in Russia 500 years nothing has changed

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in Russia 500 years nothing has changed

Сообщение DARPA » 11 мар 2015, 17:31

On a large sheet of male appearance. Brew predtrenik bring ice and wrapped in a blanket. This article is needed to understand the business processes in the second part of it. I can not express my opinion, do not say good or bad, and watch.

Saying, "A man should be a little nicer monkey, which lives" does not meet the new time in fashion - new standards for appearance, not only in girls. Share observations.

It all started a few years ago, the vector of national identity as a great power rose from his knees and swung confidently-sober walk towards a healthy lifestyle. Is not very difficult to lay out?

Petrodollars and fatty crumbs from their table with Peel boys allowed the population served to raise his head from a pool of poverty, thump of despair became interesting not for everyone. The idea of ​​self-destruction of the nation was replaced by the idea of ​​recovery. We are tired of being by shit.

Here and there thawed horizontal bars, and songs about the values ​​of Russian teenagers by Misha mawashi flowed from each low nines. Yesterday's fans Viti and Maxim (AK-47) were inspired by the ideas of healthy lifestyle, stopped to correct health dispenser ssaninoy began to do push-ups on the parallel bars, surrendering to the Ukrainian standards turnikmena Denis Minin. You've probably come across in the film of your alternative-gifted friends pictures about fun rocking or slogans such as:

"Have a drink birch sap, pull up 600 times on the little finger and get a T-shirt!" - About such motivating quotations Ukraine began to rise sharply from the knees to elbows behind, and perhaps even ahead of Russia.

Not all sucked and many went back to correct undermined already Sports Health. But many remained. It would seem that the nation's health is not far off, the first results on the person:

In the hallways ceased to shit (but probably it was due to metal doors), plummeted quotes vodka Putinka our (non-Ukrainians) took the gold in biathlon, and young turnikmeny straighten dotansky scoliosis sure suns on the crossbar. After all, however, this form of entertainment is better than "gather a collection of syringes in the sandbox." Note, not a beautiful expression, and my childhood memories!

But those and other social groups have remained the same. Local Sport does not give a sharp rise in social and, moreover, does not give intellectual development. That moron with a bottle of that with a horizontal bar - moron. But ignorance - good soil for the development of power skills.

In Slavic (I first used the term "Russian man", but stopped short) a good man survives the cult of brute force, but he is and always has been, along with slavery, the love of the king and the country. Vdamsya a little review of the history.

If the rough, in Russia 500 years nothing has changed. Instead, the priest-king put grandfather Secretary General, instead of Christ - vebali Lenin, instead of serfdom - collectivization and residence, and instead of the kingdom of heaven - communism. And what is the novelty? I'm sorry, I do not see anything new.

Now zaeboshili Putin returned to the place of Christ, tightened mortgage, and Russian world - as a shining paradise. The same shit that was, under Peter the Clear Grozny sun. Without going into details, the same thing. Man of the sixteenth century, joined to a modern Russian society after a couple of months, as a language to learn a little, but iPhones figured out how to use it. Already have worked as a security guard at Auchan.

But back in our troubled times.

Soviet education as a moral compass and rotted; pioneers, who grew up on the idealized today ideology destroyed and plundered the country (Yeltsin and his heirs). Nothing new in return we, their children and grandchildren have not received. Lost and abandoned generation of the 90s (and already and 2000s) abandoned old ideas, we brought ourselves, on the street, we have not had any ideas. Any of us frankly alien to the Soviet Union, if it's certainly not nostalgic masturbate to pictures vkontaktike about Gagarin or movies about the Great Patriotic War and the Order of the honest light paladins, as there ... let them remember the word ... oh wonderful! - Policemen. Movies really good, bright, naive.

How so yesterday paladins moment all pissed away by themselves and become Roofing prostitution narkosbyt and bandits? Or those good police officers were taken to heaven, and left us with a bad Mars?

From the Soviet Union, we remember funny red badges with an asterisk Octobrists, or a bust of Lenin, but toys, ugly and strong, like all Soviet industry. The only thing that the USSR was able to do for kids - toys about the war. Oh, what were the guns and tanks! Could kill them real fascists in the melee. Two kilograms weighed ball with zvedy.

