Carefully read American Manuals

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Carefully read American Manuals

Сообщение DARPA » 19 фев 2015, 05:00

A long time ago, I wrote about how to obtain payment from the stubborn employer, without the help of lawyers and some tricks. Fasting then, apparently, liked, as I added more friends hundreds of people.
I realized that is not enough then considered in detail the important point: in this situation do not get.
The most important advice here: learn to see the signs. As this does not happen to the wedding future husband was white and fluffy, and then turned out to be a drug addict or abuser home and ordering work on credit somehow still in the primary stage hint about its insolvency. Just like here in the state with her future husband, where the bride is blinded by love and trust, employee wants order and calms himself phrases that everything will be fine.
But the signs of something. Simply can not ignore them. The examples are not far to seek. I will take quite fresh from his personal practice.
Our shop "Belolapik" has no showroom. Ie a place where you can come and all details otsmotret live. We have, of course, a warehouse, but the warehouse - a warehouse and it looks like a warehouse, so it's not a place where you want to entice people. Therefore, we are very happy when we purchase goods off-line stores. We are pleased that the people who we do not know on the Internet, and love may be noted that, with awe and love we made.
Recently, all hard, so we are working with the Moscow shops on credit terms (what is popularly called a realization of the contract - the goods pass the invoice with the monthly payment sold by the shops). Of course, it's scary: as the sum of the volumes and small, in the case of impropriety owners outlet vytsyganivanie money and all this confusion with the courts can take a lot of time and effort. So we try to take a closer look to middlemen still in the first stage.
Just recently, we have tentatively agreed on one point trading reopens for the delivery of goods under implementation.
And after a short time I miumau simultaneously obtain a blueprint written letter.

Good time of day,
I wanted to contact you \ you and ask you \ you to be a part of my campaign XXX (here was the name of the company). Look \ Look at it and tell me what you \ you think about it and \ or Support the Campaign acceptable to you \ you the amount of money.
Thank U

The link led to a site to collect money. There were asked to donate any amount. Donors of large sums were offered such steep nishtyaki as T-shirts or pillar with the names of the donors in the store. All the author wanted to dial 45 000 USD. At the time of my call there gathered as much as $ 500 (that there is good and rich!)
Besides hideous miserable shape (or those sites make writing so special and can not change anything?) And the nature of spam, I am extremely surprised that was chosen by the addressee. Ie I going to take goods to market, and then another, and ask for money for the project? Just like in the fairy tale: the ruble is not, no ax and the ruble should.
At this stage, the picture has crystallized: friend wanted to open a shop and still wants, but money, which he hoped not. Well, whether there is, but very little. Accordingly, the proceeds from the sale of goods means go anywhere (to rent, on staff salaries, etc.), but certainly not to the principal.
Rejoiced in clarifying the situation and mentally crossed, I write the following letter to someone:

Good afternoon!
I think that was a very bad idea to write this letter as a blueprint.
I would like to warn that the planned cooperation is possible only on the basis of 100% prepayment on your part.

And struck out plans to have forgotten. But Comrade not appeased:

Julia, but we agreed to take the goods about the realization?
What did I do improper that you changed your mind?

I am sympathetic man, so say:

You run spam messages fundraising.
This allows me to question your credibility.
Accordingly, if a partnership, and will be carried out, the only 100% prepayment.

And again get an answer (which Comrade stubborn!)

Julia, my dear, you are confused in basic concepts.
I started not spam messages, and e-mail on their database of contacts to help the project.
I do not advertise the project to strangers, and to disseminate information to their own.
This is a marketing tool, it is taught in schools, its effectiveness is generally high in the west, nothing sacramental here. (I can send a page from the textbook marketing)).
A week later we finish repairs, buying furniture, install cash and embarks cats. Additional funds we need (and which we do not get, as we collected 500 dollars) to create a financial cushion, we are currently working on their own funds and I put it mildly malnourished.
When it comes to taking goods to market, we are not talking about credit, since the goods is given for free, and I pay you according to what is sold.
Julia, look, cooperation should go into partnership manner, and in general in an atmosphere of joy, the second time you pretty tough to answer any of my actions, and my mood, I have to be honest quite spoiled, because I want everyone to be happy and have to deal with a rather surly man who gives a monologue maximum and minimum of dialogue.
I do not know what to do. You have no idea how many cases I have at the outdoor cafe, especially when you consider that the second I open another business. I do not force you to persuade. Write letters of complaint to my close girlfriend girlfriend Yana Frank, I also will not, because I do not complain about my habits.
God be with you, do not want to work, so do not want to work. We will look for other goods and replace your goods yours.
Under your goods, we have prepared a separate glass cabinet. For a while, it will be empty.
Strangely it all.

Perhaps this "marketing tool" is taught in schools called "kill your business at the very beginning." No matter how tempting, from Xerox page I refused, ending conversation at this point. Perhaps there is written in large letters: "Ask for free money from the person with whom you negotiated a loan!" Just like in the movie Shakhnazarova since perestroika, "How can we give up your old loans, if you do not give us new!" Generally, of course, to the good books of attaching the head, and in many textbooks cesspool crying ...
Yes, all I understood correctly: additional funds are needed just to make ends meet.
Enchanting phrase about "to put it mildly malnourished." How zagnetsya companion on this diet? Those who receive the money?
Yes, of course, in the tales of white fluffy elves sellers pay the commission principal as soon as the item is sold. In life, all sad and the money goes to rent, salaries, repairs, food undernourished owners etc. committent and only a last resort.
And it also opens the second business (chur me, mind you!)
About complain to his close friend - it's wonderful. Ian, I think now very surprised to find out who she is in a relationship. The format of the same author's claim agent dumb enough because one of the functions of the agent - is to sit as Cerberus guards the interests of the author and any suspicion of financial failure of the customer to say "Ugh!"

Generally, this is all I have written not only to laugh, but also to those who have a letter came, thinking whether a similar thing to have character. And he's an active market will try to run hither and type of goods and services on credit, with unpredictable results. As the saying goes, "forewarned - means armed."
If someone had a kind offer to participate in the project with the cats, you ask me, Is this the man. My answer to the PM.
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