Cheap and expensive in the US

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Cheap and expensive in the US

Сообщение DARPA » 06 июл 2015, 22:18

In all the countries I have been studying, in particular, and prices are (study and tell readers about them). Carefully looking at America, we can agree with those who say "everything is expensive in America," and those who believe "in America, many very cheap." Indeed, the difference in the cost of the same, seemingly, the subject can easily vary by 5-10 times, depending where it is purchased, and under what circumstances. This applies to a large extent of clothes and shoes, but also books, and fruits and vegetables, milk and bread, and even cars and other valuables.

Such a diversity of prices is difficult to find in small countries - Hong Kong, for example, or Luxembourg, almost everything will be expensive; and in the large countries, such as India, though there is a lot of expensive things and stores them in% but a little bit and they can be seen only trying.

More important than the prices themselves will be interesting patterns, which will be communicated to you in this text. Remember that America - the country is large, everything is great, and often a liter costs nearly as much and half-gallon, and that costs almost as much as a gallon and; More and more (soda, milk, ice cream) to buy profitable, but small - no. Still remember that great cheap items sold in large supermarkets, which on the outskirts of the city and public transportation does not go there, or almost did not go, but for the three canned goods go by bus - lost all the profits of such a trip.

FOOD the supermarket

Let's start with the food, because without food - what kind of life? Very poor and limited. The most inexpensive food here, as in Europe and in Russia, lives in large supermarkets and the biggest and the cheapest is called Wal-Mart (Walmart). He is in all large and medium-sized towns, as a rule, far from the center legs to get to it easy. But there - the greatest range of food, but there are also clothes, things for them then it will be discussed separately.

In addition to Wal-Mart, there are other network supermaketov such as Safeway, and many others, they lower the price usually twenty cents higher (approximately). Some have special rates for those who have registered, and this store had got the card. All prices need to look closely - that a pound (0.45 kilograms), the Unit, then a box, not included taxes, or even two taxes, if the soda - and the bottle is not included. The amount of tax is different in different states, but it seems everything is within 3-10%. There are some Mexican, Chinese, Indian stores, such as "super discount", "all for 99 cents or more," and other, they smaller size, but it can get closer to the place where you inhabit.

Discovered minimum prices specified in the list. This does not mean that you will find on the first day are the same - maybe not immediately find it. But the benchmark is. Also on the list are shown not only low prices, but also various others. So (all in US dollars into rubles will translate themselves):

Bread: the cheapest is found only in a single location in the Walmart-e, loaves for $ 1. And in conventional supermarkets 2, more than 3-4 dollars (this sliced ​​bread rectangular, easy to plug the holes in their furniture, it is like glue). Batons and gray loaf, more similar to the Russian sold in markets and "bio" stores, $ 06.04. All within a pound of bread usually weigh more likely pound sliced ​​loaf for three dollars - two pounds. Black bread there usually is not sold (well, only in Russian store); all - white and gray.

In some cities, there is a supermarket, Mexican tortillas, "tortilla", a dollar per kilo, in packages of two kilograms or more.

Canned Bean: is the cheapest food available in many forms, different types of beans. From $ 0,7 (Walmart) to $ 1 (Mexican smaller shops and supermarkets), is $ 1.2. The weight of it about a pound. There are beans for pork is harmful to the Muslims saw it for $ 0.50, the minimum of all detected (have not tried). There are canned with vegetable soup, the price is also about a dollar.

Canned Corn, from $ 0,7 (Walmart) to usually $ 1. Food so one pound of water there.

Cucumbers in banks are different, the largest bank in $ 2.50 and above of water and cucumbers there with about a liter. Often on cucumbers it is written that they are kosher. In the United States there are special canned cucumber: in some they are cut, while others crumble into fine dust, and that's jelly pickles could cost $ 1.5 for the bank to Walmart.

Milk: starts at $ 2 per gallon (3.7 liters) (low-fat), $ 3 per gallon (srednezhirnoe), two liters are also $ 3 per liter, if there is a sale (or more precisely, ¼ gallons) - and then it may be worth $ 3 it is something to be "bio", "special" milk. Farm milk may happen, and $ 5 per liter, approximately so. By the way, there may not be sold to people for drinking unpasteurized milk from the cow, only processed; if bought on the farm, you need to say "for cats", "animal".

In general, you want to drink - Ready three rubles; one gallon to fill the belly is not easy, half-gallon - OK, but he, too, is three rubles.

Yogurt: there are in small containers, like us (the Minium - $ 0.4), there are large, almost liter (a quarter of a gallon), sweet 2.5 $ 3.5 $ (usually the second value in the medium supermarkets) , unsweetened - at least $ 2. One person can gradually eat a liter of yogurt, it is thick and tasty, eaten with a spoon.

Chephirah that what they called "kefir" is worth $ 3-4 per liter, but it is not yogurt. Closer to kefir and yoghurt some white liquid, too, is in the section of railway that milk for $ 3.5 half-gallon (1.85 liters).

Eggs: they are measured here by the dozen (eg, 30 eggs oboznacheo like «2½ dozen eggs"). 12 eggs - 2.50, 30 eggs - 5.50; on farms selling exactly the same, but how would the environmental, chickens flew themselves, not grazed in the incubator, and therefore their eggs $ 10 per dozen are almost dollar for an egg.

There the eggs for the lazy, already broken and without husk, in packages from under milk or yoghurt, a quarter of a gallon of eggs can take ... There are separate proteins have separate yolks who want something one.

Figure: The minimum dollar per kilogram, 1.1-1.4 dollar can in the Chinese stores cheaper. More profitable to take a big pack (£ 20 from $ 9).

