Intimate details of life in Korea

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Intimate details of life in Korea

Сообщение DARPA » 08 апр 2015, 04:18

I have repeatedly offered to write a post about the intimate life. They say, but as they have there, the Koreans, with this case?
I am not against such a topic, if we consider its cultural, without bawdry and rudeness. Only now did in this matter I can not speak for the whole of Korea. My personal experience is limited to one person. Video production on this subject, whether it is a super artistic or highly specialized, I'm not interested. So that no general data I have. Therefore, I will write everything that comes to mind of communication, just out of life, rumors, talk.
According to these sources, have sex with them all in order. Like all Eastern people, they are very temperamental and active. And, most likely, the more they have to restrain themselves in society, the more they will give themselves behind closed doors. Hence it seems and all sorts of "adverse events" in the form of super hard movie theater, where all play naked, well as extreme of a different kind, perverts running around the streets in a different form of indecent. The latter, by the way, I had the "pleasure" to see how something in our quietest residential area of ​​Seoul. I'm going to afford early Saturday morning on the street past the park. Nobody around, all sleep off on both sides of a hill covered with wood bridge between them. Look up on the bridge, over my head, stands a man in his underwear, women's bra and ananiruet. I eyes to the floor and quickly on his way. This here was an interesting experience ...

However, and with quite usual sex, judging by the number of lavas motels, no problem. They are intended for two categories of people: having extramarital affairs, and free those wishing to sleep with a girl / casual acquaintance / prostitute, etc. For convenience, the first such institutions in parking lots always close number of machines, one without windows facing the street, and comply with other rules of strict confidentiality. Familiar Tegyu moonlighting as a lava at the reception motel. It is located in the suburbs, away from all seemed life. In this case, the stories of visitors knocked shaft especially on weekends. Often men aged appear dressed in sports clothes for hiking. Then immediately clear legend for his wife. Mol went for a walk in the mountains (a popular sport here), take care of my health.
But the main visitors lavas motels still a youth. They and the force is greater and the time. And most importantly it is absolutely nowhere else to go in these cases. Bring her home almost unreal. Firstly, many before the wedding (or until retirement is someone like) are living with mom-dad. This completely eliminates drive someone, the more intimate affairs. "Hello, this is Mary, she'd spend the night with me in the room" - unthinkable in Korean family almost under pain of death. That is, even thought no one would, what can break off.
Of personal memories. When I had to come to Korea in order to become a lawful wife Tegyu, his mother asked him a brilliant question: "Where is she going to sleep?" Add to this the fact that we had to immediately get married and I was already pregnant. But even in such a situation, living together before the official wedding caused a certain break-consciousness among parents. Knowing the presentation and the foundations of the older generation, I totally give them their due. They not only took me and our Tegyu with the situation, but also helped us.
A small percentage of living before marriage apart from their parents, usually takes shelter with neighbors. All save, save up for future square footage. And even those are rare exceptions who are lucky enough to live before marriage alone usually will hide the fact from their parents drive home girls.
Moreover, not only snag is that lead nowhere, but that girl to sleep anywhere, and especially not released. Even if the "girl" has long been much closer to 30 than to 18. People are our standards strictly adults ask permission to go to the girl's parents, for example, somewhere along the trip. Any overnight stay away from home - it anyway explaining to parents. So the motel for a few hours is ideal and most convenient way out.
Unfortunately, I'm in Love motels until it was. Therefore, to talk about what's going on inside can only rumored. Impressions of tourists who once spent the night in a motel on the ceiling mirror and a large glass bowl, glass walls in the bathroom. And the terrible sound insulation. A shout say so, it is not clear toli they're so fond of each other, cut felts.
Judging by the fact that more still remain all alive, we see the first one. So in order all of them with sex. In order.
And lastly, another detail.
I feel like saying: "Did you know ...?"
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