Модератор: zlata


Сообщение DARPA » 09 апр 2015, 02:40

Apparently the Kremlin has not really know where to direct their imperialist intentions, and therefore suffer from excessive excitement raskachennyh boats, while remaining in place. It is not casual director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, Lieutenant General retired Leonid Reshetnikov spoke openly about what the Armed Forces can invade Turkmenistan to provide international assistance in the fight against Islamic extremism!

Honestly, for me it was a statement of something from the category of "Suddenly". In my opinion, immediate goals of the Kremlin tyranny can be prioritized - Azerbaijan, Baltic countries, Moldova and Belarus ... But certainly not have thought that it can go on Turkmenistan!

According to the same Reshetnikov in Russia because of the events in Ukraine released sight threat of Islamic extremism in Central Asia, and therefore it is necessary to develop the Turkmen direction as soon as possible. When it Reshetnikov hinted that the situation in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan is no better.

Of course, it is ridiculous to hear the statement of the fight against Islamic extremism in the name of the Islamic State, from general country, which supplies most of these extremists as weapons and manpower, as in the ranks of the IG is about one and a half thousand Russian citizens. But the essence of a little different - if Russia decides to an invasion of Turkmenistan, it is only through mass landing on its west coast, and the Armed Forces of this experience was not.

Although recall all these unprecedented exercises in the Far East with the landing ... Yes, really! So what then, little green men will be in Central Asia? And how do they explain this feint almost tens of thousands of US and NATO troops stationed in Afghanistan, and the number of which in an emergency mode may increase from 50 to 100 thousand? Really, with all voltages on the western borders should continue to rattle the saber and aggressive policy.

In my opinion Russia will not be able to pull such a serious military operation in a country like Turkmenistan. No, the military superiority it will have in any case indisputable, but the cost of finance and resources for such a venture would be enormous and finally break the half-dead economy nedoimperii. Besides, such an operation will require redistribution military by regions, and hence be certain areas bared ... and, apparently Far. And there because China ...

Therefore, the statement Resetnicov may arouse jingo and attract the attention of antagonists, but it is a bravura character, designed just to distract attention from the main lines of action that has been taken in the Kremlin to develop. Do not get distracted. Although schizophrenia ... it's so ...
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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