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Separable Kolomoysky against Poroshenko

СообщениеДобавлено: 23 мар 2015, 21:10
After the conflict began between Igor Kolomoisky and Petro Poroshenko, it became clear that the country with the name "Ukraine" is no more.

These two men will not be able to make peace.

If last year's coup ended the history of post-Soviet Ukraine, the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region conflict with the president turned the page of history of Ukraine postmaydannoy.

I admit, I, Russian, amazing to see how the state quite openly deribanyat oligarchs, and no one was outraged and even frustrating. After all, everyone knows everything - who owns what and who controls what. Political scientists and experts enthusiastically discuss what an asset is listed for Akhmetov which party belongs to Firtash, who and what Ukrnafta pinched tail Kolomoisky, after which he was so excited ... br-rr!

Note the country lives - that is, developing or, conversely, is stagnating, fights, builds, sells, conducts championships, considering the interests of a few individuals. If you do not take into account the interest of some oligarch, expect trouble - or Maidan, as in the case of Yanukovych, or raider attacks, as in the case Kolomoiskiy. Laws do not work - Ukraine is living on concepts.

In Russia, fifteen years ago had the same situation - the already thoroughly forgotten, although the more recent period we have called the "seven bankers". This is when the richest people we appoint the president. More precisely, himself, for he had to defend their interests first and foremost.

Ukrainians this period has not ended, a country long divided clans that periodically find out their relations. Today, they are for this purpose even create their own army.

And everybody understands that Igor Kolomoisky - no not the governor, but simply oligarch, who was given (or took it himself - to understand boring) for fattening major industrialized area. That's why he does not behave like a government official, but as a bandit, who ran another thug. Is entitled.

Now the whole of Ukraine is closely monitoring which of heavyweights win this criminal disassembly - Head of State or as a slave to. And everyone knows that things can go very far.

Which means that the country is no more. And Igor Kolomoisky, not subordinate to the President, now is no different from the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko or chapter LC Igor Plotnitsky.

That is, a separatist.

Everything goes to the fact that Poroshenko replace direction of the main attack, forget about Donbass and Transnistria and sent tanks to Dnepropetrovsk. Pacify straying from the hands of the governor, perhaps more important today. This is a matter of honor, as once the killing Bellamy Bilogo for Arsen Avakov. Or, say, murder resistant merchant - for Al Capone. Do not kill - the boys will cease to respect and hold for Lohan.

That's just the army the president of Ukraine is very weak. You never know, once the boiler gets. So ahead of us expect many more exciting events. Who can say for sure who would win?

We only know that gromadyan in any case will pop forelocks.