The arrival of Russian in Crimea struck me like a bolt from the blue

Модератор: zlata

The arrival of Russian in Crimea struck me like a bolt from the blue

Сообщение DARPA » 28 июн 2015, 18:38

The arrival of Russian in Crimea struck me like a bolt from the blue. I was somewhere in the depths of the soul prepared for what's okay, we will move closer to Europe, which, of course, will have to sacrifice something, it may be subsidence in the standard of living, taking into account what the clowns came to power .. . And then - all of a sudden ...

From the arrival of the Crimea to Russia, I absolutely did not expect anything positive. I'm back in April 2014, when Crimeans rubbing his hands with delight, anticipation Russian salaries (now begin to live !!!), predicted that prices will rise in proportion, and no we will not live lavishly. And now we are told that no one we do not promise, and you just have to work and suffer with the rest of Russia.

I voted in the referendum, voted "for". Although it would be better to call it a vote "against". Against ostochertevshie all political clowns - that shameless Yulka that Yatsenyuk that yanukovoscha - all the same. Tired of seeing these stupid yanukovoscha the pig eyes, which could see the whole of his zeko-intelligence ... Well, just ... no comment can be seen as it was, that in the brain of a stupid animal plow turns only one thought - what was my Mezhyhiria. I voted against the rest of the glamorous politicians piaryaschihsya each week on the show on "Inter" - just got to have nausea, honestly.

But the referenda do not. Just look at how long spend too much time in Canada, the issue of independence of Quebec, before conducting a referendum on it. In addition, Quebec has been a referendum on independence for the province, and we have offered Russia to join immediately, without us deciding the question of the independence of Crimea. Is it legally justified? A referendum in Scotland .... Yes, what can I say. The fact that Russia is a cranked was pathetic parody of the rule of law. If Putin really wanted to defend the Crimea from the Russian Bandera, there are economic levers, there are international mechanisms - the UN, what else.

In the mind had to deploy a public debate regarding the pros and cons of joining the Crimea to Russia, to give people all understand the great historical importance of the event, and not the way it was done. This I say nothing else that was grossly violated Ukrainian law, international treaties - Budapest Memorandum. Yes, if Crimea before a thousand times Russian (although the Crimean Tatars have more right to claim it, because it is their only home) - it is now inviolability of the territory of another state, period! And Russia is acknowledged putting his signature to the memorandum. A decision to this so-called referendum was taken in the Council of Ministers at gunpoint. Literally. Therefore, my vote was a bit irresponsible protest - well, a referendum is to him, and attitude. Although I now understand that it was necessary to approach the matter responsibly, choose another option on the ballot. And there, staring, and Donbass us not have alternates.

* * *

To say that the Square was created artificially by some State Department, cursed Obamkoy can only imbecile. The country is gradually preparing for the signing of an associate membership with the EU, all was quiet, calm. Suddenly Yanuca - bang - and includes back. It's a no brainer, where he was an angry shout!

In general, everything went to the Maidan, each of the 23 years is steadily approaching Ukraine to the exposure to this tragedy. Maidana just could not be. In Kiev, a conversation once with a woman. It did from Uman. She came to Kiev to work as a nanny for 4000 (!!!) hryvnia. Can you imagine all the depth of poverty, if a person goes to Kiev to work for four thousand hryvnia ($ 500)! Yes, in Kiev it all and leave all the money she earned. It's just a nightmare.

Then he talked more with the police, they arrived to Kiev to take the session, learn from lawyers. One of them at the end of 2012 said in Ukraine spilled soup on anyone. He, incidentally, tank. I wonder whether alive now .... And I remember how many years ago thought and wondered: thank God, I think that the Ukrainians is infinite patience. Of these, not to mention juice - juice last year somewhere in 2004 drank - seventh skin already skinned, a skeleton was left, and they were all silent and work. Others would have rebelled, the oligarchs would be hanged, - well, just no clearance, no forward movement, impoverished and impoverished. It is now Azarov much that hurt facebook broadcasts - they say, and economic growth has been, and social guarantees were made, and in general, how do you traded me these maydanutyh. But the feeling that tomorrow will be better than today - well, was not it, and that's it!

The feeling of stagnation - was. And who am I going to dare to say that nothing, if one sound of thunder, in Ukraine there were only 6,000 combat-ready troops! It's not a shame, it is not a failure, not a tragedy, I do not even know how to call it something.

About Ukrainian oligarchs will not talk much - decent no words. Let me just say that they - yanukovoscha first - just quartered. And the ashes scattered. And the fact that after the Maidan, they were again on top, causing me serious doubts about the future of Ukraine. And you tell me what you want can tell that de maidan organized damned Pindos Nuland with cookies ran (by the way, with burgers, it offers and riot police) - la-la-la, all this nonsense we have heard. Yes, maybe, America and put her hand to it, but the people's impetus in Maidan was also because people are tired of this bestial life.

With Ukraine, I sometimes watched with one eye on the TV news in Russian, was more or less aware of there the realities. I must say - when you view your first channel, I was more than a minute was not enough. Such heavy attack visuals, accompanied by some peremptory jingoistic statements, my brain could not endure. How nice, I thought, that we have no Zhirinovsky, your other workers, ministers of the so-called God saved us from paying Russian communal happiness, hell and the rest of the trash. Looks nakarkal.

