Newspaper "Kommmersant" about the alleged Russian generals in the DNI and LC

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Newspaper "Kommmersant" about the alleged Russian generals in the DNI and LC

Сообщение DARPA » 06 июл 2015, 22:16

The article Ilya Barabanov, Ivan Safronov and Laura Suslovoj "They served the Homeland" held their own journalistic investigation of the alleged statements by the Ukrainian authorities that the current Russian generals at one time or another in command units DNI and LC. Our blog brings danogo text material.

Bloomberg reported that the Ukrainian secret service files sent to Washington with the names of five Russian generals who had allegedly taken part in the fighting on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The dossier alleges that they directly organized forces of self-proclaimed republics. The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation strongly refute this information. "Kommersant" versed than these generals involved in reality.

Ukrainian security services transferred to the administration of President Barack Obama's Power Point - presentation [presentation], from which it follows that the five Russian generals have been actively involved in the command of the troops of the breakaway DNI and LC. This July 2 reported Bloomberg. According to him, a document dated June 16 hit in the United States in the same month. Among other arguments, that the Ukrainian authorities have traditionally led to the fact that the east are Russian military personnel (in Moscow is also traditionally been denied), the file contains the names of several Russian generals who allegedly were behind the organization of the armed forces of the self-proclaimed republics.

Major-General Sergey Kuzovlev

Thus, according to the Ukrainian security services, Major General Sergey Kuzovlev teams of the Russian regular troops in the region of Luhansk. In early 2014, Mr. Kuzovlev was appointed chief of staff of the 58th Army of the Armed Forces, which is located in Vladikavkaz. February 22, 2014 he was promoted to Major General. Operational duty at the headquarters of the 58th Army told "Kommersant": "Today he's here to fulfill their duties." "It is not clear what it is. It is a provocation, they are trying to cook up a Ukrainian and American media," - said "Kommersant" General Kuzovlev.

The commander of the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade, which is stationed in the town of Pechenga Murmansk region, 10 km from the border with Norway, Major-General Oleg Tsekov, according to the Ukrainian security services operating in the Luhansk region under the name of Oleg tours and commanded the 2nd Brigade of the People's LC breakaway militia.

In the 200th motorized rifle brigade refute it. "It is in place and on any Ukraine in these months did not go," - said "Kommersant" in the brigade operations duty officer Alexander Pishalnikov.

Minister of State Security in the breakaway Ukrainian LC presentation named Major-General Roman Shadrin. His assistant Michael Yulan said yesterday, "Kommersant" that Mr. Shadrin "military retiree in 2012, in the next week to contact with them will not work." Clarify where he is, his assistant could not, and the phone of Mr. Shadrin has been disconnected. In 2013 he was elected to the City Council in Yekaterinburg from the party "United Russia". In February 2015 the City Duma website published an interview with the deputy, in which he explained that he went to Donbass, but participation in the fighting does not take, and a volunteer in charge of the delivery of humanitarian aid in the LC from the Urals. With parliamentary activities, in his opinion, it is quite compatible. "It is not going to abdicate its authority - said then deputat.- Periodically, if the situation permits, arrive in Ekaterinburg and participates in the Council. And I do not live in Lugansk by money that stand out on my parliamentary activities. The money is spent only on purpose, and I have a worthy military pension. "

Major-General Valery Solodchuk in Ukrainian dossier named commander of the 7th Guards air assault division (stationed in Novorossiysk), as well as commander of the 1st Army forces of New Russia in Donetsk. The division commander, General Solodchuk Novorossiysk became in 2012, in May 2015, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu handed her the Order of Suvorov. Operational duty at the headquarters of the division said, "Kommersant": "Solodchuk have not our commander, he was transferred somewhere about a year ago." In August 2014, "RIA Novosti" mentions that Valery Solodchuk as deputy commander of the 5th Army Combined Arms led the active phase of military battalion tactical exercises on the range Sergeyevsky in the Primorsky Territory. The headquarters of the 5th Army is located in Ussuriysk. The military commander of Ussuriysk "b" was assured that Major General Solodchuk is not in the location of the 5th Army: "We have two major-general, but Solodchuka not among them."

Coordinated by the Russian military in the Donetsk region, according to the Ukrainian security services involved Major General Alexei Zavizon. March 11, 2015 Advisor to the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Markiyan Lubkivsky has said that General Zavizon with the call sign "Alagir" directs the armed forces of the NPT, arguing that there is a Russian general in Donetsk in January 2015. From open sources shows that Alex Zavizon in January 2014 was appointed first deputy commander of the 41st Army. Prior to that, in 2006-2009, he commanded the 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan. The headquarters of the 41st Army is located in Novosibirsk, but the duty officer said, "Kommersant": "We do not have a general, he is now in another place, which I will reveal can not." According to the source "b" in the bodies of the operational military command-area generals and Solodchuka Zavizona really changed - the practice of rotation of senior staff of the Russian army is still in use. So, Alex Zavizon because of their command and staff skills was involved in the creation of operational-strategic command "North", and Valery Solodchuk - appointed Deputy Commander of the Primorsky association of combined arms of the Eastern Military District. Their involvement in the events in Ukraine, Russian interlocutors "b" categorically reject.

Finally, an advisor on military affairs in the breakaway Ukrainian LC in the dossier named former Secretary of the Security Council of South Ossetia Anatoly Barankevich, led the defense of Tskhinvali during the war with Georgia in 2008. From the Russian army, Mr. Barankiewicz retired in 2004 with the rank of colonel, and then departed to South Ossetia, where he was first minister of defense, and then Security Council Secretary (in the rank of lieutenant general). Shortly after the war in 2008, he left South Ossetia due to the conflict with President Eduard Kokoity. After that, he for some time led agribusiness unit in the company "Stroyprogress" Jusoev Alberta, to build a gas pipeline from North Ossetia to South Ossetia, and in recent years lived peacefully in Volgograd. At the end of 2014, he told reporters as the Ossetian volunteer Alan Mamiev, who fought in the battalion "Vostok", Mr Barankiewicz went to Donbass. Contact him "Y" failed.

And the military and political leadership of the Russian Federation has repeatedly stated innocence Russian troops to the war in the east of Ukraine. "I tell you plainly and clearly: Russian troops in Ukraine is not" - said, in particular, President Vladimir Putin said during a straight line television on April 16. "All published photos Bloomberg Russian generals, supposedly located on the south-eastern Ukraine, at various times made Russian journalists during a press tour to the troops and lighting of various exercises, they can be found in abundance on the Internet and social networks - said yesterday," Kommersant " Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Igor Konashenkov.- All these generals are in Russia and are serving in their jobs. "
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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