How to carry large amounts of money

Модератор: zlata

How to carry large amounts of money

Сообщение DARPA » 05 мар 2015, 21:07

History is not that humorous but laugh at a couple of places you can probably.
Recently met at the table of the old yard now, shared the news: who what where how ...
And we were talking about that phone nonche none of us will not take away, but if something more serious ...
Then I blurted out, they say, need to carry large sums of money as if you do not have a penny for showers and you have nothing to lose - no time to do so.
All nod, they say the best defense - the concealment of the existence values, and one friend said, they said, is always - even the story was told (hereinafter referred to his words):
We're with her sister as life companions got from the area left - lived in rented apartments in the old apartment of our mother lived - we visited her on Saturdays ... and here and she was gone - buried, and decided to sell the apartment. Spacious treshka in stalinkas yes in a minute from the metro in a nice area in the center of Moscow - the money would be enough for two kopeck piece is easier anywhere in a residential area. I've already looked after version, and my sister in mind, too, the apartment was. This could only sell, but here the buyer turned up.
That's just the money had to withdraw cash and very unexpectedly - no one to call with him was - went alone.
And while driving - thought - money is, quite frankly are not small - for such can kill if they find out about the fact that someone, and so can bring - not thinking. And came up with a brilliant, seemed scheme - went down in Makdonelds - took lunches - in one hand and a paper bag in the other - a glass of cola, rose to the apartment. The documents were signed, the money in a bag packed, cola - in the other hand, the buyer wished a happy stay and walk down the street - Service waving as if there really are three Big Mac and kortoshka in mind - all in his new apartment.
Tilted his head to drink cola, here again ... and instead of a package in the hands of a small piece of paper - did not even see who pulled out of the hands - only the people in the direction of gate looks. While tupil - lost a couple of seconds, ran around the corner into the driveway - it gone.
Was like a little circle - hands do not obey, his lips trembling knees podgibayutsya heart skips beats. How to submit what I now call to explain first wife, then his sister ... sister or first - no better than what I had just about money .... many times more than a lifetime earned - do not want to live - to think seriously suicide, but the surrounding reality does not offer easy ways: on the street jams - the machine is not rushed around the house - not high enough - fall - only to break his all. Yes, and not the way it is. Call is necessary, but it is not clear what to say - so much money, I even from morning to night roach will only hoary old age earn it if her sister will give share, and assume nothing at all to leave. And so my wife and I have dreamed of a child to make ready, as she had already promised ...
Dobrel few steps to the bench, sitting all gone a - I think, like myself bodies or sell into slavery, and that his wife say to rethink life. Suddenly, I feel I have someone by the shoulders and shakes me something ... first stretches like not looking in the face to give, but have not yet gone numb. I raised my eyes - I see the face hipovatoy and even punk appearance, frightened by something that me something broadcasts and pokes me something under his breath. Lowers her eyes - a package of paper McDuck ... first thought: "We decided to kind people that I because of the food disappointed - give me your lunch." Then watch as the package is minimized, as is deformed under the weight of the contents ... I raised my eyes, I hear:
- I do not need someone else's! I have wanted to - not eaten since yesterday nothing - think burgers ...
... I timidly take the package, hesitantly open ...
- ... I do not steal, do not just ate a long time, I thought ...
... Recalculate eyes wads of money - like all over the place, none has been opened
- ... So you ... this ... do not be angry ... Well, I did not know.
... I climb into his pocket, pulled out a half thousand:
- On and eat.
- You Th! I do not need someone else ... I used a little bit ..
Half of the outstretched hesitation takes pyatisotennuyu, thousandth falls on the asphalt, he lifts her and hands me ... I look at him with round eyes. He puts the bill in my pocket:
- Do not.
And care.
While driving home one by one thought: "We had to hand over his militia," "Well I told him so little money given, as much ashamed," "We had this glass with cola to give him - still will not go", "What if there is paper sliced ​​instead of money ... but not all packed, I put "...
I normally denounced money home, counted all - not missing any notes. Wife bought flowers callback that everything is in order, then called her sister went again, and she bought the flowers. We normally moved to a new apartment ... Thank you guys, I have this history still had not told anyone.
His eyes filled with tears. In the normal course celebration managed to return not soon.
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