to them did not fit.

Now under normal percentage of the loan do not get it. Oil prices dropped. Gigantic country depends on one arm. Imagine, I was selling at $ 100 thousand. Jackets abroad, another businessman - furniture for $ 100 thousand. The third - Matryoshka by the same amount, and we would have 10,000 small businesses. Prices had fallen dolls, anything to make money on furniture and jackets. To do this, just had to support us, small business.

Make every official curator of the 10 small companies, and let him be responsible for them, helping them to develop. And their success should depend on his salary, and not from the hours spent in the office rubbing his pants. Do not need to give money to all support those who have already shown that it can work. Put the condition that after 3 - 5 years, you should increase the production up to a certain amount of that part of it should be sold abroad. And I am ready to report on a monthly basis for every penny.
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