Ukraine merged

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Ukraine merged

Сообщение DARPA » 19 фев 2015, 04:53

Yesterday the UN Security Council approved a resolution on Ukraine in the Russian edition. And, what is more important to document as an integral part of the attached "package of measures to implement the agreements Minsk" without exceptions and interpretations. That is now the implementation of Kiev assumed obligations will look not only Russia and Europe, but the whole world.

Plenipotentiary Representative of the United States in the United Nations Samantha Power, despite the results of the vote, remained unconvinced. Photo Luke Vargas (Talk Radio News Service).

The UN Security Council - a 15 countries. In addition to the permanent members with veto power - China, Russia, UK, USA and France, today it includes non-permanent elected for two-year term - Angola, Venezuela, Jordan, Spain, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nigeria, New Zealand, and Chad Chile. Not to support the resolution, it was enough to vote "against" one of the permanent members. But the enlarged them could be much higher, as the process of conducting, as you know, the State Department.

However, the State Department acted very strange.

Yesterday, the US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, known for its intransigence in relation to Russia, said in his style: "In the case of Ukraine, we have become accustomed to live in a world upside down. Russia speaks of peace, but in fact - is fueling the conflict. Russia signed an agreement, and then doing everything to undermine them. Russia defends the sovereignty of nations, and then behaves as if the border with its neighbor does not exist. But even for those of us who have already begun to get used to the inverted world, at least, it seems ironic idea that Russia, which is itself also created the conflict and endeavors to the escalation of violence in Ukraine - Today she suggested that a resolution calling for peaceful settlement. "

And then voted for the resolution.

In which she hated Russia - the aggressor and insidious enemy is mentioned only as a country, take along with Germany, France and Ukraine declaration in support of "full response to the Minsk Agreement."

So did Lithuania: accused us help "militants" and supported our resolution that we have not mentioned as a party to the conflict.

The rest of the countries - members of the UN Security Council expected approval of our options were limited to a political settlement.

Agree amazing changes take place in the world. Until yesterday, the Security Council held three dozen meetings at which monotonically and sometimes loudly urged Russia (mainly mouth Samantha Power) to stop the Ukrainian crisis. State Department explicitly allowed his Lithuanian representatives and express what they see fit, do not mince words. But the resolution - to approve.

Without illusions

Of course, no one should think that the problem is solved and the Ukraine from day to day become a peaceful power, busy with their internal problems. Kiev in the near future expect great upheaval - and in the economy and in politics, so civil conflict will not end soon. And with the Donbas negotiations lead no one will like to carry out a constitutional reform.

But also to urge the world to help to suppress the centrifugal sentiments of their regions, will now be more difficult. Poroshenko already faced with this - yesterday he dared to remind the vice-president of the United States of the promise to provide arms, but met a misunderstanding. "Vice President Biden pledged to support Ukraine and agreed with President Poroshenko of constant coordination between Ukraine, the USA, Germany, France, as well as the UN and the OSCE," - honestly told about an inconclusive telephone conversation with President of Ukraine, patron of the site. Joseph Biden to give weapons, of course, no longer promises.

Who would have succeeded when no Poroshenko, he will learn to negotiate (for a start - at least talk) with dissidents - to get used to this, and not Maidan democracy. At present there is no hope of Ukrainian politicians.

UN Security Council resolution to transform the conflict in the Donets Basin in the Ukrainian domestic crisis. To be addressed is not a dead-end military and political means - negotiations, in contrast to the "Grad", at least give up hope for a peaceful settlement.

The world has become multipolar

With the adoption of this resolution, the world finally has become multipolar, and Russia took one of its poles. My assumption is that Barack Obama knew from the beginning of the impending geopolitical upheaval and for some reason had to approve it, confirmed.

No, I was not sure of this, we should not give me too much awareness. I just compared the facts known to everyone and came to the only correct conclusion: Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande would not go on a crusade against the White House. There is no power that could make them do it.

Today, it turns out that the Security Council of the Russian Federation, in the depths of which are ready to "full response to the Minsk Agreement", proved to be more authoritative body than the United Nations Security Council, to which the decisions taken in Moscow and decorated in Minsk, were imposed. Somehow Vladimir Putin managed to force the West to withdraw from the Ukraine. How exactly, we are unlikely to soon find out.

But the fact that this operation was much more difficult to Crimea, in my opinion, obviously.

Of course, the US withdrawal from our borders temporary - to gather strength for a new offensive. After all, no one victory in the geopolitical confrontation between nuclear powers can not be the final - it would be a tragic end for all.


Against the background of serious geopolitical issues that miraculously managed to solve the statement of Igor Strelkov, who called Minsk Agreement surrender, looks too small. He held to his opinion: we should go to war with Kiev. Hero of New Russia is not able to think strategically.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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