US anti-missile system "Javelin" has become a new national idea in Ukraine

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US anti-missile system "Javelin" has become a new national idea in Ukraine

Сообщение DARPA » 10 фев 2015, 19:32

US anti-missile system "Javelin" has become a new national idea in Ukraine. Phallic outlines of this product cause racially correct patriots state close to full weight orgasm. The entire political leadership of the country rapidly wants to have "Javelin". At least mentally. It is considered as "vundervaffe" Kiev Reich, with which will be able to achieve a truly deafening "victories" over Russia.

On the background as if diplomatic efforts to resolve the "conflict" in eastern Ukraine supply junta calls "precision weapons NATO" look particularly bright and boldly. Candidates for the post of head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine Mikhail Saakashvili (other wrestlers bribery in the country for some reason can not find) managed most clearly and vividly to formulate a new national doctrine: "Once the APU will" Javelin "and will be hit by the first fifty Russian tanks, Ukrainian troops conquer the whole of Russia. "

Who not only talks to supply anti-tank missile complexes in Kiev. Even the mayor of Vitali Klitschko, according to his press service, "during a meeting with Victoria Nuland, which was in the same plane (!) For two hours discussing the delivery of precision weapons Ukraine." Of course, the direct responsibility of improving the supply of the capital's mayor "Javelin" in the Ukrainian army. Although, given the intellectual abilities Vitali, he could not fully understand the purpose of anti-tank systems, including their non-lethal weapons to disperse mass demonstrations. Fortunately, the metropolitan mayor's office almost every week thousands of fans stormed the effective economic activity Klitschko. In particular, enthusiasts increase fares on public transport twice as February 9, tried to make a door in the building of the city administration, delightedly shouting "Vitaly - x lo ...". Unfortunately, the security did not give them the opportunity to set fire to the traditional tire, depriving the residents and guests of the capital of this beautiful and memorable spectacle.

Of course, the true patriots and true "people's politics" in Ukraine there are lots of claims to the United States, which are in no hurry to give Kiev "vundervaffe." Public "svidomye" full of condemnations of indecision Barack Obama and parses the tactical and technical characteristics of the "Javelin". The leader of the "Fatherland" Yulia Tymoshenko, sensitively caught the mood of patriotic mass, immediately took the initiative to form a "high-level group of representatives of the Cabinet and the Verkhovna Rada", which urgently need to send to Washington to negotiate the supply of high-precision weapons. Moreover, the Verkhovna Rada should immediately take the statement "all US political circles" about military supplies. Strange, but the nominal leader of the presidential faction Yuriy Lutsenko not clarified this question. Being in a state of extreme intoxication, Lutsenko often negotiated directly with the governments of European countries, in particular Poland, Finland, France, on urgent deliveries antimissile systems in Berdichev and Zhmerinka. "Georgia" Javelin "barrels!" - Yuri shouted the target bidet, thinking that is in direct contact with the Deputy Secretary of State. Then the foreign ministries of countries that seem to be agreed, according to Lutsenko, Ukraine arm lethal products, were forced to officially denounce the existence of such agreements. m However, work on the implementation of the new national idea boils. One of the leaders of the factions BP is now absolutely do not care about the problems of the Minsk talks to settle the conflict. They have a different purpose - to take 11 February appeal of Parliament to the US Congress on the "acceleration of high-grade military assistance to Ukraine and the status of special ally of America."

Lack of precision is due to the NATO weapons currently almost everything. Why the hryvnia has fallen to credit default? Because the Ukrainian army is in dire straits without the "Javelin".

Why do millions of people lost their jobs and livelihoods? Because America is not the beginning of the supply of weapons, without which it is impossible to deal with the Russian terrorist forces systematically shelled Donbass.

Even Prime Minister Yatsenyuk forgot about building the "Great European wall" for the construction of which in the budget for 2015 was allocated 10 billion hryvnia, and refers directly to Obama, bypassing Poroshenko, demanding re-start the APU according to NATO standards.

To enhance the level of hysteria fraction "Samopomich" Lviv Mayor Andrew Garden gay registered draft resolution "on the start date of the Ukrainian-Russian war." According to the leader of the parliamentary group of Oleg Berezyuk, history is important to clearly define the date of the outbreak of war with Russia in late February. However, officially the war with Russia has not been announced, but the "historians require the determination," and, of course, urgent deliveries of modern weapons of the Ukrainian army. As one connected with the other, nor Berezyuk or abstract "historians" for some reason not explained.

The desire to Kiev junta get American weapons indicates a complete failure of Poroshenko announced plans for a "complete re-Ukrainian army." PR actions with the transfer of the APU "the next hundred armored vehicles" did not save the situation. Most sent tanks and armored personnel carriers simply do not plant, and those that failed to start, quickly broke down. It has become a tradition to hold the transfer of "new weapons" on a regular basis, and the troops passed the same machine.

After the intensification of the war it was urgent to divert public attention from the catastrophic situation in the ATO. Riots against the mobilization that swept through central and western regions of the country, as well as the widespread desertion of recruits needed to block the new "information reasons." And there were "Javelin", which became a symbol of "rebirth of the nation." Funny is that even the United States vary with the supply of arms. In Kiev reigns mess, and it is impossible to understand, to whom it falls "precision weapons": whether a militia, or to volunteer battalions Kolomoiskiy, whether the militants LIH (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). The last option is real, given the level of corruption in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, as well as the appointment of former Georgian president as chief antikorruptsionera country.

US combat drones, air defense systems and "Javelin" have now become the main object of desire Kiev junta, its "national idea".
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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