Yes, the Soviet Union was an invader, the aggressor, with the strongest army in the world. Put the cancer and fucked half of Europe. I'm not on your nelly not put an equal sign between the Nazis and the Union, but I want to see - not for nothing that the Anglo-Saxons as peresralis when socialism as plague covered China. With our guns then, yes fuck two billion kosorylyh under Katyusha bayonet ... In London and Paris really did not want to part with the family names, make them hospitals and schools for the peasants, and a statue of Lenin did not fit into their exquisite architectural ensemble of the Louvre . Build ridiculous garbage only in our grubby latitudes.

So it should not surprise you dislike sanctions and Russian. For them, we are barbarians invading, we have centuries-old history of mutual opizdyulivaniya. I'm not going to tell you how we, Rus fair-haired and blue-eyed (like me), bent kosorylye archers from the steppes. If your women bowed legs, there are two options: either it is in the cavalry, or in his kind were Kazakhs, Tatars, Mongols, or with them demons - all of the genes. In parallel, we have pacified Orthodoxy and now 95% of the country are praying to Jesus of Nazareth.

And now, let us remember the geography of the seventh grade, where we lived Jews, and what relationship they have to the country where the fuck very cold winter mud, snow, Putin, Nemtsov killed Chechens fucking slob like zhezh cold and runny nose on spring? Or dig a bit ago.

The Old Testament:

"I am the Lord your God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage"

Me? 0.o ... Well, OK.

And now, again unwound in 2015 the birth of Christ that we see?

Huge poorly educated country with Orthodox criminal management, where the titular partially formed part of the urban population gradually supplanted by mountain boys with monobrovyu and "pyatyorkoy by IGE Mamai klyanus!" The remaining beat bows on Orthodox biker gatherings and Donato on Mercedes for the patriarch (the image of the collective), who discovered in the temple sink (Helice same wash necessary).

Competition and on the Faith. Blunt force can oppose the barbarians blunt force. Religious fanaticism can be countered by religious fanaticism, so Islam pose a kvazizaslon adapted from the tales of the land of Egypt, which can not afford to go to relax my brother-jacket-engineer Dmitry higher education because of poverty. At the same time, Dima loves Russia and all happy. Well ok, resorts Krasnodar Territory is also necessary to develop.

Does Dima that in the Netherlands kindergarten costs 1,500 euros? And they themselves Netherlands population of just over the city of Moscow, grow flowers yes strawberry (exported to Russia, where of course its not fucking strawberries), live in paradise and receive salaries and social benefits commensurate with those who are in our country is called "the rich "(ie, obtaining nishtyaki etymologically from" God "s). All power in our country there, well, that crime solid ... so it is necessary to repent for the sins earned in a previous life!

Education is not necessary, it leads to atheism, need meat in future conflicts at the borders. For the king, for the fatherland, for the faith of the same die near Moscow (restaurant chain Teahouse be protected at all costs!).

In the '90s idols yunogo 95% of the population were lads on boomers today successful businessmen and bankers on Gelika and Royce (grown from nedostrelennyh chap), tomorrow will be the athletes chemists at Porsche, pitching-hachki-bortsuny activists and politically active in costumes from sir (to Brijuni have to suck the ruling party).

Yes, girls love smart, politically active, courageous, even a little "animals", rough, beautiful, but romantic, pyshaschih testosterone. Women's genes do not cheat, the female chooses from whom to have genetically healthy offspring, and still love successful, as in the movie about the "50 Shades" - that billionaire in 25 years, and all by himself, without the pope! Although it is possible and with the Pope, if the Pope will take on an expensive resort with her son.

Here's how to earn money for his son lobster in a dark, uneducated, redneck-crime country where intellectuals dumb ass and pressed her mouth to the kitchen stool and clever - have long flocked to Cannes or Nice? Difficult question, but we must begin with exactly the muscles and mice mawashi, so suggest sportpabliki. And there, and special funds will be available, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

So, the bottom line of the first part (to put it understandable to the target audience language - "after drying"), we are young, poorly educated, patriotic people and their inherent intelligence, the cult of force, the cult of the spirit, and, therefore, the cult of the body. But not a cult mind, though turnikmeny and others like them, too, it is referred to the merits, in fact, the whole mind is reduced to samotezisu: "Do not stick your head in the bluing and Sui proteins and peptides, lifting weights" - the level of a child 2 years of age, which prohibits have their shit. How to monetize all this?
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