"Maid" for Lagarde

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"Maid" for Lagarde

Сообщение DARPA » 23 июн 2015, 00:55

On the IMF pressured Washington and pressured quite successful, but there is one thing ...

Last week, it seemed that Kiev could celebrate. Apparently Lagarde was found for its "maid". The situation in which Lagarde was forced to abandon claims to Ukraine, which itself has put forward and 3 months ago, can not be described otherwise than "maximum humiliation."

In general, the IMF official request to the holders of Ukrainian Eurobonds - is a masterpiece of literature schizophrenic. Visitors can get acquainted: http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2015/pr15272.htm

Especially delivers (pardon the Newspeak) reference to the official rules of the IMF credit in default (it is also Lending-into-Arrears Policy) of which allegedly follows the decision of the IMF to lend to Ukraine, despite the possible default. The point is that most of these "rules" is written, that credit is possible if "the interests of creditors into account", which in the case of Ukraine is not observed at all. Roughly speaking, Lagarde was forced to chew someone else's old shoes in the air, and then praise her taste.

Turn 180 degrees in Ukraine - it's actually the small stuff compared with what the IMF has done over the last week in Greece. Okay, that IMF delegation just removed itself from the negotiations, so it is still quite frustrated working plan to save Greece, which satisfied and Tsipras and Juncker:

They certainly deny everything, but let's look at the statements of the parties:
1. The German media writes that the IMF broke a deal on Greece
2. The EU has not commented
3. IMF denies

I can not give a guarantee, but in this configuration, there is a reasonable suspicion that the IMF is lying, and the EU is afraid to lie for the company for fear of being caught by the hand, and it will be very inconvenient.

Why the IMF to engage torpedo the rescue of Greece? Look back. Every time the EU had serious problems, capital greased skis and rolled across the Atlantic to buy US Treasury bonds, which are in a format sharply acquire an aura of well oooooochen reliable asset. Restrictions on the effects of a default of Greece - a gift to the United States. Of course, the situation could easily get out of control, but for the American strategy of controlled chaos is the main modus operandi in the international arena. The only thing that can save Greece today is that if radicals in Washington really scared unlikely (but terrible for Americans) scenario in which the Greek economic crash leads her to the door of NATO, followed by the program "Iskander place in Corfu in exchange for humanitarian aid." Over pugalka active, for example the same Financial Times.
By the way there is another option of "saving" Greece has just quoted - Tsirpas simply accepts the conditions that expose him.

Another aspect discussed scenarios: finally caved in under the IMF's Washington radicals guaranteed to reject China's request for inclusion of the yuan in the list of reserve currencies the IMF. In January 2015 Lagarde required to give a greater role for China in the IMF, but if it can be made to give up their claims on Ukraine in March, it really is much more of an important issue it will press China harder. For China, the failure of the yuan would be a clear sign that "reform the system from within" will fail. She did have to eliminate outside.

And now the very BUT.
If everything is so good in Washington hawks radical in terms of the deflection of the IMF and if everything is so good in terms of guaranteed funding of Kiev after the default, then why Ukraine today has paid $ 75 million coupon on Russian Eurobonds?


In this action, there is no use, moreover, it is bad for negotiations with other creditors, and finally puts an end to the plea of ​​debt because of its alleged illegality and odious (paid = acknowledged).

It turns out that everything is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Battle bulldogs under the carpet the IMF is not yet over.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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