Do you know why war with Russia, no one will?

Модератор: zlata

Do you know why war with Russia, no one will?

Сообщение DARPA » 24 фев 2015, 18:11

Now the media are actively pumped discussion on the probability of the upcoming full-scale war between Russia and the West, "Third World on the doorstep! And Ukraine will become a cause for its beginning. " And in Ukraine itself has already made a statement on the preparations for full-scale war with Russia.

Well, let these political clowns tomorrow to shoot yourself in the forehead - as a "war" for them to last longer than in the case of an actual confrontation with Russia. Why am I so confident saying this? History, my friends, is the story ...

And although, as we know, history teaches us only that it does not teach us anything, but the widespread thesis is true only in part. Of course, she teaches, that is forcing to take into account the lessons of the past ...
On this score there is one more sarcastic statement: "In Europe there is a long tradition: once in a century together to attack Russia, to receive from her pussies @ lei and then ninety years to sit on the priest exactly."
But it should be borne in mind that whenever this happens, the lessons of the past are ignored in Europe due to the fact that now, then, that at this very time it seems that came her finest hour - "Well, Russia is not ready for war as a century ago; Well weak as ever; and we are as strong as ever; and so this trip will definitely be the last and decisive. " And only then, as a result of the campaign begins "philosophy": "We are also still Bismarck warned that any of our stratagem Russian answer his unpredictable stupidity." Yeah - stupidity, well, well ... "take, burn his capital in 1812 - the stupidity of clean water. Barbara, one word. Savages! It was necessary to understand with whom we contacted ... "

"Moral proverbs are wonderfully useful in cases where we are of little to what we can invent yourself as an excuse."

However, "closer to the body," as Guy de Maupassant.
By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia and even more lay in ruins, but under the strict guidance of Boris Nikolayevich conducting foreign policy through the prism of a little white bottle, thoroughly lay them by 1998-th year.

New York, Hyde Park, 1995. Yeltsin Americans: "I tell you, shta-ah, you have failed ..." Clinton, standing next to the podium, can not help Homeric hothota. Alcoholic satisfied good joke:

This, of course, was a shame for our country. Such a shame, from which you want to sink into the ground. But Boris is happy. Before the collapse of the Russian economy, it happened because of them signed on the recommendation of US advisers "Production Sharing Agreement" remained three years ...

Three years later - the collapse. The collapse of the financial, economic, foreign and domestic. "Excuse me, I'm tired, I'm going» (c).

That's when Russia was indeed absolutely not ready to repel external aggression. But she was so funny and helpless, that seemed to have no aggression, and do not need full time financial dependence on the IMF and the United States, internal separatist fires, the actual management of the main external source of funding. It is a reality in 1998!

* * *
It is human nature to take the novelty, as given (when it becomes so), and then it seems that it was almost always, and is becoming more difficult to think in terms of the past, remembering how it was before. For example, in the phrase: "Write to me on the phone, where you will be at 16:30, and I'll find you on the navigator" twenty years ago could end up in a mental hospital. And today is no longer one reading this will be able to guess what this phrase abnormal for those years.

When nearly a year ago - in early March 2014 in the midst of the Syrian conflict - I published an article on the current state of the Russian army, for many it was a revelation. In particular, it is surprising and sincere distrust evidence that the group of naval forces of Russia in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, with November 2013 as the largest and combat power surpassed that of NATO forces in the region. As well as data from the international rating GlobalFirePower, according to which Russia in 2011 ranked second in the world (after the United States) on military capabilities, eliminating nuclear weapons, and has since firmly holds that position.
Then still on everyone's lips was a scandal Serdyukov, the newspaper wrote that the army and rampant theft in the Defense Ministry, and these communiques was hard to believe. But soon we saw polite people in the Crimea, not stuffed worse terminators; phenomenal consistency tactical actions that were not able to detect any satellite or radio reconnaissance NATO. And then a flurry of demonstration-scale exercises in groups of armies that swept the country. The results of these exercises very impressed NATO generals. In April 2014 they also made an effect of the passage of the Russian Su-24 bombers over American destroyer Donald Cook in the neutral waters of the Black Sea, after which more than two dozen members of the ship's crew in the Bulgarian port of Varna write a letter of resignation. And this is caused by the panic of American warriors was the fact that the destroyer, designed just to deal with this kind of goals as the Su-24, when a Russian bomber reaching is completely lost control over their own air defense system. Drying Russian made 12 passes over the deck, simulating the attack and air defense system of the ship came to the embattled only after Russian bomber flew ...

Today, after only one year, we already know that our army is not backward, and the most efficient in Europe. This also applies to its technical equipment. A year ago at this very few people would have believed. Just the data were published - they no longer makes sense to hide. On the contrary - it's time to show them. And now we already hear the recognition of the former commander of the British BBC that Britain is not able to withstand the confrontation with the armed forces of Russia.

It should add a few words about the nuclear potential of Russia.
In all the years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union never stress - NEVER had an absolute parity with the US nuclear warheads. Starting from the 60s of the last century, our nuclear parity was considered a "conditional parity." This means that the United States had a number of warheads and delivery systems sufficient to completely destroy the military and economic infrastructure of the USSR. The Soviet Union, in turn, had a number of warheads that guaranteed to cause such harm military and economic infrastructure of the United States, which the Pentagon and the White House considered "unacceptable". That is, it is as if you knew that joining the fight, you can kill your opponent, but he guaranteed would deprive you of one leg and, say, one hand. Such an exchange in the United States and was called "unacceptable". This analyst was crucial for the Kennedy administration in the choice of a political solution to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.

So, today Russia has on one (1) active nuclear warhead more than the US (1,643 vs. 1,642 pieces). And such a relation between the nuclear forces Russia (USSR) and the United States was not yet never in history.

Thus, returning to the centuries-old history, state that the West would never enter into a direct military confrontation with Russia, without being sure of its superiority in force. But now is not the time. Today, the West can only rely on the weakening of Russia, by retracting it in a local war on the side of sponsoring her opponent; as it was in Afghanistan in 1979 as it was in Chechnya in 1994, as it is trying to do today in Ukraine. But Russia has learned the lessons of history. Putin began his reign with that put an end to the Chechen conflict in 1999, and today will be involved in Ukrainian. Do not believe me? Then remind his words in 2003 in Italy: "In response to the suggestion that Russian soldiers now took part in operations in Iraq, and I want to say:" Got fools. '"

By the way, take this opportunity to congratulate our leader with the last day of Defender of the Fatherland. In the current situation, it is the most that neither is the real carrier of this title. I do not know whether will reach up to him my congratulations. But I like all patriots from Holguin write ... must walk.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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