The attack on the Kremlin, or Humpty Dumpty last breath

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The attack on the Kremlin, or Humpty Dumpty last breath

Сообщение DARPA » 08 апр 2015, 04:26

"It's always with you, even when you do not know it, your anonymous Internationale." Anonymous hacker group, the authors of the site "Humpty Dumpty" launched a real "spies" among Russian officials: burglary personal mail, phone tapping, and now disguised tracking devices in the office.

It all started with a banal allegedly "hacking" personal correspondence of major Russian officials. About a year ago in a blog "Humpty Dumpty" began to appear one after the other "sensational material" - supposedly genuine correspondence from mailboxes and phones politicians. Among the victims loud figures - Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, State Duma deputy, Robert Schlegel, former head Sergei Rosmolodezh Belokonev, a spokesman for Prime Minister Natalia Timakova, businessman Mikhail Dvorkovich, a member of the Public Chamber Christina Patupchyk, and other persons.

But the main "love" - ​​a deputy head of the department of internal policy Timur Prokopenko AP whose activities are made public, with particular zeal is hard not to notice. Blog Authors literally followed at his heels, and even themselves describe their work, focusing on it: "... a kind of Alice. "It's a field officer, a very important work is done - when you need to, for example, go to the cafe, in which goes Prokopenko, sit down at him and see what he types on his computer," - explains Lewis. " Here it is necessary to stop. Major government official, a crucial business issues for "my computer" in an open format in a cafe? Phenomenon unlikely and unbelievable, and of course, unrealistic.
It becomes clear that against Timur Prokopenko being powerful information war. And not just information. For seemingly chaotic stuffing in respect Prokopenko is a clear, systematic attack whose goal is to at least the dismissal of him. And the scale of operations is growing and is now under attack not only himself, but also those people who cooperate with him. In the course are all new "spy things." Last weekend, the leadership of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs asked the Investigative Committee of Russia (MRS), a statement about the discovery in the offices of the organization's leadership secretly installed by unknown persons of special equipment for audio and video fixation. In connection with this fact guide the agency asks the investigating authorities to inspect and identify who and why is installed "bugs". Sergey Pospelov in March last year was replaced as head of the agency Sergei Belokoneva who repeatedly was a member of the corruption schemes.

Hacking mailboxes, SMS correspondence, and now the tracking device in the office of politicians - all this shows how serious the officials enemies. But who is behind the Humpty Dumpty? There are many versions. War towers of the Kremlin? Lost their former influence officials AP? Foreign intelligence services? Gromov, Surkov, and similar versions of the origin of "Bolt" has increasingly become less relevant. One source in the Government claims that this is an international hacker group working on the instructions of the FSB, the Department of Information Security. Once again, supposedly want to "teach" the officials and show that it is necessary to use only secure means of transmitting information. Slip and very very naive version that is a group of true patriots who want to discover the truth about the political kitchen of the Kremlin, but the truth is unconfirmed. But given the nature of the attacks and the selected characters for the hacker group can stand and a new force, which generally attacks the command of the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration Vyacheslav Volodin Viktorovich, with one sole purpose - to remove from office the whole of his team and the appointment of a new, "their" . Volodin's political successes were obvious to all, starting with the creation of a new, unique change "Generation Znany. The territory of meaning "in the Seliger youth camp, which was supervised by the OHR and gathered from all over Russia about 1,000 young teachers, ending the appointment of heads of regions with regard to their real effectiveness. Obviously, the "Dumpty" works on someone who does not pop up in their revelations, and intensified group because once again revived the fight for the AP, which gives a chance to those who have almost lost influence in the office and wants to make up for it. A so-called old "new force" still dreams of replacing the leader and complete reformatting of the political system. It is noteworthy that the primary sources are often drains resources such as Meduza (owned by Khodorkovsky), The Insider (Roman Dobrokhotov), ​​ (Roizman).
Banal competition released unless its cynicism and affecting personal and family matters. Dumpty and rolled up to the publication of photographs from the family archive.

Only they try in vain. Victory is not the one who dig up more dirt on the neighbor. Wins the one who is engaged in business, and "gryazekopateley", of course, find, and they sit down. For the time of its activity the same Prokopenko never been involved in corruption scandals. Merging arrays unconfirmed correspondences, hands Dumpty in our minds from the scrappy patchwork of half drags a huge canvas lies, as a result - in the public eye formed an enemy .. And here in front of us with a light hand lying, caught stealing officials, not the guys who actually do not take bribes and work for the state, and not to say "this" country, and "our" country and recognize the sole authority of the national leader Putin.

Meanwhile, the group "Anonymous International" black trades jobs in the field of compromising the guise of a beautiful, patriotic slogans. For example, in February, hackers put up for auction information allegedly from three gadgets Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Lot price was - 500 Bitcoins (about $ 110,000). Prior to that, "Humpty Dumpty" auction offered to buy correspondence Timakova for which requested 150 Bitcoins (about $ 35,000).
Cynical business, customers and having the right connections both in the government and in the business sector, and in the latter to a greater extent. Clear and positioning on the public - because customers need to somehow attract. "International" is working on its own brand, active and quoted. Pretty standard commercial work a certain kind of "entrepreneurs": compromising, personal information, business correspondence. Audience - business and political strategists. And in order to create a serious advertising itself, of course, should be given importance.

Now, judging by how shallow "exposure", the story of "Humpty Dumpty" gradually moving towards its finale. New catalog backroom Affairs of the Russian elite in the manner of the site "" project will not be for a simple reason: the "Library of compromising" never had a specific owner or personal orientation, which gave him the stability and independence from any pressure groups. A project of "Humpty Dumpty" is clearly specific objectives, and this is its weakness.
What is the result? Perhaps with the exception of option where the customer and the project are foreign secret services, the remaining organizers noisy, illegal, but, in general, do not tell the Russian public any special secrets "revelations", pretty soon will be calculated. While the customer is more complicated. However, this does not mean that the sponsors should rest on our laurels or grain positions or dream about it. Like expect that by implementing such projects, it is possible to think seriously about his future career.

By the way, according to the law of action "International" - a criminal offense. Hacking falls under Article 272 of the Criminal Code "Illegal access to computer information". In the third part of the article we are talking about committing a burglary by an organized group and in a preliminary conspiracy that threatens to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years. What do you think, what will be the last tweet creators Dumpty? "I'm tired, I'll sit" .Sovsem soon releases "good" Anonymous International.
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