How to stop mindlessly eat

Модератор: zlata

How to stop mindlessly eat

Сообщение DARPA » 03 апр 2015, 14:14

"When we eat up the bag of chips without even realizing it, or automatically return to the kitchen to cut one more piece of cake brownies" - this means that our consciousness has no control over the process of supply. Therapist Svetlana Bronnikova about what a dangerous habit is "on autopilot", and how to fight it.
"Food on autopilot" - food, which occurs outside of our consciousness, for example, when we eat up a package of chips without even realizing it, or automatically return to the kitchen to cut another piece of cake brownies, or eat up a huge portion of our the restaurant simply because it lies on a plate.

This is usually felt as something uncontrollable, leaves us with a sense of failure, and (for me it's the most important thing), when we eat unconsciously, we can not enjoy the taste of food. This is a big waste of time, energy and calories. And this is an important cause of overeating and weight gain.

Can be difficult to figure out when to stop if something happens automatically, is the focus of attention, but switching from unconscious to conscious eating can lead to huge changes related to overeating, weight and health. And here are five steps how to stop the cycle of food on autopilot and stop mindless overeating.

Five steps to stop mindless overeating.

1. Start with compassion (stop being cruel to yourself).

Unconscious overeating extremely frustrating and most likely in response to this, you get angry on themselves. And it makes things worse. Self-blame and frustration quench your ability to really pay attention to what is happening. You will achieve success much faster, if empty this energy to building new skills. When you find yourself mindlessly overeating, stop, take a deep breath, and turn your attention to what is happening. Realize that you get the time eating (even after the event) and that you are working hard to do so otherwise.

2. Select as the target one situation over time.

Because we like the idea of ​​a big change, is not it? The problem is that the process of preparation of these changes seems invincible, and now does not work. Take one situation, one time during the day, one meal at which you want to focus on in order to change the unconscious overeating.

3. Make a list of everything that contributes to inadvertent overeating in this situation.

For example, maybe you eat at your desk and focus on the work accomplished. Or watch TV at dinner. Perhaps here lies that part of you that makes this much to experience mindless overeating. Or are there some hidden needs that cause you to overeat. Unconscious overeating may be an option to disable or postpone something difficult. Or maybe, it's nice - not to think about that all the time you put into his mouth. If you can not think of anything that can be written - do not panic. You can continue to use this process to be in it.

4. Make a list of possible ways to help you to be just a little more aware of the food in your chosen target situation.

One centimeter. I'm not suggesting that you set a goal to a complete stop or a complete change. One centimeter - means that you set a goal to be more effective at this than you were yesterday. Maybe you decide to postpone the six chips and put them on a napkin in front of you instead have a package. Or choose to dine without performing several tasks simultaneously. Or choose to stay in the middle portion and ask yourself whether you are hungry still. Here are just a few strategies.
Experiment and try something that might work for you.

Here are some basic strategies to interrupt the unconscious overeating:

- Pause before eating and mark its intention to be conscious (sm.5 item)

- Pre-divide food into portions, rather than to impose himself at the table, or have pieces of container, or feast on small pieces of something.

- Whenever possible, give food all his attention. Focus on what you are doing and allow yourself to fully feel and enjoy your meal.

- When you know in advance that your attention will be divided (for example, some kind of meeting, social event), mark the line of conduct, how and how much you want to eat. For example, you may decide that you will not eat bread, if he served with meals, or you can decide to choose only two starters from a buffet. Or maybe you'll put the plug and make a pause after every two pieces. Deciding in advance will give you a structure that can be followed instead of the autopilot and the drift toward mindless overeating.

5. pauses.

Unconscious overeating is insidious because it is unconscious ...! Before you find yourself in one of the situations, which was chosen as a target, decide how you pause, check with them and remind yourself about your plan.

Think of a ritual to pause. It can be simple - wash hands before eating, to remind yourself about the strategy that you want to try. You can pause and bless the food or to say thanks before a meal. This time can remind yourself, "Today I will be realized." Grounding, while upgrading lipstick on her lips. Try to select a pause ritual associated with something that you are already doing. br />
Remember, you do not need to do it perfectly. You can pause before a meal and you can use this strategy if you catch yourself in the middle or at the end of the episode unconscious overeating.

Mastering control of mindless overeating - a process, and the five steps stop unconscious eating makes sense to repeat. Every time you practice this, you better understand what triggers (and difficult) unconscious overeating. And you get more information and strategies to help stop it.
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