The neural mechanism of internal resources

Модератор: zlata

The neural mechanism of internal resources

Сообщение DARPA » 28 июн 2015, 18:28

The inner life is different from the outside?

It is not the fact that an internal resource gives energy, because an external resource gives it too.

If the resource does not provide energy, it means that he is not connected. (What is the energy you can read here).

Take, for example, work. A man may not go to work and not have it go with pleasure, disgust and walk just for the money, and walk so-so, out of necessity, but without the stress.

In the first case, simply do not work, in the second case, the resource-connected work good, in the third case - frustrated, as much negative energy from stress more than energy plus the money, and in the fourth case - connected weak, but nothing comes some -That money and energy by not reset completely stress because stress a little.

With all the fun and excitement of the work can not say exactly what work-life became internal. If at any time the joy of work may disappear or may lose the job itself, and you will not find another such, this resource - the same appearance, just plug and, most likely, it is in the process of pumping.

Internal resources - is the same that pumped life, and it has one major difference from the outside, which I have repeatedly called: he does not get lost completely ever. Anyway, to destroy the internal resources necessary lasting changes in the lives and human degradation. But in the case of loss of internal resource is restored if enough request. Internal resource maintains itself, support itself, provides itself and human energy. And even develop internal resource also himself.

Look what an injustice or, conversely, greater equity. While the person who has the resource is not pumped spends sea forces at least a little to connect the resources, reading books on psychology, studying the experience of others, trying to adjust himself, to teach, motivate, even a fool to fall in love with the damn job or something force yourself to study or start to look good and feel good on the people, a man with pump over a resource not only spends life forces, but also the attention of not spending. He did not think about it. The resource itself is thinking about myself and about him and always provides human energy.

That is an internal resource literally brings energy on a silver platter, in the sweetest dreams, infantile, as a magician in the blue helicopter as a magic oven, donated by Emel pike. All the tales of magic items - on internal resources. That's how they work. Sami are, themselves give themselves saturated.

How to arrange these magical things?

Any internal resource is a neural structure. It is within the brain and is fixed therein in a neuronal formation.

It goes without saying that these formations do not come from nature, they formed during life, in the normal course of business.

The ancient occultists, talking about stuff like that, always used the metaphor of a rider: as man tames a horse and learn to manage it as it becomes one. But for us, modern people, comfortable with the car example, although a live horse, of course, more to this topic.

But what, for example, the driving? Any resource - is, in fact, a skill, more uniform system of skill in a particular area of ​​life. Skill - it is an opportunity to do something easy, good and benefit from it and enjoy.

Lack of resources - this is no car per se, its inaccessibility, it is impossible even to take a taxi. The ability to use the services of a taxi driver's or your own car - it is an external resource, and give it as much energy as is the use of a taxi driver and services exceeds the expenditure of money (or rather wasting energy on getting the money, because the money - it is simply the equivalent of the energy that went to receive them according to a person or to those who brought him the money).

When a person learns to drive a car, it is, in fact, creates a new neuron in the brain structure. First, there is no structure, and at the same time to press the pedal, hold the steering wheel, looking in the mirror, and to cope with a growing sense of anxiety, a person needs a sea of ​​energy. If the motivation (energy credit) high and the stress from the stress and anxiety is not so great, or covered with gusto, people learn to drive. If the motivation (energy credit) is small, and the stress is too great (scary, difficult), a person learns to drive.

The car - a fairly conventional example, since the person still does not deal with the body, and an external object, without which skill will bring him good, but even in this example, we see that the more a person learns to drive, the more his mind neurons are arranged in a particular configuration, the less energy it needs for the process of driving, the easier and more enjoyable it is, the more he gets from it than it spends.

Notice where all the energy goes first. In the brain there are several areas that are activated when a person drives a car. They are located in various locations of the brain and at the same time to use them, it requires attention to the same energy and tension: to see, at the same time this is followed, to leg and arm here, and the complexity of this unusual work, the person experiences anxiety and stress , which consume additional power. So after half an hour a person can feel tired and even squeezed like a lemon. If his motivation is completely consumed and the joy of what it On! Himself taxis - small, most likely, he will think, not whether it's learning to defer to better times when the strength and motivation will increase.

If the motivation and joy energy costs covered, he is willing to continue their education further. Sometimes today, people squeezed like a lemon and nothing else do not want tomorrow undermine energy and motivation has recovered and is ready to go back to the instructor. Or maybe he already paid instructor forward and unwillingness to give up at all - it's throwing money, that is a waste of energy more than flour study.

Through intense concentration, willpower and motivation, support blood circulation in the brain necessary for skill areas of the brain in hot, just warm. In these parts of the work going on neural, building brick by brick chains. The process of any activity from the point of view of psychophysiology - a series connection and the connection of different neural links, first individual, then more and more arranged, glued, bound, fusion.

Imagine that the brain literally melts inert material and from a new structure (hence the naming - Psihoalhimiya), it is similar to the work of the welding machine. Hand here - foot there - right eye there - to the left, once again, and now the helm. The better a person gets, the less tension and fear, the faster the job. Start difficult, because it takes a sea of ​​energy to hold together unrelated arms, but when arms linked, everything goes by itself, the system is autonomous, it requires less energy, and thus energy, on the contrary, does not begin to be spent, and do. The activities more and more like it.

When the activity is given it is easy to start and delight, we can say that the neural structure of the brain has developed. Now it does not require tension and energy waste, it works by itself. A man sits in a nice car, and his arms and legs themselves are doing what is necessary. And the better a person has mastered the skill of driving, the greater its automatic software acquired neural structure itself performs the work without the participation of his mind, he can think about anything, listen to music, even talking on the phone, and his mind will be on the road, his the body will perform the necessary work, and even in an extreme situation the mind and body to cope themselves, almost without the inclusion of consciousness - take the right measures.

This means that a person has reached the level of development of the craft, but to become a true master, must still connect and work with respect to this skill, then the neural structure of the brain will become even more beautiful, flexible and complex.

From this scheme it should be understood that any resource (for example, and we simply dismantled skill now works as a resource, because the resource - a system of complex related skills conventionally related to any area of ​​life) can be pumped to the point when he literally pulls engage a promising fun and excitement.

This urge stems from the fact that the current structure of the neuron itself literally 'requests is. " Remember the genie of the lamp or fellows of the casket or devils that appear and require the work "orders, master." They do not want to sit around in them seething energy, they want to pay for work, or they feel bad and they are plagued by its owner, threatening him even to eat.

With the pump over, ie internal resources - the same thing. It is designed so that a certain attraction lies in it by default, all the time in hot condition and, in fact, has always been a bit of work. Imagine that you love to drive, without a car all the time you miss, the image drive there in your mind, memories and deliver you high, and nostalgia, I want to quickly have to sit behind the wheel and drive. That is the development of skills and work the same way - an internal resource. With the help of images and memories, reminiscent of the buzz, it attracts and makes commence operations. So he supported himself. That is an internal resource can be difficult to obtain, but it is also difficult and losing.

When it is not about the individual skills and resources of the whole range of resources, the circuit becomes a little more complicated, but the principle remains the same.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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