Return to Russia: pros and cons

Модератор: zlata

Return to Russia: pros and cons

Сообщение DARPA » 08 апр 2015, 04:20

In Thailand, warmer, but at home is always fresh cottage cheese in the morning? In Moscow, wide sidewalks, but they do not run along the sea? A couple of weeks after his return to Russia of its pros and cons to be treated as something of themselves.


Pattaya against Moscow, the final battle! It is easier to divide the list, and that's what happened:

Advantages of being in Russia
+ Of course, the absence of any visa problems. Live how you want, and do not think about the extension, visa-wounds, troubles with the immigration service. The annual Thai visa is already in the range of $ 2500, including all extension and exits. And for the money you still have to go to language school, so God forbid, do not get caught pernicious inspector and did not get a stamp of deportation. Winterers easier, they do a six-month visa in Moscow, but several times it did not get.

+ You are entitled to all the rights of a citizen. That is, it is unlikely you will get to a situation '' farang always wrong. '' We usually wrong person, who has no money or connections, but a chance to get into conflict with the powerful of all small. Usually you oppose same ordinary citizens, and here you are equal before the law, Russian lawlessness.

+ No need to pay for Staying if there is his own. Buy an apartment in Pattaya - it is very doubtful, and is only valid for permanent residence. Freelancers and winterers also rent an apartment, and it is a pleasure to cost between $ 10,000 baht ($ 300) a month for a normal room, plus a guarantee of the same amount. Light and water - separately (More 1000-2000 baht per month). Like it or not, more profitable to live in their three rubles, than to rent a room by the sea.

+ The following prices for conventional products. Given the current rate - significantly. But this is not important. A big difference in the cost of expenditure on food gives life. Pattaya taken at least once a day is not a home, and in the city. Often, even 2-3 times a day. With this in mind, the daily ration costs 600-1000 baht for two persons per day (in rubles - multiply almost 2). In Moscow, the hike in the cafe - always a small event, and people usually eat at home, well, at work, in the dining and business lunches. If you work at home, as we do, the amount of expenditure on food is less than Thai at times. Looking at the price tags and translating them into Thai baht, you feel like a king.


+ No language barrier. Especially if you do not speak in English. For many very important.

+ Yes, wide sidewalks in town! And smooth, without protruding piece of iron and gullies. European cities are made for pedestrians, and Asian - for drivers. Pattaya no shady boulevards, almost no spacious parks where you can sit by the pond. It's all there in Moscow, big fat plus.

+ Pleasant cool summers. It is quite short but straight to the heart. I used to spend the summer in the homeland, it reconciles me to the extreme Russian climate.


+ Friends, relatives. They're all here, and it is an opportunity to meet and chat with them not on Skype makes each year to buy tickets home.

+ Specific Pattaya smell in the street)) Well, yes, often whiff of open sewage or garbage. Long-lived do not care, but tourists are sometimes shocked to wrinkle their noses. We have with this is more or less decorous, all contaminants are already included in the Moscow air colorless default.

+ Cheese! Kvass! Dumplings! Cake '' Pancho '' cake '' potato ''! Everything is everywhere, no need to get or do most on a quiet nostalgia. We adore that Yam or fried rice with Seafood, but even the most seasoned expats can sometimes be found in the act on the Russian market in Pattaya for eating meatballs with pickled cucumber. Russian cuisine Russian cuisine there, and we all - its adherents.

+ Unlimited cultural activities. Well, in theaters and museums, we rarely go, but you can also! Pattaya entertainment built around a primitive bodily, and culture still have to go to Bangkok.

+ Shareware medicine. Yes, inferior, yes, extortion, but still there. At least you can still get at the proper skill and penetration. Pattaya is still paid, either by the insurance.

Cons stay in Russia

- Fucking WEATHER !! That's what makes every autumn migratory flocks of wintering stall and fills planes to the south. Today, 65 February 2015, around the world green, and we have not yet melted all the snow on the lawn. Where it suits ?! For many, the lack of sun for half a year has a decisive argument for the move.


- No sea! That is, it certainly is, but the Barents. Black or that for 9 out of 12 months - odnohrenstvenno. But we all know that winter and spring have to swim and sunbathe!


- Total aggressive atmosphere. No smiles on the faces of familiar and taken for granted greeting at the entrance to the store. Even plus the lack of a language barrier often goes into a deep disadvantage, when you listen to the mat and assaults in public places. On the streets and in public transport hustle and do not apologize, rude and just talking obscenities, spit on the opinions of others.

- Awful dry air. After the sea - a real torture, and you get used to it very slowly.

- Huge range, the problem of any big city. A Moscow - and even the biggest in Europe. Half a lifetime in the transport, terrible traffic jams, a crush on the subway. In Pattaya, half an hour away somewhere - this ordeal, which then will be gossip. In Moscow - her short rasstoyanitse, which is inappropriate and even talk. These are the realities.

- Cost of products is relatively low, but the quality of their awful. If you improve quality and move into the premium segment, the benefit is largely lost.

- Lack of culture catering. Restaurants and cafes in Moscow inadequate roads, their just a little.

- Close friends, but extremely busy. Moscow - a city that separates people. Often meet once or twice a year, and then the '' cross the in the center, a couple of hours, I was back in Butovo saw then. ''

- The lack of development of services. Near the house should be inexpensive laundries, where you wash and iron clothes, rental, a couple of '' home '' cafes whose master knows you in the face, food stalls at the house, etc., etc. But to argue with the resort town where the scope of services and entertainment just oversaturated, you still will not work. Pattaya habit to have everything you need at once, at arm's length, corrupts.
In general, there are no ideal place, it is a personal preference, based on a set of pros and cons. What is more important - everyone decides for himself. Personally, I have developed a formula for themselves '' 7 + 5 '', meaning the number of months at home and outside its borders. So I take a break from the cons of each side, and gain advantages. Sometimes the formula is transformed into a '' 6 + 6 '', sometimes even in the '5 + 7' ', according to the circumstances and personal feelings. '' Be masters of their destiny and their plus sign! '' - I wish yourself and everyone else.

If you have missed something - add! The most sensible pros and cons made to the main office.
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