It's hard now, having immunity from the Russian media, trying to make sense of a mockery of common sense, which says to Putin, Peskov (especially he), Lavrov Churkin, and most importantly - to be a part of this cultural and information space. Not a pleasant feeling. I do not know how to live with the Russians - to see just "scored" on all this and simply go about their business - but I have each new statement above characters just naturally breaks down the brain, because you know how it is on the situation business, and you can not say anything. After all, as time goes on, and all open - I'm about the Crimea and the Donbass - where tkni - all states Kremlin gopota- everything - brazen and shameless lies. Crimean events and everything that followed, a 180-degree change my opinion of Russia. Let's just say about present-day Russia. Although a few years, I was proud of her even, watched a new arms appears the troops, etc. etc.

What should I bring Russia? Now, against my will, I was involved in a confrontation with the civilized world, although it is not necessary to fuck me. And I can not say anything against it, otherwise just prishyut extremism. Why the heck I like this revenge-seeking gang of crooks, perverts the truth zombiruyuschaya its population, forcing him to go to fight for the "Russian world" in the Donbass? How can you live in a country where a man on trial for what happened before its jurisdiction? Why do I live in a country where the person to the state, and not vice versa. I even now, the person who left, roughly speaking, a bottle of beer on the street or on the sidewalk there harknuvshemu can not say, and with the manners you cattle, going to live in Europe? Yes, because now he tells me what he spit on the geyropku.

Especially for those individuals who are advised to bring down all dissenters from the Crimea. Listen, my uncle, and I called you here? What other people would throw such arguments - not like - wali? What kind of logic Gopnik? And you're still reading morale at the UN, learn to live the rest of the world. Secondly, that his "do not like - wali" you signs in their own powerlessness, acknowledge that a better life away from you is not worth waiting. Because a normal person / country has (a) would have to live in it was comfortable to everyone, not informer and sovkodrocheram not be shaking rusty scrap metal over the Atlantic and hung stigma extremists on all those who disagree with the party line.

* * *

I do not know, maybe in Russia and lives a normal, but there is something everyone is going as I predicted: low wages, prices higher than in Moscow. Doctors receive 8 to 15 sput, uchitelya- 15 sput. A Ministry of Health reports a salary in the 35-45 sput. That is for whom this lie, I do not understand? Doctors say now people think that everything is free, so even stopped bringing gifts. Previously, he said the cabinet was full of all sorts of sweets and now - a void. Others work in the market, trades are not food. He is glad to change, because the people had begun actively buying goods. But then again, who, he says, the police and the like, which are still in chocolate. I actually have friends represent the whole range of views - on to patriots zhidobanderovtsev Russia. The latter, of course, more. Among the positive changes I can still be noted that the relative discharged free shot, which in Ukraine was worth 4000 hryvnia. With medicine still the question. Even before the introduction of the policy MLA that year, I was sent from the hospital to a private clinic, where a computed tomography I paid 2500 r, though Ukraine it also cost me 450 hryvnia. Before OMS again relative underwent surgery in oncology, doctor ripped 10 thousand. For the "good of anesthesia." In 2015, I was still with medicine, thank God, did not face. Once just looked in the foyer clinics for fun - packed scored. I turned left.

The passport office people still take their turn at 12 at night. There are those who last year handed over documents to the Russian passport, but so far it has not received. Crimean social activists claim that in Simferopol, no operating unit CT and recently devices for x-rays sharply "broken." People have to go to private owners. In general, everything is on the level of promises, and nothing comes to pass, Aksenov had no time to apologize to the public for one (dirty city), then another (disgusting connection), then for the third (bad asphalt road).

Last year, it slipped a message that Crimea allocated 1.6 billion. Rubles for the purchase of a new Minister of Health oborudovaniya.Sevastopolsky Voskanyan boasts that did so, purchased many thousands of new equipment. But if you read Sevastopol forum, people just curse and Voskanyan, and medicine in the city. I was naive, it seems that the exhaust from the rabid billions pouring in the Crimea, for the year to be more noticeable. But ... there is nothing to be seen .. I am plagued by vague doubts that there will be no better. And not because of the crisis, but in general, it is better not to be systemic. And if it is, it will not afford survivor. I would like to be wrong.

In conclusion, since it turned out that we in Russia, for some reason, want to live in a country that does not show the whole world how it does not hurt, it is not engaged in window-dressing, and not one single stepping up, in a country where government for the people, not vice versa. But there's something I can not believe that so ever will.

I summed up in four sentences:

1. Referendum for the Crimea was the same as what was the Maidan for Kiev. Mad jerk somewhere, anywhere just to be freed from the state of despair, poverty and the feeling that it will last forever if you do not make any sudden movements. Independence itself was absolutely logical, nurtured over the years by all the oligarchic power.

2. Now, when the mood changes dramatically, all the technical features of a referendum - the decision was taken at gunpoint, wild dates, there was no option of independence of Crimea - people will remember the full.

3. Income is not nearly so improved as people had hoped - no salaries or wages in the ratio / price, with any medicine. Well, always. Of course, disappointing. Salaries are the same, 8 - 15 sput not to starve to death.

4. False Russian media annoying residents of the Crimea. She does not act until they have lived too long in a light atmosphere.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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