Militants ignoramuses

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Militants ignoramuses

Сообщение DARPA » 08 июн 2015, 19:12

We have almost all come from atheistic scoop. When I was seven years old, I asked adults how people can believe, attend church, if the astronauts have flown in space, and did not find anyone in heaven.

The teacher even praised me for this question. In her opinion, the argument for the faithful was, of course, a killer: the sky was - did not find anyone.

Atheism stems from ignorance. Just getting smarter, learning resources, to get education, a person departs from the primitive conception of the world order. What the astronauts flew into space does not prove nothing, because the heavens and the sky - yet different concepts.

Atheists - people who are not reached before the faith - somehow believe believers idiots when fools are themselves. Here, they say, a biologist friend of mine does not believe that there is something beyond the teachings of Charles Darwin. There is variability in species evolution, and nothing more.

Darwin himself at the same time was a believer, but who cares atheist now?

What is the modern scientist? No, seriously, let's look at who he really is.

Scientist do not know how the world works than he knows. Despite a lot of experiments, experiences, theories and axioms, unknown in the universe than we known.

How much do we know about the universe? Percentage? Tenth of percent? Hundredth? Thousandths?

In the best case, all the knowledge accumulated by mankind throughout its history, make up a tiny fraction percent. So low that the judge by her everything about the universe is ridiculous.

A good scientist is distinguished from the bad, that is sure - the more he knows, the more I realized that he knew nothing.

I have great respect for science. It is allowed to cure smallpox, inventing the plane, feed a lot of people. Without science, more children died in infancy, and few could step over thirty years abroad. Perhaps in the future, humanity will reach the stars and open up other worlds to plunge into an atom so that he finds most basic bricks of the universe. Anything is possible, and I hope so.

But as long as we, including scientists, ignorant. Too small amount of knowledge we have to judge hchto true that there is that there is and what is not.

And ignorance breeds aggression.

In my post on the marketplace tradeswoman Sobchak ran atheists and militant fighters against religion. People who lay down his life for something to make fun of the church and faith, to tear the teeth of all those who believe.

I was scared to look at them. Lacking even the basic knowledge, they rushed to prove their point of view.

[Just one example of ignorance]

And Pierce, of course, on the details. However, it is not in their ignorance, the fact that it stems from.

You can imagine the believer who conceals your mate because you are an atheist? Screams furiously, denouncing in you dumb animal? That's what I can not. But I see perfectly, as do atheists to those who believe.

Ignorance always begets aggression. Should the church, no one interferes, but an atheist need to climb on it and knock down the cross. There are people at the service of anyone in this case do not touch, so it is necessary to fasten the sacred for them and outfit gash picture thousands of people. Write how unpleasant such actions as they are offensive, as atheists and then come running to roar, which all believers are fools.

I am not encroach on the freedom of choice of each person, what to believe him, and what - no. We have a secular state, where everyone has the right to belief or unbelief. But is the concept of a secular state means that it is possible to insult the feelings of believers?

Any extremism, including atheism stems from ignorance and ignorance. Militant atheist always stupid, uneducated, and therefore aggressive. He, like any extremist desires of all to build on the growth, avoiding the idea that everyone is entitled to the belief that he felt right.

Ksenia Sobchak likes to talk about tolerance toward gays, liberals, and other numerically outcast. But the while something else allows himself to be anything but tolerant to the Orthodox people. What is it - again, double standards or something personal, a horse and almost animal?

I want to ask atheists, why are you so intolerant of those who believe? Not everything whether you all like what we do in the church, what is our faith, how to clean our church and what clothe our priests? Why do not you pass by if you do not like our worldview?

We have something you do not touch a finger, why do not you leave us alone?

And believers: Do you want to impose their beliefs atheists?
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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