Trying to understand the role of Hillary Clinton in modern politics

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Trying to understand the role of Hillary Clinton in modern politics

Сообщение DARPA » 30 май 2015, 18:24

Trying to understand the role of Hillary Clinton in modern politics inevitably comes up against the question of the role of personality in history. Through her, the matter ceases to be speculative, since all those who are now trying to understand the effect on world politics her election US president, will sooner or later have to switch to speculation on other ways of understanding reality, given to us, as it is known in sensation.

In particular, those who are educated in the Soviet Union in this regard are beginning to remember that according to Plekhanov and Lenin, the objective laws of social development is in no way diminish the role of personality in history, on the contrary it provides a huge scope to translate his knowledge of the objective laws of personal, subjective Achievements . In this sense, the role of personality Hillary Clinton in terms of Leninist dialectics simply overestimated, and after what happened in the last 25 years Ukraine has become all too clear that the state not only to build, which is very difficult, but very few people can, because it should nevertheless be recognized that something much Lenin understand something in the role of personality in history.

In particular, the emergence during the Watergate scandal in the foreground of world history, 27-year-old Hillary Clinton reminds the steps of the Pushkin Commander and its subsequent march through it not only meets the appearance, but also seem largely determined by him. One could even hope that with God's help her disappearance from this world history proscenium return to the path from which it pushed the Watergate scandal. Anyway, it is not doubt that before the appearance of a crushing defeat in Vietnam, and no less devastating for the "hawks MIC" anti-war movement in the United States, President Nixon convinced that cooperation with the Soviet Union is much more consistent with the national interests and security of the United States, than the unrestrained arms race and balancing on the brink of nuclear war. This balancing on the edge of the abyss then received the name of "containment."

Of course, in Russia there are many people who believe that the course of world history after Watergate, including luring in Afghanistan, the introduction of technology multiple warheads, the collapse of the Soviet Union and even wanton killing of civilians in the Donbas, was quite natural, and it is necessary to adopt it is a fact, answering embrace global anaconda attacks a sword, it cuts the Stars and the striatum. Actually, in the light of all the fires in the same Gorlovka on the background of ruined monuments of the Great Patriotic War, with these people is difficult to argue, but still it is worth remembering that the optimistic forecast, these people are still there, and in the course of World War II the United States were an ally of the Soviet Union.

And this position has nothing to society defeatism of those who welcomed the total banderizatsiyu and Nazification of Ukraine, demanding the return of the Ukrainian Crimea, and by the way, in every way belittling really fraternal, allied relations Roosevelt and Stalin's Soviet Union of America, which there are many reasons to consider the true face of history the United States, as well as the Soviet Union in World War II was undoubtedly the epitome of historical Russia.

In addition, we should not forget that almost all of the early danger to democracy in the United States of its own defense industry said Commander of the armies of Britain and the United States in Europe during World War II, US President Eisenhower, and in this struggle against global "war party" Putin Obama's Russia and the United States are allies again. Yes, and START-II, which the outgoing Bush Sr. still managed to sign before all the same Hillary Clinton managed to reign in the White House as first lady, was primarily aimed at the prohibition technology separable warheads. That is, the contract effectively cleaned nuclear gun on his temple Russia, which is largely made possible and luring in Afghanistan and the collapse of the Soviet Union. And who knows, if Hillary Clinton prevailed a few months in the White House as first lady, the START-II would be ratified, that would prevent virtually and the Yugoslav tragedy, and the seizure of the hospital in Buynaksk, and the abandonment of restrictions on the construction of missile defense who made the inevitable tragedy of Ukraine.

But before Hillary Clinton's role in the Watergate scandal will be disclosed at least in a purely hypothetical way, must be at least at the basic level to talk about the relationship separable warheads impeachment of President Nixon and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is responsible to the "hawks MIC" for the destruction of the missiles R-39 (RSM-52) amounts to arming submarines 941 project and the Soviet Union became the answer to this technology. The fact that decisive progress in this technology have made the United States in the early '70s, and the specter of a world power again loomed before the mind's eye of hawks, despite the 3000 aircraft and helicopters downed in one month in Vietnam.

This technology allows for the same number of submarines and missiles in order to increase the number of targets, striking the first disarming strike missiles with a short time of approach (later called Euromissiles, "Trident" submarines and on medium-range missiles in Afghanistan, if unsuccessful gamble Amin ) This gave added weight factor missile defense, as placed, for example, in the Crimea, it is possible to intercept those 10% of missiles that could survive a preemptive strike and bring to naught all the advantages of a surprise attack. President Nixon in 1972, just a sigh of relief after the end of the Vietnam nightmare and just signed the START-1, strictly limiting the construction of missile defense, apparently refused to give the green light to this project that threatens to derail all his achievements as president. And immediately a agent nicknamed "Deep Throat" said in an editorial, "The Washington Times" editor in chief Ben Bradley that aides of President Nixon going to install wiretapping equipment in the headquarters of the electoral campaign of the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of George McGovern, located in the Washington hotel "Watergate ".

