With the return of Iran seriously aggravate the situation for the rest of the world's oil producers

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With the return of Iran seriously aggravate the situation for the rest of the world's oil producers

Сообщение DARPA » 04 апр 2015, 20:09

Deal on Iran strongly undermine the position of Russia and the collapse energy prices - media

The price of a barrel could fall to $ 20, and Europe, according to observers, will receive an alternative energy supplier Russia.

Deal on Iran would undermine Russia's position in the oil market and reduce energy prices, writes "BBC".

"Six" could lift the sanctions, including an oil embargo, this year, an increase of supply of a million barrels daily, experts state.

Read takzheSanktsii against Iran would be stopped on the results of the IAEA - White Domna first news about the arrangements hydrocarbons fell in price by 5%.

In 2012, the government of Iran has stopped in response to Western sanctions, oil sales to the US and the UK, and from the beginning of 2013th - and the European Union. Prior to the sanctions, Iran is exported almost 2.5 million barrels. Now Iran produces 2.85 million barrels, it the world's fourth oil producer (data Bloomberg), and exports only about 1 million barrels a day, mostly in China and other Asian countries. However, the country has already expressed its willingness to increase supply, if the restrictions are lifted.

Despite the fact that the agreement on the lifting of sanctions are preliminary, observers believe in the possibility of growth in supply, and hence the drop in prices this year.

With the return of Iran seriously aggravate the situation for the rest of the world's oil producers, and especially for Russia, already suffering from record low oil prices.

The price of a barrel could fall to $ 20 if America will continue to increase oil production - given that the outcome of the US and so became the world oil producer.

And Europe, according to observers, will receive an alternative energy supplier Russia. Prior to embargo Iranian oil imports to Italy, Spain and Greece was 13-15%.

Read takzheNetanyahu Obama said that the agreement with Iran threatens the continued existence of IzrailyaIran also the largest producer of gas, and in the future he will compete with Russia and in this market, experts warn.

Namely the full return of Iran on the oil market, and not Tehran reconciliation with Washington and Brussels and the potential closure and so not too open market for the Islamic Republic of Iran in Moscow, can hurt the economic interests of Russia. Annual turnover between Moscow and Tehran is less than $ 1 billion, and the trade turnover between Iran and the United States in terms of sanctions, observers estimated at $ 5 billion (official statistics is not conducted).

In Iran, the agreements carefully comment. Fars news agency points out that although progress has been made, a number of important technical issues remain unresolved. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who was quoted by IRNA, said that the preparation of the final document will start on Friday, within three months, he must be fully prepared.

Tehran under the terms of the preliminary agreement will have to significantly reduce the nuclear expansion.

In the main parameters of the plan indicated that Iran for 15 years will not build any new facilities for uranium enrichment, shall suspend two-thirds of its enrichment capacity and reduce the number of centrifuges to 19 thousand. Up to 6104. Of these, 5060 will continue to work on industrial enrichment Natanz plant, and another 1 thousand. will be used solely for research purposes Research Center Ford. At the same time, Iran is obliged to use only first-generation centrifuges IR-1s, and the other under the supervision of the IAEA to put in spetshranilischa.

For its part, Tehran was a real prospect of the lifting of sanctions, and European and American, but only after the conclusion of a comprehensive agreement on the notorious Iranian atom that can occur before June 30.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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