that the head of the "shadow CIA" intelligence company Stratfor, George Friedman

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that the head of the "shadow CIA" intelligence company Stratfor, George Friedman

Сообщение DARPA » 18 апр 2015, 00:01

The site Politrussia, is widely known for its advertised at independence in judgment blogger "Fritsmorgenom" published an article revealing "pseudo-patriots", requiring the Russian authorities to eliminate the nest Bandera scum at our borders.

"... Some citizens, flushed" patriotic "truth-bloggers ..."

Pathetic article begins with a violent exposure, so the identity of the author do not want to even discuss - I do not doubt that it is absolutely disinterested, thinking is not solely about the fee, but merely for the good of Russia.

The essence of the article is that there are bad people who need to immediately destroy Nazi Kiev junta. But these "pseudo-patriots", urging to stop the Nazi murder of Russian Sabbath and, in fact, grist to the mill of the US State Department. Further, the author explains that the battle goes not for some unfortunate Ukraine, and for the whole of Europe, so the "pseudo-patriots" just knock people confused.

Well, let's take a little Let us examine the claim.

Politrussia: «Listen to what the head of the" shadow CIA "intelligence company Stratfor, George Friedman:" Our main task is to prevent an alliance between Germany and Russia, because together they represent a unique and a real threat to the United States. »

The author does not occur to him that since Friedman says it is open for the public (CIA, yeah) there is clearly something wrong? "Just do not throw me in the briar patch" - says Friedman. In fact, Friedman says in plain text - Russian, think immediately of the world's great projects. Do not pay attention to the fact that we focus in your borders, large military groupings.

Politrussia: «When you are trying to" take over the weak ", the truth hurt? Well, at least due to the fact that the arm that offers you to make the obvious stupidity in order to "feel like a man" and allegedly did not lose respect in the eyes of the manipulator, said you idiot "

Yes, of course, Colonel Gunmen, who defended Sloviansk by superior enemy forces, this arm, trying to "take over the weak." A Friedman - a simple honest guy that in mind, then the language.

Politrussia: «Ukraine - no more than a tool with which the US is trying to protect all of the most important Anglo-Saxon civilization nightmare - continental alliance between Russia and Germany."

From this "main nightmare" US protection in 1990 when, as a result of the betrayal of the Soviet leadership, the GDR was absorbed by NATO. After which Russia withdrew from its occupation troops in Germany, and the United States did not ask them, and hardly ever withdraw without the active assistance of the Russian army. Since then, the United States became the sole owners of Germany. Write about this issue, and do not remember that in Germany there are American occupation forces can only quack.

Politrussia: «And now, we are trying hard to drum into his head that goes" war for Ukraine ", which is now the fate of Russia, and the fate of Russia, of course, is solved in Ukraine. We constantly hear: Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine ... And in fact, Ukraine - not even the fact that the pawn, but simply a cell on a huge chessboard. And on this board played a completely different party ... There is a battle for Europe and we need to Berlin, not Kiev. We need to Berlin! "

Wow, how cool! Berlin they need. And we also can not hurt. However, if you look even wider, and that is Berlin? Province. Let's get rid of our already miserable parochial and to look at the entire universe! Can you imagine what is decided there is now a global battle between good and evil ?! Star Wars! So why do we need the Berlin? He already in our pocket, not going anywhere. Let's just seize Alpha Centauri, which is penny wise and waste your time on trifles?

"So we do not even dare to stop the Nazi rampage on the nearby hamlet Ukraine, how are we to Alpha Centauri on the right?" - Doubt any skeptic. Fie, what you miserable man, skeptic. In such trifles dig. None of this magnitude in you!

Next is a long description of plans to create a single economic space US - EU, which finally subdue Europe USA.

Politrussia: «Russian aggression" should scare the European society and the part of the European elite, which has not yet decided whether it is ready to go under US or better to take the risk and to fight for freedom. "

That is, if Russia destroys the Americans created the Nazi foothold in Ukraine, European businessmen scares and give your business the Americans. And if Russia is suffering humbly, European businessmen say - no, Paul, no Francois, these Russian stalwarts such patient! The Americans captured here Ukraine, Russian killed there, and they suffer. Therefore, Francois, why do we need these dastardly Americans who captured and killed Russian Ukraine? Let's we will send them away (because we are brave) and begin to cooperate with the Russian, who kill Americans. Let the Americans and kill us too, it's so much fun, we find ourselves in the same grave with the Russian company, and it will contribute to the prosperity of our business.

