Truth and Lies about Minsk-2

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Truth and Lies about Minsk-2

Сообщение DARPA » 20 фев 2015, 14:29

1. "The EU and Russia have been suspended from the US decision on the conflict in Ukraine"

US directly involved in the coordination Minsk-2.
To understand this ultimatum Obama enough about arms shipments to Ukraine depends on Russia's willingness to agree to its terms. Well aware that Merkel visited Obama before his trip to Moscow and immediately after. Obama personally called Putin to Minsk.
United States welcomed the Minsk-2 and demand that Russia its implementation.

2. "The US and the EU have led Putin to sign a Minsk-2"

Before MINSK had two stuffing on this topic:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin to the environment to determine the attitude to the peace plan for Ukraine, otherwise Germany would not interfere with US plans to supply lethal weapons in Ukraine.
It is reported by Wall Street Journal, citing its sources in diplomatic circles

Obama threatened Putin before the talks in Minsk
US President Barack Obama during a recent telephone conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin threatened him with "serious consequences" for the escalation of the conflict Ukrainian, write German media, without giving information about the reaction of the Russian president.

It's more like bombast to their own voters, especially because the result was already known, but we should not forget Hollande statement about the war, if there is no truce. Anyway, under pressure or not, but the Minsk-2 took place. And in the eyes of Western man in the street it was compelling Putin to the world.

3. "Poroshenko was against peacekeepers"

The theme of the introduction of peacekeeping troops suddenly emerged before arriving Merkel and Hollande in Moscow. The Kremlin press service announced that this issue will be discussed, and Moscow, like, not against it.

This theme is then surfaced in Minsk. But the Kremlin propagandists claimed that Poroshenko was categorically opposed, as he recognized the DNI and LC terrorist organizations and terrorists do not fight the introduction of peacekeeping troops.

Yet it was not so. It Poroshenko in Minsk offered to discuss the introduction of peacekeepers, but was not supported.

And now, when he proposed to introduce peacekeepers already open, DNI, LC, Churkin, Naryshkin forced spoke strongly against.

However, the position on the peacekeepers was originally understood, despite the propaganda. No peacekeepers under the auspices of the OSCE (I mean NATO) Russia can not afford, and peacekeepers from Belarus and Kazakhstan, even if the subscribe Poroshenko - too risky. In the case of aggravation and it threatens retraction of these states in the conflict.

However, all this does not and now generate another propaganda nonsense

4. Debaltsevsky boiler

Of course, it was interesting to read in some promoters as Poroshenko fought in hysterics, crying on the phone to order immediate release Debaltseve, while others, like Putin in another room in a rage required to turn Debaltseve a lunar landscape for 16 hours, but it is only in American insurgents.
Of course, this does not mean that when the matter came on this topic, Poroshenko not called his commander ATO, which confirmed for all that Debaltseve not in the ring, and Putin the same for all ***** did not call, and he did not say reversed.

You do not need to flee into the corridor and customize their subordinates, the more it made no sense in talks with Merkel and Hollande, which a priori did not have as accurate current information to draw conclusions on it.

Yes, and no one at all did not run through the corridors. They rarely come out of the negotiation.

5. "In Minsk, 16 hours manually copied the agreement"

Minsk-2 - is kopipasta Minsk-1. They signed what was agreed Merkel and Hollande in Moscow. Otherwise, neither Merkel nor Hollande nor Putin would not have arrived in Minsk.
In Minsk they went to sign the already agreed and approved, including Obama, documents. This does not mean that the parties had no desire to correct any fad in his side.

While it is known only one change from the original documents: the start time of the armistice.

Debaltsevsky boiler discussed for a long time, but was not reflected in the agreements.

6. "Zakharchenko and carpentry forced to sign the agreement, although they were against"

They both arrived in Minsk much earlier protagonists. In advance and arrived Surkov. He was engaged in instructing them how to behave, to sign or "bargain". About any autonomy in decision-making is out of the question.

7. "Putin all bent"

This myth began to spin before signing Minsk-2: all these pretentious broadcast the historic event only talked about one thing - the output will be the opposite. Voyages, threats, endless negotiation, a 16-hour vigil - turned out, all this in order to re-sign the Minsk-1.

Is Putin tried to change the agreement? He tried unsuccessfully to make it more in Milan. And there is nothing new has happened. Updated only algorithm of transition DNR and LC in some regions of Ukraine. Putin may be just that and wanted?

Putin has not been able to sit down at the negotiating table Plotnitsky-Zakharchenko and Poroshenko, and, therefore, the recognition of their parties to the conflict instead of Russia. Their stay in the dressing room - it's a shame for the rebel republic.

Yes, these 16 hours, Putin tried to "detain" negotiators and Plotnitsky with Zaharchenko exhibited as independent managers who do not agree to sign. But it was a bad tactic. At these games no one seduced. Merkel, when she was already tired of all this completely, said: tell them that they have 2 hours for a signature, and then we will go and no further negotiations will not.

Putin was bluffing until the end. The documents were signed for 2 minutes before "departure."

8. "Putin Poroshenko - friends"

They're all "on you" and on good terms: "I am very grateful to George for the fact that in this way much has been done with the direct participation"

9. Declaration

So 16 hours national leaders discussing something, but never put their signatures. But we were told about the historical breakthrough. What was that?

At first I could not understand what and why they pulled this declaration:

There was a feeling that to give us something to cover "naked emperor."
No signatures. Who authorized the Merkel and Hollande's claim on behalf of the EU to support something? Some full divorce. Who are these good intentions will do?
Declaration on the OSCE website available. "The package of measures" with signatures Zaharchenko-Plotnitsky is, and no declaration.
Then it turned out that she is on the site Poroshenko. However, the text does not quite match the Russian.

This is due to the translation of the English original. These are the times.

It seems that these are some questions concern not only for me. 4 days after Minsk, during a visit to Hungary, Putin said that "Minsk Covenant on February 12 regarding the de-escalation in the Donbass can be fixed by resolution of the UN Security Council. Thus, these agreements will be the international legal instrument. If not, and in this as this is a good document to implement it in all its points. " It is clear that Putin wanted to somehow legislate implementation of Ukraine's terms of the agreement. Again, this is not to become a game with only one goal.

February 17 Russia through the UN Security Council held a resolution. Now you can stick to this resolution, and not in the signature Zaharchenko-Plotnitsky-Zurabov.

Only here will you? We all know from Libya and other examples of how the West is able to interpret certain words.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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