And now - all seriously

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And now - all seriously

Сообщение DARPA » 15 фев 2015, 16:42

CNN review materials in recent days. He found what was waiting for all this time as a sign that the Kremlin, as they say in high politics, came fucked. Final and irrevocable. Regardless of their death throes and pathetic attempts at threatening rhetoric.

What kind of sign? We explicitly formulated the idea that zahapali invading Crimea and Donbass, Russia violated the Budapest Memorandum, according to which she, as well as the United States and United Kingdom, acts as a guarantor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

It does not open to those who at least superficially interested in the situation? This was discussed at the outset, from the first moment of the appearance of "polite green men" in the Crimean parliament?

Yes, I say. But not on CNN.
And here is necessary, probably a small digression into how American policy is arranged, including information.
Homegrown "politoluhi" are understood, claim that it is arranged very simple. All there burzhuiny, bankers and other imperialists only mean depict a cross-party squabbling, only to divert people's attention, and in fact all sit together and think whatever new build schemes against a great and beautiful Russian to get their hands on her invaluable permafrost .

In fact, everything is more complicated. Great Beautiful Russian interests them exactly in the sense that it no longer create such problems, which created the old Soviet Union. Actually, so is their relation to all other great and beautiful Powers on the globe. Americans generally sizable isolationists, and the lion's share of attention to internal affairs. And on what is a struggle between their major parties, Republican and Democratic. The fight is not an operetta, not illusory. Because they exist really serious, fundamental differences in ideology.

Of course, when certain events unfold outside the United States, attracting their attention, in this inter-party struggle emerges and foreign policy aspect. Where each of the parties offers his decision. And, according to his image, Demick say: "There should be a dialogue, there need smart diplomacy, there is nothing you will not solve the dashing cavalry assaults in the spirit of these durolomov Republican." Turnips, in general, are more inclined to declare: "It is not our problem and neher to go there", if you still feel it necessary to intervene, saying: "You just have to go and uebat freak, not snot smeared, making it appear as if a meaning to talk to the thugs, whose guarantees and commitments are worth nothing. "

No, I certainly simplify even vulgarized, but in general - so. And smart policies around the world - removed a very big favor by building lobby their interests in the United States (and this Power Roof Civilization Like it or not), playing on the contradictions between the major American political clans.

Idiots, telling his congregation about how American burzhuiny only know that together intrigue against their illustrious Midden - at a certain talent eventually achieve that American burzhuiny really united, breaking party contradictions and begin together to build intrigues against once a proud and illustrious trash.

At one time this was achieved Japanese angered that cowardly amers challenged the natural right of the children of the Yamato derbanit China and even dared to cut off the supply of oil.

Hussein did, zahapali Kuwait.
Osama bin Laden - also failed.

What is an indicator that it was possible.
This - the main mouthpiece of the Democratic Party. Yes, in the United States, of course, freedom of the press, but it also implies freedom of media ownership guys money to promote it through their views on things. And CNN is controlled by the sponsors of the Democratic Party (and Fox - Republican, respectively).

Until recently, though do not understand our homegrown idiots, CNN was doing in light of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis (as before - the Russian-Georgian), mainly the fact that otmazyvatsya Putin, allowed him to save face in the eyes of the audience of the channel (in the case of 888 war - they also deliberately stoked Bush and his protégé Saakashvili, hinting that they are to blame).

In the current crisis, CNN, of course, condemned the annexation of the Crimea as such and the war in the Donbass, because its audience any war is terrible, but carefully gloss over the fact that Putin is the most blatant and cynical violated the Budapest Memorandum, according to which guarantors USA.

Why is this fact so carefully hushed controlled cian media? Because of its emphasis would mean that the United States not only in the framework of good will can help Ukraine to settle the crisis by applying gentle pressure on the Kremlin, and must deliver high-handed aggressor in place and very hard. Conducting a "categorical" line in the media seemed the Obama administration premature. They all tried to somehow return Putin's mind exhortations, admonitions, "smart diplomacy" - and, of course, playing for time, waiting for the Russian economy will start already visibly, tangibly to roll down the slope, and so that it created in Russia request for change of policy.

