Governor of Sakhalin Horoshavin become a random victim of international economic sanctions

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Governor of Sakhalin Horoshavin become a random victim of international economic sanctions

Сообщение DARPA » 11 мар 2015, 17:27

The history of the epic fall of Sakhalin Governor Alexander Khoroshavina only at first glance looks clear and transparent. House on the ruble, pen for half a million dollars, a billion rubles cache for current expenses - by the standards of Russian officials are not that large amounts of capital. So what is the cause of trouble Mr. Khoroshavina, and look to lose the status of the governor?

According to available information, Alexander V. become a random victim of international economic sanctions. Japan, dearly beloved governor for many years, has introduced sanctions against Russia and China, all distinctly claiming the title of the most important geopolitical partner of Russia - abstained. And lobbying by Japanese interests Khoroshavina turned him into a persona non grata.

Special operation of the Federal Security Service and the Investigative Committee of Russia against Khoroshavina were carried out in total secrecy and in several regions where the Sakhalin Governor had property. This Sakhalin, Moscow and Moscow region. Visit detectives and investigators from Moscow became for all a complete surprise. Investigation team raided the offices and premises, including the governor and seized various documents, as well as a large sum of cash. After that Khoroshavina, his deputies, adviser of the governor and the president of the football club "Sakhalin", as well as volleyball women's team "Sahalinochka" Andrew Ikramova, assistants and head of the secretariat of Vyacheslav Gorbachev was taken to the airport and transferred to Moscow scheduled flight for investigation.

In Moscow apartment, cottage and residence Khoroshavina were seized large sums of money in rubles and foreign currency, a large amount of jewelry and expensive watches and phones. Was among them, and became famous exclusive Italian brand fountain pen has been released in a single copy. Its body is made of gold, platinum-plated and encrusted with 1,113 black diamonds, has 945 diamonds placed on the cap.

However, experts of the jewelry market in the valuation of such handles once doubted. "I would like to look at this expert, the next day after his arrest gives such a conclusion, - wrote on his Facebook page a famous jeweler Nicholas Balmasov. - Professionally say, as a man who knows the value of products of modern copyright yuvelirki, which decided to give Russian officials - turn down nulik 3600000 - ready to believe. Seen. There are unique handle, made in the 90s with the use of hand-tie, but it is payment for a brand, nothing more. Now with the use of new technologies and prototyping tie it costs 10-20 times cheaper. I just know with whom he worked from jewelers. He did not goof. Money believed. "

But back to the matter of the governor. According to the official version, opened a case against him for taking bribes on a large scale. Governor allegedly demanded 5.6 million dollars "gratitude" in the negotiation and execution of a contract for the construction of the fourth unit at Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk TPP between Sakhalin energy company with "Energostroy".

In Raman explained that Horoshavin has long been in rapid development, so it is possible that the case will mnogoepizodnym. In this regard, investigators are turning to Sakhalin officials and businessmen with the proposal to surrender them voluntarily to avoid criminal prosecution for corruption.

And now the promised revelation: Horoshavin led Sakhalin nearly eight years, finishing this post at the age of 48 years. It is obvious that its working methods little changed all the time, because he came governors already established, mature officer. And all these years he was actively developing cooperation with Japan. In addition to sending the extracted on Sakhalin LNG he also lobbied for the creation of an energy bridge "Russia-Japan" on exports to the country of the rising sun of Russian electricity.

But late last year, after Japan's support economic sanctions against Russia, Russia has decided to redirect the gas flow to China, turned out to be much more committed to the preservation of normal relations with our country. The head of "Gazprom" Alexei Miller allegedly blurted out that the Russian authorities are considering to ensure the gas produced in Sakhalin, not sell in liquefied form Japan, and by pipeline to China. Miller, however, did not mention that the Japanese will cut natural gas supplies, but announced plans to abandon the construction of a liquefied gas in Vladivostok and instead let the gas through a pipe from Sakhalin to China. These words coincided with the finalization of the contract on gas pipeline "The Power of Siberia" and called in Japan "stun."

At this point in the region activated by the Japanese secret service. Frequent contact their agents with the local administration - so that the Russian secret service was just uncomfortable to ignore these facts. The Japanese tried hard to clarify the situation and sought to somehow change the course of events, using the levers in the administration of Sakhalin and the influence of local businesses. All data on important local businessmen and officials, including the governor himself, were previously collected by the staff of the Japan Center - a non-profit organization, in words to develop friendship between the Russian and Japanese peoples. In general, the FSB became interested in the governor's administration, and probably distrust of his possible actions. A long endure in power figure, whose business interests do not coincide with the dominating trends vertically, we do not usually accepted. And so it was decided the fate of the governorship Khoroshavina ...
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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