In the United States fell sharply steel production

Модератор: zlata

In the United States fell sharply steel production

Сообщение DARPA » 03 апр 2015, 14:12

In the United States fell sharply steel production, about a third of capacity idle. On the steel industry are massive layoffs, in different states stop pipe and rolling mills. Also close coke production. If the global crisis worse - and so far everything is going to ensure that it worse - States may in the foreseeable future to fly out of the top five steel producers:

It is no exaggeration sad news. Another symbol of the United States is rapidly disappearing.

In the Russian case, too, are not so perfect - we have enough problems with excess - but our country is rapidly maturing. Until recently, the government circles prevailing view system liberals: they say, is good for business - it's good for Russia, well, the most favorable conditions for business are created automatically by the efforts of the invisible hand of the market.

Now the top takes a much more adequate position, according to which the state should be a mediator: a kind of arbitration judge who lets the business directly, but helps businesses to find a balance between greed and the public interest.

Very revealing news, which in February few people paid attention. Denis Manturov not without difficulty, but still convinced then our metallurgists to establish adequate prices for steel for the Russian automotive industry:

Steel barons were not very happy with the price freeze - they would prefer to dramatically increase sales prices for steel, against the background of the double-declining ruble would allow them some time to extract profits. However, metallurgists were told that if they would be greedy to the detriment of the economy, the government will introduce export taxes on metals, and they then lose their money.

Month has passed, and here you are, become aware of the second part of the anti-crisis plan. Industry and Trade launches a program of preferential car loan and car lease:

So now the cars can be taken on credit and leasing at a reasonable interest rate: the state compensates the banks difference. When this old program to support domestic automakers (hand over the old car and get a discount at 50-350 thousand rubles for a new one) also continues to operate:

Thus, our auto industry have the opportunity to go through the crisis relatively comfortable. Metallurgists, on the one hand, missing part of super-profits, but on the other hand, do not cover their greed oxygen as its strategically important to the buyer. While the "invisible hand of the market" thinks for a month ahead, the state can not afford to plan for the years and decades.

Do digression. Do you know what the main problem of the overwhelming majority of people?

Short planning horizon. People usually think of a day ahead, well, if a week. Maximum - a few months. Here, for example, credit cards. Obviously the same, even for a period of two years to use credit cards is absolutely unprofitable: wild interest, refrain from mindless spending almost impossible. Nevertheless, on average Russians accounted for half credit ...

The second popular example: teeth. Again, it is clear that to go to the dentist "right now" much more profitable in every sense, than to go to him in a year. But no, many people prefer to buy time, they just do not look at the year ahead. And not even because of some fear of the dentist, but simply to delay the waste of time and money later.

About education in adulthood, which allows dramatically advance in a career (in the best sense of the word), I do not even speak. Voluntarily to learn after graduation are able unity.

Particularly disappointing is the fact that a very short time horizon and a great many of our businessmen. Projects that do not pay off for six months or a year, are often not interested at all managers. The logic they have is simple: money to close numerous holes they need right now. Businessmen believe that until they overcome immediate problems, they should do as in the famous joke - jump, and not to think.

Of course, there are plenty of excuses "short horizon." Say, do not know that there will be a tomorrow, we must live in the present day. However, in the long run always win those who play vdolguyu. Therefore, planning for a long time - at least five years ahead - this is a very sensible idea, no matter how confident or insecure you look into the future.

Okay, back to steel and automobiles. Let me remind you, the Central Bank raised its key interest rate in order to complicate the work of speculators. Therefore, when the state takes a program to subsidize the automotive industry, it is in fact not spend the extra money: it simply returns the sighting lending rate to its previous level for those who support the ruble domestic producers.

This is where as more effective than just go and give the money to the business. Each highlighted the government to support the ruble auto loans will go to support the target of several sectors of our economy.


The commander, who has a plan usually wins commander who does not have a plan. Napoleon - genius military craft - fought on the principle of "to engage in a fight, but we'll see." He had reasons for such confidence: in direct collision with the enemy, Napoleon was not equal.

Kutuzov, in turn, chose to think carefully about every move. And in the end Kutuzov won the war with a crushing score: despite the fact that Napoleon was able to reach Moscow and grab it.

The invisible hand of the market can not plan anything, by definition. The invisible hand of the market reflexively grabs cheese, even if it is located in an apparent every single finger mousetrap. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the state in the economy - to save the business from his own greed. That is, keep the business, though on a long leash, but still not to the extent long, so that businesses can strangle this leash.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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