Grivna storms Level 40

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Grivna storms Level 40

Сообщение DARPA » 01 мар 2015, 22:41

Fruits of the revolution bring tangible results! The hryvnia is stable and with all the enthusiasm flies to hell, updating daily ordinary historical lows. By Tuesday evening February 24 hryvnia exchange rate reached 40 against the dollar on the black market and about 35 on the interbank market. This is equivalent to the collapse of the 5 times (!!) when compared with the hryvnia year ago. A year ago, the dollar was given 8 hryvnia, in early autumn, 16-17, at the beginning of this year, a little more than 20, and now at 40.

More recently, the term "Ukrainians, your standard of living falls to levels of cattle" is an insult, now a statement of fact. The problem is that there is no money in the budget and the need to maintain all these SBU army with consistent genocide of the population - the Government of Ukraine refused to indexation of social spending in 2015, which implies the preservation of the current level of pension.

The average pension in Ukraine in 1670 USD, which at current exchange rate is equivalent to 42-45 dollars. In particular nominal growth is expected, and if the exchange rate stabilizes at 35-40, the pension in Ukraine will not only be the smallest in Europe, but also the smallest in the planet Earth.

The average cost per month for the maintenance of cattle-breeding enterprises in Eastern Europe account for about $ 50 per cow (for a month). Expenses included (pet food, fuel, electricity for the operation of farms, maintenance of pastures and paddocks san.obrabotka). Costs are not included in the depreciation of the farm machinery and equipment, interest on debts and personnel costs. The costs vary depending on the type and number of animals species farms and many other components. The full cost of doing business with the livestock personnel and infrastructure depreciation are about $ 85 a month per cow in Eastern Europe. In Russia, if I am not mistaken average total costs in 2014 were 45 thousand rubles (per year).

From this it appears that the bandit Kiev government assesses the existence of pensioners in Ukraine worse than cattle almost twice (in the literal sense of the word that should be emphasized). Monthly existence of a cow, a sheep or a bull is more expensive than Ukrainian pensioner in two or more times.

The average monthly wage (up to PIT) in Ukraine in 2014 3.5 thousand UAH according to official data, in January-February 2015 about 3.3 thousand UAH (+ 4% compared to last year in nominal value). The current rate is just over $ 70 (if you subtract PIT). In Afghanistan or Somalia typical low-skilled workers received $ 80-100, 140-160 dollars in Bangladesh, Tajikistan 180-210 dollars. Ukraine was almost 1.5 times worse than Somalia!

I can not say if there country in the world, where they receive less than in Ukraine? Perhaps it is, but there are no data that could confirm or deny this.

Concept of Ukrainian politics delicious. If the draft state budget to describe in a few words, it will be released as follows: All trims are all disabled, to concentrate all the costs of the SBU, the army and the external debt service.

The statistics of changes in nominal expenditures of the consolidated budget of Ukraine for 2014 relative to 2013%

Social security costs fell by 5%

Education expenses decreased by 8%

Spending on health was reduced by 20%

Costs on the national economy collapsed by 18%

Defense spending increased by 82%

Expenditure on security, the Security Service and law enforcement agencies increased by 14%

Debt servicing costs increased by 50%

Detail gos.byudzhetu Ukraine.

This change in nominal spending in UAH! Adjusted for inflation, boldly share by 1.4 times, ie, for example, in real terms, spending on health care fell by 45%. Inflation data apparently underestimated, but of.statistika here

Add to that the repeated rise in prices of housing and utility (gas, water, heating, electricity later).

Nazi junta saves on school lunches, subsidies and treatment of patients, but with enthusiasm spoiling for a fight. No you education, health, pensions and economic development (not to mention science and human potential). All the forces of genocide, control, genocide, control and once again the genocide.

Of the poor, but enough of a democratic state Ukraine has become a totalitarian and rotten regime, where the concept of freedom of speech is destroyed, where dissent can either go to jail or be killed, where people can steal, reworking on organs and no jerks. Where a hotbed of ethnic hatred and a purulent abscess undisguised Russophobia with the obvious and does not hide the Nazi bias. Under the slogan "who does not jump - the Muscovite" and "beat Colorado" Kiev bandits carried out the systematic utilization of its own population:

1. After equating pensioners to cattle in the literal sense of the word and opening limitless expanses on large-scale destruction of older people through hunger and disease. All pension will go to pay increased many times accounts for housing services, many benefits abolished most of the HEALTH CARE also canceled, the price of food and medicine have grown many times (or tens of percent).
2. Through direct and undisguised genocide of civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk
3. After a shameful and disgusting attitude even to his own army, where in the absence of the necessary resources and adequate command of stupid people milled in the boilers.

I had not considered until the banking system is not considered sabotage Ukrainian Central Bank to undermine stability fin.sistemy, does not deal with the economy. This individual, very complex issues and ample space for research. But the scale of social disaster in Ukraine monsters.

In the case of Ukraine - the root of all destructions in the Nazi power, purpose and objectives of which is not the construction of a strong and sovereign country, and the indulgence of American curators and execution of the orders of those who brought them to power in favor of US geopolitical ambitions. Therefore, the Ukrainians until you Throw the country TsRUshnyh these nits, the Pentagon and the State Department scoundrels whores - then you and will destroy. Do not let over itself so fun, have at least the beginnings of pride and self-preservation instinct. Save your family. Discard the mobilization of criminal criminal regime, stop their children and husbands send a senseless war, look what Ukraine brought reformers. Include brains! The choice is yours ...
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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