Unknown facts about Germany

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Unknown facts about Germany

Сообщение DARPA » 08 апр 2015, 04:22

Did you know that in Germany ...

ihoraksjuta writes in pora_valit
April 6, 9:07
1) If you smile, it does not mean that you are glad to see that you are someone like you.
2) Contrary to popular belief there is a beautiful woman
3) If you like the figure of a woman from behind, take a look at her face. Perhaps she was already 50.
4) A person who does not have a personal car, he begins to feel inferior
5) Railway transport can be much more expensive aircraft at the same distance.
6) Many do not believe, but in Germany so full of forests, fields and rivers.
7) Even in the most remote village is certainly worth at least one ATM.
8) What is more useful product, the more expensive it
9) Not at all locations beer - the main national drink. This is characteristic only for Bavaria and the northern lands.
10) snitching - the first way to deal with crime.

11) You can not close the front door with a key, leaving. At least where I live.
12) In the spring of the snow does not appear pile of dog shit.
13) Dropping sandwich on asphalt, you can pick it up and continue eating. A chance to pick up an intestinal infection is close to zero.
14) In order to catch fish (eg carp) you need a license.
15) Children in school are given special rights, they should be allowed to ride a bike.
16) You can hear the Russian and Turkish it is absolutely in any public place.
17) makes mention of Hitler most Germans modestly downcast eyes.
18) The most popular car color - metallic gray
19) high-rise residential building - 2 full floors.
20) If two men kissing in the cheeks, it does not speak about their sexual orientation
21) All sloping roofs covered with shingles. In Swabia it is red, in other regions - usually darker tones.
22) The most extended ones Russian car - Niva. Somehow marsh color.
23) The minimum price of a liter of wine - 79 cents. This wine is quite possible to drink.
24) Trains and buses are constantly opazdyvat a couple of minutes. But in general adhere to the schedule, and moving away from the starting point in time.
25) The inhabitants of the earth one can not understand zhietley other. Very different dialects
26) Swabian German sounding like talking toothless mouth full of porridge.
27) Real estate prices in the south-west of the country comparable to the prices in the center of Moscow.
28) Steal cars only in the movies.
29) There are no service allows you to save time, dozvanivayas person whose phone is busy. You will be called back when the line is free and connect with someone.
30) Shops do not work from 20.00 to 8.00. Also, they are closed on Sundays and holidays.
31) Gasoline three times more expensive than in Russia.
32) Bread and fish products also cost more than in Russia.
33) Everyone should have a bank account number.
34) You can drink water from the tap. This is the norm.
35) After 23.00 should keep quiet to avoid vstechi with neighbors caused by the police.
36) The penalty for ticketless travel is at least 40 Euro.
37) as well as people everywhere are actively seeking fuck scam, but over the phone and by mail. And not breaking the law.
38) To get rid of an old car, that is to throw it, you have to pay money to spetspomoyke
39) On the autobahn there is no speed limit, except for hazardous areas and near motorway exits.
40) Having dried on the autobahn, you risk getting a very large fine.
41) It is necessary to pay the tax for the use of a rather big TV and radio.
42) For urinating in the bushes in a public place you could not throw a monkey.
43) For some insulting words and gestures you can sue.
44) Heating in an apartment tenant regulates itself.
45) Water terribly expensive. Everyone is trying to save on water.
46) concluded an agreement for the provision of mobile services for 2 years for free, you can get a new cell model.
47) People go to work on a 9-10, both in Russia and 7-8 in the morning.
48) In the western part there is no such thing as a residential skyscraper. Only office there.
49) After 20 years after burial casket from the grave vykapyvatsya and disposed of together with the stiffs. Make room for new zombies. Exception: specifically proplachennye places, VIP-corpses and sculptural value of monuments.
50) are associated not with the Russian bears and balalaika, and drunkenness and theft. Unfortunately come in large numbers of citizens of Kazakh collective farms and zones.
51) store thief to start give moral dyuley, then confines appear in the store and fined for violating the ban.
52) halter top, opening the abdomen, dress not only slim girls, but balls of fat.
53) There are roads where there is a sign "only for residents." Such settlements in a lot, especially in the so-called sleeping areas.
54) Limitation of movement through towns and villages are not 60 and 50 km / h. There are areas to 30km / h.
55) One SMS costs usually about 19 euro cents. Rob stsuki!
56) Never met the Nazis, but often saw punks with peerchёrknutoy swastika on his sleeve.
57) Everyone is absolutely on the drum, how you look, what you're wearing, what's in your head instead of hair styles and so on. Nobody doebёtsya.
58) Women are not made to kiss and shake hands.
59) Swabians do not like the Bavarians, and the Bavarians - Swabians. Stebut each other ... But the Chukchi and Estonians actually.
60) People willingly explain to you how far to drive, if you get lost. But to make it so that get lost even more.
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