10 tips for registration of their thoughts in writing

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10 tips for registration of their thoughts in writing

Сообщение DARPA » 17 апр 2015, 23:53

By popular demand radio continues a series of articles about blogging. However, my previous article on this topic was met almost deathly silence readers, but it still does not stop me to finish the job:


Remember anecdote? Foreign tourist arrives in a remote little village. In the evening, drinks tea with a local tells him a lot of things about my country. Finally asks:
- Do you have any peoples wisdom?
- There. If the toilet stall to cut a hole in the top shape of a heart, it will be seen, there is someone inside or not.
- ???
- Well, we do not have very wise people ...

In short, this time philosophy will be smaller and more specific practical recommendations.

1. Do not neglect the design of the text. Messily decorated text will not be appreciated. Think of migrant workers with a terrible accent, which stipulate for some of the letters wrong: they are always considered blockheads just because they are not proficient in the language to express their thoughts clearly.

So: sloppy writing person will seem stupid and uneducated readers - no matter how clever ideas he shared with us either. Alas.

2. The most easily correctable error - which, however, is still quite common - the reluctance to put a space after periods and commas.

Simply put, it is not when they write "Hello, Bob" and "Hello, Bob," "Hello, Bob" or even "Hello, Bob." The rule is simple: put exactly one space after full stops and commas. Before the dot or comma can not put a space.

In more complex cases - when in doubt, for example, whether to put a point before or after quotes - Refer to the text on the site of respected news outlets, such as RIA or RT. This short and simple.

3. The most popular mistake - the reluctance to divide the text into paragraphs. Variants of this error set.

Option "A". The text is written one conjoint "a sheet", a kind of one long paragraph. Read this text - torture, and few have enough patience to "sheet" to read.

Option "B". Each following sentence is written on a new line. It turns out a kind of "comb" of the proposals - looks like a bad poems. If "sheet" can not be read, then "comb" thrust the reader may have to cope, albeit with some distaste.

Please divide the text into paragraphs correctly. Here you have some simple rules: in one paragraph should be from three to ten lines (for pedants - from 150 to 800 characters). Do long paragraphs is not recommended, even if you are a professional writer and confident in his style. Modern inhabitant of the Internet is surrounded by a variety of temptations, and if your paragraphs are too large, it will be difficult to swallow them in one step.

Too carried away brevity is also not necessary. Try all the same to a single paragraph fully placed one thought.

4. More about paragraphs. There are two methods to separate paragraphs from each other - "book" and "computer". Book method - starts a new paragraph with the "red line", with a small indentation in the beginning. Like this:

      Sometimes pretends to be a street liberal gentleman wears gloves and fawn as if preparing to argue. But at the first collision, he abandons his unusual thoughts, he comes into this role. Drunk and mad, he grabs everything throws anything, forgetting all shame, lost all sense of decency.
      Street liberal abhors conditions imposed lounge; He feels at home in the pub, in the mud, which he tried to cast aside anyone who wears clean clothes. Everyone should come under the same level, the same low and vulgar.

In the book "red line" looks great, but on video monitors which looks like a second advantageous variant in which the paragraphs are separated by a blank line:

Street Liberal feeds implacable hatred for everything that rises above the crowd, to any authority. He never came to mind that respect for authority is the respect for the thoughts, to work, to talent, to everything that gives a higher value to man; or maybe just because he does not tolerate and authority that sees it as those formed by forces that are the pride of the people and the decoration of mankind.

Street violence seems liberal science, applied life, art - the fruit of an aristocratic idleness.

5. Now a few words about the special characters. Ellipsis consists of exactly three points: not two, not four, but three. "Dots" of five points and a look at this feature of the curves.

Question and exclamation marks are only used in isolation. Even two question marks at the end of the sentence ("How is it ??") look for some hysterically. Force yourself to use at a time only one character. (For pedants - reinforce question mark exclamation, "?!", You can still).

Hyphen, dash and long dash - they are different characters. Short hyphen, dash, longer, long dash - quite long. Aesthetes can read about the difference, for example, Lebedev:


I'll give a simple rule. Inside the words used by a hyphen (the shortest, the right of the key "zero" on the keyboard): "First", "somewhere", "somehow."

Between the words used by a short dash (placed with special layouts Birman type of layout): "elk - animal", "gardener - a murderer."

If you are too lazy to put special layout, simply place a dash instead of a short two hyphens: "St. Petersburg - the cultural capital of Russia." So too is normal.

About different types of quotes and non-breaking spaces before interest will not even write: on such details to our times without grace no one pays attention.

6. Large letters. Written "Kapslok" one big letters is perceived as shouting. Everyone knows that, and now in big letters in LJ almost no one writes.

But put the caps in the beginning of the sentence and begin with a capital letter names for many lazy. And it is in vain. Imagine edakogo sluggish capricious man who quietly muttered under his breath barely moving his lips, as he was too lazy to even slightly tense, to say the phrase clearly.

That's how people perceived that ignore capital letters. Well, in fact, what will happen to them if they were a couple of times to click on Shift? Little fingers wither?

The same applies to the points at the end of sentences. Put them always, it's important.

Finally, do not forget that the title of the post, too, must begin with a capital letter, but the point at the end of the headers are not needed. And, yes, do not be lazy to come up with headlines: release the post without a title - it's like to come to lecture with disheveled hair. Do not be so.

7. Try not change without the need for any font or color. Use a standard font in black, ignore the possible functions to "make bold" and "italic".

Generally, highlight text in bold need only when you then refer to this selection. For example: "note in bold. Here the author shows us ... ". Select text in italics or color does not need almost never. But to change the font size is sometimes necessary - for example, in the headlines.

Refers to the "coloring" of the text as cosmetics. A little overdone - and your text looks vulgar as an advertising tablets to increase certain organs.

8. Always Make legible quotes and other inserts. For example, the tag <blockquote>, as I do. I use just such a design:

<Blockquote style = 'border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px '> The text in a frame </ blockquote>

Another viable option - a sign "more" at the beginning of each sentence of the quote. Like this:

> This is the first line of the quotation.
> This is the second line of the quote.

If you prenebrezhёte this rule and do not separate the quote from your text, readers can get confused and stop reading.

By the way, do not forget to properly execute quotes not only in the post, but also in the comments.

9. A pair specific for LJ moments.

When you insert a video into the post and do not forget to give a direct link to the video. On many computers, embedded video is not displayed.

Be sure to remove a "cat" posts longer than one page (2500 characters). Do not post images larger than 900 pixels wide (in the comments - no wider than 400 pixels).

10. Finally, the last. Spelling and syntax. Of course, I can not express in one post, even the basic rules of the Russian language - there are too many. Nevertheless, I note that if for syntax errors, few people pay attention, here's the wrong spelling greatly spoil your reputation.

It is not necessary to hope that readers will be so delighted with the essence of your posts that you forgive the spelling mistakes. Not easy.
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