In support of its version of the upcoming release of the subordination of Europe USA "politrasha" leads some minor differences.

Politrussia: «French President Francois Hollande said that Kiev is not fully faithful to the commitments undertaken in the framework of the Minsk Agreement ..."

So what? In any large system, there is always some controversy. They were between Hitler and the tip, and the tip between the Soviet and American between the tip and between the warriors of Genghis Khan. Contradictions in general is always and everywhere where there are more than two people. Pick up each application and make it the basis for any long-term conclusions - is extremely naive. You never know who whom when and what he said? Of course, among the hundreds of millions of people living in Europe, there is always a group of people who think differently. It may amuse the imagination, but has no effect on the overall political direction.

Politrussia: «When the arrow argues that the war with Europe - a reality, it works on Friedman and Soros ..."

I am not a lawyer Strelkova, but the war with Europe really given. This can be read in the history books - a thousand years, we are at war with Europe and fend off invasions from the West. Why suddenly this century Europe must change? Because we both want?

Politrussia: «slow and difficult, but Russian diplomacy seeks discrepancy vectors of European and American foreign policy. The process can not be fast, but it is very important to achieve the liberation of Europe from the "dollar Horde."

A matter of time. How many centuries of Russian diplomacy is required in order to "slow and difficult" to dissolve the US and Europe, and how many months it will take the US to prepare for combat-ready groups strike against Russia?

I do not understand why Europe suddenly became for us so white and fluffy, almost "American victim"? In the last war the whole of continental Europe was at war against us and almost destroyed our country. Now, suddenly, in Russia, suffered terribly from Nazi Europe, begin to idealize it and see it as an ally? Where do these castles in the air? We fought a thousand years with Europe. Now that Europe has a real chance, with the support of the United States, finally deal with his eternal enemy - Russia - suddenly she loved us and become peaceful?

Not so long ago Europe ravaged Yugoslavia, and then - Libya. Just because cute Europeans borrowed money from Gaddafi and decided to kill him, not to return the debt. This, of course, a trifle - to kill the creditor and set fire to a couple of countries, but still speaks of our partners is not very good.

We can assume that in Europe would prevail peacefulness - if Europeans saw dangling from the gallows Ukrainian Nazi leaders and mentally put yourself in their shoes. But when the age-old enemy sees impunity, it can only inflame his aggression.

Politrussia: «It turns out that for the pleasure of a bunch of wailing and isteryaschih pseudopatriots we strongly pushed the whole of Europe towards the United States."

The author had fallen from the moon? Europe does not have to push toward the United States. In Europe, there are American occupation troops, has been incorporated into the NATO military bloc, led by the United States, and any European politician speaking against the United States, will not be allowed to take serious decisions.

Europeans, like all people, are very well aware of the power. If Russia is to show "non-resistance to evil", it does not attract to us anyone. On the contrary - alienate.

Look at the Bulgarians, whom we rescued from the Turks. They fought against us in two world wars. They were not punished for it, and now the Americans are helping in the preparation of the third world.

Look - let's look otvedёm from Europe - to the Japanese. Americans burned their cities with atomic bombs. Killed and infants, and women, and the elderly. The Japanese now tremble before the Americans. They do not dare to say a word against it. Maybe they even love them. Remember Orwell's "1984" - the main character at the end of the book fell in love with his executioner, "O'Brien", and began to sympathize with him.

Germans remember how the Americans burned Dresden. Therefore, they always prefer to talk about "Russian barbarians" who, in fact, has done nothing wrong and everything is simple than yapping on those who kill quickly and ruthlessly. These are people, they are afraid. A yield of aggression is still needed - and the victim will always be the one who seems weak.

I am not in any way compete with the Americans call cruelty and create an equally heinous crimes. But we live in the real world, among the real, not imaginary people. If we are to survive, we have to use force to enemies. And allies in real, not a perfect world, there is only one way - we have to fear more than our enemies. No need to build illusions about Europe, and indeed about humanity - is deadly.

Once again - a true ally is someone who is afraid of you more than your enemy.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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