At this point, one of the greatest tragedies in the history of mankind, which later led to the failure of the policy of detente, has become a burlesque, as the nickname of the agent clearly refers to pornographic films of the same name, and suggests that the agent had the appropriate skills, in detail shown in this film. Moreover, it is too bold assumption that Ben Bradley was familiar with these skills, and that he gave him the nickname, although later it announced the editor of The Washington Times, Howard Simons, who personally "deep throat" did not know. However, two other journalists who Ben Bradley instructed to check the information provided by the "deep throat", and because of this knowing her personally, have published a book that spoke about the role of "Deep Throat" in Uotregeytskom scandal about six months after the President Nixon resigned, unable to withstand the pressure that it was a young lawyer, a former assistant John Doar, chief counsel of the House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, who initiated the investigation of the Watergate scandal and the preparation of impeachment against Richard Nixon.

Advocaat, "split the" President Nixon, despite the fact that the direct evidence of his involvement in the installation of eavesdropping equipment was not named Hillary Clinton as "Deep Throat" was the FBI's Assistant Director Mark Felt. The latter, however, for 30 years, refused the honor, despite the fact that it was "Deep Throat" was a hero, who showed that democracy in America and the President may put on his knees in front of a young woman named Hillary Clinton, and not vice versa as in the movie "Deep Throat", which looks similar to her a young woman named Linda Lovelace stood the entire film on his knees in front of a variety of men. However, in 2005, he still admitted to this "heroism", which coincided with the beginning of the electoral campaign for the presidency of the United States senator from New York Hillary Clinton, but then in 1973 he apparently categorically refused out of modesty is that allusions to Linda Lovelace.

Of course, it is surprising that the victim of such an extreme modesty has become such a significant official, but not more than 27-year-old graduate of Yale University, began his career with the interrogation of the current US president and refused to admit him to his lawyers during these interrogations. And her ex-boss Jerry Zeifman, today regretted that he fired her, but then not reported to the mighty Bar Association lawyers about inadequate ethical behavior of State Hillary Clinton on the committee Rodino and hints that if lawyers were allowed to Nixon, the last is likely to resign would not have left, the policy of detente would continue for much longer, and the Soviet Union would enter the third millennium after Christ's arm with the United States.

Thus, there is no doubt that those who were interested in thwarting the policy of detente in 1972, were in great debt to the young lawyer who had just graduated from Yale University and the bat "ruptured" President Nixon on a tip from an agent "Deep Throat ". It is not surprising that soon after these events, the lawyer married a classmate, who was rumored to be the illegitimate son of the governor of Arkansas Winthrop Rockefeller, and soon he inherited the position.

In 1992, Hillary Clinton very well organized campaign of her husband, Bill Clinton, thereby disrupting detant-2.0 and the end of the Cold War, has already been signed by Presidents Yeltsin and Bush senior. And in 1998 it was she who came up with a way to save her husband from the impeachment when he was accused of lying under oath that he had no sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, despite the fact that the white spots on her dress indicated otherwise. She simply drew attention of the Committee of the House of Representatives on the preparation of impeachment against Clinton that in dictionaries is the above action film really called sexual relations than proved that for a long time and a lot of thinking about the legal aspects of skills Linda Lovelace, knowing full well the issue on the merits.

However, the fate of can not leave even such giants like Hillary Clinton, whose role in history is consistent with Plekhanov and Lenin's dialectic doctrine of the role of personality in history. Watergate came back to her in 43, in the form of so-called Servergeyta when the House of Representatives committee investigating the brutal murder of the US ambassador in Benghazi Stevens demanded from her private server e-mails, which US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used for official correspondence. And just as in 1972 it demanded from President Nixon's tape recordings of his talks with his assistants, he rubbed a little bit of compromising his instructions, and also a special commission of the Congress now requires it to provide access to the server family of the Clintons, which former Secretary of State, Mrs. rubbed emails that could expose it as one of the perpetrators of the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

However, while Hillary Clinton has shown that she is not Nixon, and abandon their claim to the White House and the red button is not going as well as Monica Lewinsky testified in court under oath that US President Bill Clinton, someone accustomed to the very method is not have sexual relations with an intern in the Office of the White House orally. Hillary Clinton is going to give the American people the right to decide on the degree of guilt of the elections in case of the death of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, spit on the law requiring all employees of the Department of State to use only the public servers, and consider official correspondence property of the state. Hillary Clinton believes that in his department, she decides what correspondence is public and what is private, and now she will determine which emails Secretary of State receives a commission to investigate the assassination of an ambassador to Benghazi, and what does not.

Meanwhile, Texas has shown that he does not intend to unconditionally accept the results of the elections if they are considered the same people who in 2008 calculated that Hillary Clinton won the primaries, Barack Obama in Harlem (!), Especially since living in Texas Bush family is well aware that a funnel from her advocacy skills and spyware agent "deep throat" can suck not only of President Nixon. The forces that rose up after the Watergate Hillary Clinton behind his back, it does not make a mistake by making the youthful lawyer resemble Linda Lovleyvs, the protagonist of the greatest dramas in history, albeit with pornographic detail in sex-comedy style, haunting Clintons life.

But when the American press articles appeared that a hacker long ago provided the government of another country full access to all e-mails, Hillary Clinton, clearly alluding to Russia, where the world's best hacker Edward Snowden, it became clear that these forces this state can not cope. Moreover, it was clear that he meant a presidential candidate SSCHA Rand Paul, saying that soon a huge political scandal bury political career, Hillary Clinton, along with its election campaign, returning it at a time when only the chief editor of "The Washington Times "Ben Bradley knew about the outstanding ability of the agent" Deep Throat. "
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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