The financial world has changed for the week

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The financial world has changed for the week

Сообщение DARPA » 23 мар 2015, 21:05

On the bygone week, there were two important developments in the field of international finance. At first glance - they each other completely unrelated. But only at first. The financial world has changed for the week. Bretton Woods world based on the Anglo-Saxon dominance of the dollar, made another very significant step towards the end of its existence.

Before you talk about these two events, you should mention another, which is what is happening to a certain background. Or foundation - here as someone more like it.


Several months in the information space exaggerate the issue of the ability to disable the western Russian payment banking system SWIFT. Through it today is the vast majority of financial transactions in the world. The main center of SWIFT is located in Brussels, but is under US control.


The result of the pressure on the US Russia becomes accelerated launch a similar payment system China by the end of 2015.


Source: ... -sent.html


"According to Reuters, China International Payment System (CIPS), serving for the treatment of cross-border transactions in yuan, ready to be launched in September or October of this year. This will eliminate one of the biggest obstacles to the internationalization of the RMB. This should significantly increase the international use of the Chinese currency by reducing transaction costs and processing time payments. "


Yuan becomes even more visible alternative to the dollar, but the main result of the creation of CIPS is to create the foundation of alternative financial system on a global scale. Attempts to remove Russia from the financial world would be impossible - but here it is not only and not so much in Russia. We are talking about the loss of Washington's monopoly on the global financial system.

The circulatory system of payments and transactions will be built by China to the end of 2015.

Now it's emission center, which will create the money, "the blood of the economy," that they ran on the new payment system.

And this center issue has already been created.

This Chinese alternative to the World Bank, Asian Bank called infrastructure investment (ABII).


"Contrary to the recommendations of the United States, Western European countries join the Asian Bank of infrastructure investments.

On the eve of France, Germany and Italy have agreed to join the Asian Bank for infrastructure investment (ABII), Financial Times, citing its sources in diplomatic circles. How to write the American media, it greatly changes the balance of power in the growing confrontation between the US and China who will establish economic and trade rules in Asia. " ... 16011.html


ABII was established in November 2014 at the initiative of China "to finance infrastructure projects in the Asia-Pacific region." Four months have passed and this Chinese project joins Britain and other Western countries.

This means - can not be ignored. Therefore it is better to cooperate. Great Britain is not just the closest ally of the United States. This brain - States torso. And the brain of a modern financial system is today considered a blessing to join the project, an alternative to its monopoly.


Intermediate results.

China has made decisive moves in the financial sector. Russia supports China in this movement. West failing to explode from within Russia or plunging her into the war in Ukraine to destabilize the Eurasian space to weaken China, forced to negotiate with Beijing.

Does this mean that the fight is over? Of course not. Fighting infinite. And yet the West tries to pit Russia and China together many times. But not yet obtained. We have to negotiate with Beijing.


And now back to two news with which we began our analysis of the situation.


First news.

March 20, 2015 The presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus discussed "how to overcome the economic crisis of the Customs Union, how to raise the bilateral trade and when to move to a single currency.

Proposed as a method for calculating the jackpot so far only in the discussion stage, because there is no solution, which will be printed and how to adjust the volume. "


See the original material

Meanwhile, a few months ago, they were called same terms quite different - in 2025. ... u-sistemu/

And now is the "acceleration" of ten years. How Come? And because the financial world is changing very fast. And what is planned Eurasian Union in the distant future, now you can (and should!) Do immediately. After all, the Chinese partners have created and the center of the issue and is about to launch a payment system. A much more convenient approach to work under new rules from one currency than with three or more.

It is interesting that on the eve of a trip to Astana and applications over a single financial system and the single currency of the Eurasian Union, Russia's president met in Moscow with senior Chinese comrades: "Vladimir Putin met in the Kremlin head of the office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Li Zhanshu."


The second news.

Change system for determining the price of gold in the world.

"From 1919 to now on the market of precious metal act so-called system of London Gold Fix - pricing system, which is twice a day established a certain average price, and the process was administered by London Gold Market Fixing Ltd. Experts believe that this is not just some trivial technical change, it will be a real turning point in the history of gold. Here's why: London Gold Fix, which will cease to exist on Thursday, allows you to set the price of gold in all four participants, which, of course, possible to carry out the necessary manipulations. In place of this system will come specially designed auction, it will be as transparent as possible, and to him will be allowed as many participants. "


It's funny, really. Detection system four people twice daily price of gold (about which I wrote in detail in the book "Cherche la oil") worked for almost a hundred years. And no "violations" it has not been seen. Do not criticize. And then "suddenly" - see ...


"Many say that the decision to form a new pricing method was adopted because of criticism from many economists and market participants, as well as the investigation of the facts machinations in different markets, which is carried regulators.

According to many experts, in its current form the method of pricing is outdated and "vulnerable to manipulation." ... top-rotate


How does the system work? Monopoly, of course, the Anglo-Saxons, are not going to destroy. There will be no transparent auction, as it was not a hundred years before. The British simply include in the definition of the price of gold Chinese banks. How Come? And this fee, the response "request" for the inclusion of the UK in the same Chinese Asian Bank of infrastructure investments and in the long term to the Chinese payment system.


"As we have said, experts expect that under the new conditions, China's role in pricing will be much higher and become more transparent. This innovation opens up the playing field for trade in gold and adds a whole new range of possibilities and the participants, especially the Chinese, "- said Market Watch Kevin Kerr, president of Kerr Trading International.

Now everyone is talking about a huge demand for gold from China, but the actual numbers, no one knows, because the authorities of China carefully conceal them. So, Mr. Kerr sure that the new conditions will be ajar veil of secrecy.

Association of London Bullion Market (LBMA) promised not to disclose the names of the bidders before the launch of the new system, but if Chinese banks will be directly involved in the process of fixing, they can carry out arbitrage between Shanghai and gold, making it, in fact, around the clock the international market. This opinion was expressed Julian Phillips, founder ".


Especially a lot about all this news is not telling. Meanwhile, it is all real signs of a serious weakening of the dollar monopoly, and generally Anglo-Saxon monopoly on the global financial system.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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