On the great oil deception of the common man

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On the great oil deception of the common man

Сообщение DARPA » 21 мар 2015, 23:20

Thanks to the Bakken oil field and a long period of high world energy prices in North Dakota a few years ago the oil rush. Black gold from shale rushed to pump a lot. This inflated the demand for labor and sharply raised its price. Even unskilled laborers could count on an annual income of 100 thousand. US., And free housing. In addition nefteproma boom salaries observed in service industries, construction and transport.

He also captured the trade with junk food. In the oil industry favorite bar in town Uatford waiters More recently received for $ 25. Per hour Dishwasher - $ 15. In places like McDonald's hourly earnings in the boys hand was somewhere in the amount of $ 17-20. These revenues were the envy even in Manhattan .

But in the past.

The collapse of oil prices to just above $ 45. Per barrel (by brand WTI) forced many oil producers roll up production. Company Baker Hughes, Schlumberger and Weatherford announced major layoffs on the background of a market downturn. Other employers finally had the opportunity to slowly take away a decent shots. Others began to cut salaries and bonuses without encountering major protests by the staff.

Golden days for low-skilled job seekers seem to be passed in North Dakota.

This fully felt by Basilio and Jeff. Lorded it over a couple of months to find work, they return home empty-handed. Perhaps they were just unlucky: it until Labor Statistics does not fix the US in North Dakota any serious downturn in employment. On the other hand, who did not, that was late.

For such people, the shale boom has already wrapped a grand deception.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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