Fighting defunct US hegemony

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Fighting defunct US hegemony

Сообщение DARPA » 09 апр 2015, 02:42

Putin's ideologues earnestly struggling with the ideological hegemony of the United States. "The United States, we are exporting our values" - screaming ideologues. Is it possible to find a complete list of these terrible values? Freedom of speech? Respect for the law? The right to a fair trial? It seems everything? Any laws, by the way, who themselves write. Select any of these values ​​are not acceptable for the Orthodox autocracy philosophy. No other values ​​are not US exports. Do not export because ...

... That the common values ​​for all 50 states that make up the United States of America - United States of America - does not exist. Yes, yes, States - this State. As they have different lifestyles, different taxes, a different attitude to drugs, different attitudes towards racial equality. They are different! And these differences are not smoothed over time - some are smoothed, and many grow.

There are states where gay people can enter into a full-fledged marriage (MA), and there are those where gay can throw away from work if they knew about his orientation (Indiana). There are those in which 5 grams of marijuana, you can get hooroshy prison term (TN) is where marihiana legally sold in stores (Colorado) - come with a shopping bag. There are states with a huge, brutal tax on private incomes, personal income tax, (New York), and there are those where the tax is zero (FL). Net zero circular. So what are the values ​​and where to export the US?

Even more diversity of social order and world orders in the states of the Western world. There are various mills almost like different planets. The Western world is - Dubai and the Netherlands (compare attitudes towards women), Qatar and the United Kingdom (compare the level of the social. Protection and device state. Service), Morocco and Norway (compare everything)), Singapore and Denmark (compare pensions), and so etc., and the like.

But Belarus, Zimbabwe, North Korea, and Russia is no longer distinguishable as twins. Start with Orthodoxy and nationality, and invariably end-1935 Germany, adjusted for economic weakness and chaos, which the Germans would never have suffered. Not built a new philosophy, and the old and well known to all National Socialism. And the rest of the world? Yes, the rest of the world does not mind! Enjoy. Just not very rattling nuclear weapons and attack the neighbors who weaker. And build! Kiss the Fuhrer in boots and ask them to lead Majesty theatrical business and architecture in the country. The Führer is love.

Vote. What do you think, where more razboobraziya public devices and philosophies - in the Western world or the Zimbabwean KNDRah (Belarus, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Russia, Cuba, Syria, this is still, alas)?
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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