Well, now they seem to have decided that it's time to start calling a spade a spade. In particular, Putin - a perjurer and aggressor, and US intervention in the Ukrainian crisis - not "good will in the common struggle for peace, friendship-gum" and legal obligation. When non-compliance with the United States will simply cease to be considered.

Accordingly, the preparation of public opinion and among the "pacifist" demokratskogo electorate to the fact that Putin and the Kremlin is not just a "difficult partners", and criminals who should be given the hand so that more generally will not pulled them (and better - stretched his legs).

Note McCain voters in this and earlier did not have to convince them something from the very beginning of the earth dug hoof, the rush into battle for Ukraine (against the Kremlin, in fact). And now here is the "peacekeepers" make it clear that the joke was over. And let as many Sands comes to shit, telling how Putin can not speak the language of ultimatums - may not work. No one will have to talk to him, "the language of ultimatums." As with Gopnik, who is now officially recognized by all stakeholders hopelessly insolent - speak the language pizdyuley.

Well, of course, nuclear war with Russia, no one wants, but to cave in under the Kremlin manic bragging - no one will.
Continue - I think that Western leaders and will not waste your time on loud ultimatums and "one hundred and first warning" not to give extra food Kremlin propaganda.
They will focus on three areas. First - continued pressure on the Russian economy (although she must be so little). Second - not so much support "non-systemic opposition", which hardly will gain a lot of popularity in Russia as - reaching out to people in the elite that could change Putin and smoothly deploy a policy of rapprochement with the West, continue to ensure the respect of contracts and all that. Third - probably still supply of arms and military equipment in Ukraine is not "declarative" and on a large scale. Possible - along with fighters like Greystone PMCs and the Academy, which (virtual, though) already in so many "soaked" militia Lugandonii. Now they will be able to see what it actually is.

Moreover, such measures - they do not need to advertise widely. Externally, Western leaders may even afford to actions that Russian (and Ukrainian) propaganda can be interpreted as concessions to Putin. And those that will cause even indignation in Western society: "You ohueli under Gopnik golimy sag again appease the aggressor? Munich learned nothing? "Well, when it even CNN started calling a spade a spade and brought to the attention of the audience information on the Budapest Memorandum and its apparent violation of the Kremlin.

This - and it is necessary to Western political leaders. Now really an associate in the face of such a threat, against which the pale of their old quarrels and squabbles.

By the way, do not think in Munich with Chamberlain, Daladier were such simpletons that did not understand who they are dealing. Believed that it will stop and it will be possible to avoid a war with him. It seems they are quite consciously (though cynically) Czechoslovakia surrendered to him, simply because they considered themselves to be at that time too weak for much of the war with Germany. They needed at least a year for the military build-up, especially in aviation, and - preparation of public opinion to believe that an agreement with Hitler will not work from the word "absolutely" have to get into a fight.

Now the military capabilities of NATO and Russia (even the US alone) - they're just not comparable. Economic - even more so. Moreover, the Russian plummets, we can say - collapses and western - it is currently growing.

Full-scale conflict will end very quickly and sadly for Russia. So bad, that they really do not want it, despite the fact that if you look Russian media and blogosphere - Russian seem some incorrigible "barbarians" and schizophrenics. In fact, it is clear that every nation has possessed sectarians, there is a "jingo" and this foam floats to the surface, where the wind blows corresponding to the summit. Suffice it to help bring more top sane people - and people's mood, too calm down. Especially against the background of economic difficulties. People who made it onto the eighties - remember how in just a few years dramatically reduced the number braggart, threatening to "put America cancer." They do not become extinct. They - puzzled.
Well, now it's going to happen even faster.
And I hope it will really last a fit of great Muscovite psychosis. After - Russia will become a normal, sane country, and maybe even beaten out sometime in the planetary leaders. When we zaymёmsya hell, not the "liberation of the Ukraine Ukraine", but really the right thing. Exemption from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe:-)
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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