Beans: The minimum is usually $ 2 per kilo, $ 14 for 20 pounds (9 kg) in Walmart.

Oatmeal: in different trendy gourmet packages. In large - I have not seen. The average price of 2.5 dollars per pound ($ 5 per kilo), at least $ 2.5 in terms of pounds (Wal-Mart).

Sugar: from $ 1.8 per kilogram, if you take a large packaging; pound - $ 1.5. There are gray-brown cane sugar, there is a white very finely grind, the price is about the same.

Flour: 1 to $ 2 per kilo, if you take just 2-4 kilograms, only what to do, not to the stake as toast loaves then?

Pasta from $ 2 per kilo.

Candy from $ 4 per kilo the simplest, most 6.

Mayonnaise: there is different, even in large packages, for $ 10 I've seen a gallon of mayonnaise (4 liters), or about $ 3.75 per liter jar. It's good, I mean, fat mayonnaise; fat-free empty cheaper. US - no mayonnaise country, they have their own sauce, used in place of mayonnaise, one of them is called the Ranch and costs about the same.

Ketchup, from $ 1.5 (the lowest price, once seen - $ 1) per bottle, usually as low as $ 2.

Cakes: $ 10, $ 5 pies, donuts $ 0.6, but the price varies by size and store.

Fruit. The cheapest fruit in the supermarket - a banana, from $ 0.5-0.7 per pound ($ 1-1.5 per kilo). Peaches, nectarines, apples and others depend on the season and from the supermarket, but in general, in every supermarket you can find any delicious fruit for $ 1.49 per pound ($ 3 per kilo about). Many are sold individually - pineapples for $ 2, for example. In the Mexican market, the collapse can be found small watermelon or cantaloupe for $ 1 apiece, but it's hard to find the market itself, the collapse. Normal price for watermelon $ 3- $ 5 at the supermarket, and even up to $ 9.

Meat chickens killed is somehow almost as much as the fruit, I saw from 1.5 dollars per pound ($ 3 a kilogram), but it is not bio-chicken. Bio-chickens are more expensive four times and sold on the farm or in the "bio-food."

Sauerkraut Sauerkraut, such as in Germany, but the price is two to three times higher, at $ 0.8 for a small canned cabbage, and more $ 1.5 and cabbage in it pound.

Vegetables. So many kinds of them, on average, a dollar per pound inedible (requiring cooking, such as potatoes or onions), two dollars for edible (like tomatoes). The environmental, farm shops, markets could be three times higher. Potatoes in large grids out of the $ 0.5 per pound. Avocado - $ 1 per share in the supermarket to 4 or even more per dollar at the Mexican collapse. Corn on the season, now $ 0.2 per share to Wal-Mart, corn state.

Soda. In all the cities you can buy soda, wondering what the minimum price - one dollar, or you take a tin can of 0.4 or 0.8-liter or liter plastic, or 2, and even has a 3-liter plastic soda bottles are good, too, for a dollar . Not immediately, but the search is necessary. Less price found this suspicious colored water for half a dollar per bottle. Usually take additional 5-10 cents per bottle itself, which then can pass somewhere.

Beach bags, from 20 cents, and often half a dollar for the smallest, or a dollar for a glass of soluble noodles with this.

Vegetable oil from $ 1.5 to 2.5 per liter and above.

All products have their expensive counterparts, "bio", "non-GMO", "gluten-free", "Kosher" (but halal - there are no inscriptions). It happens that one and the same box with cookies has all these signs at once.

The food in the eatery. It is expensive, much more expensive than the supermarket. McDonalds, Starbucks, Subway and Byurgerkingi offer thick sandwiches with some meat or other filler, usually around $ 5. You can take morozhnoe for $ 1,1 $ 1,3. For a coffee or soda, a glass of $ 1. There may be a little cheaper Mexican eatery or stalls, where there is no place to sit, and the wi-fi and no toilet. In general, no decent meal for less than $ 4 is not detected, and for the money can only eat a small man, with a small stomach. On average, in a cafe to eat - you need $ 15-18 per person, something like this. [P.S. Vietnamese-Chinese schools may be cheaper, 10-12]

In addition, Americans are very fond of paying a tip a couple of dollars, and the Officers of the institutions - to obtain such.

In general, all simple food in America is more expensive than in Central Europe and considerably more expensive than in Germany, Poland or Russia.

Interestingly skewed compared with Madagascar, Indonesia and other proletarian countries. In those products from the gardens, samovyraschennye, the markets are cheap, and the supermarket - expensive everything there twice, three times higher. Here the opposite: three times cheaper than the supermarket, and in the markets - an expensive, elite, samovyraschennoe.


Like many well-fed European countries - the United States has a huge variation in the cost of clothing and footwear. In all cities there are second-hand stores or thrift stores like where Americans prinostyat them many unnecessary things and put up for sale for about 10% of the face value or even lower. Jackets and pants for $ 3-4, boots and sneakers for $ 3-5, as well as books for $ 0,5-1-2, household items, even furniture, are sold in these shops is very inexpensive.

Also, you can buy cheap clothes in the Mexican market, or - on weekends - to another "garage / yard sales," they occur in all large and many small towns. Hang usually ads: YARD SALE 06/19 there is something there ... and for $ 1 you can take an object, and saw things for $ 0.50, but it's time for some bullshit.

As for the price of new items, they are very different from the place of purchase. The most inexpensive, it seems - Promotional T-shirts "Las Vegas", "San Francisco", "Hollywood", which for $ 5 or less are sold in souvenir shops. The rest of the new items are more expensive than might be interesting to readers. I took the new sneakers in San Francisco for $ 28, until he learned that there are $ 5. So, first, there was a reduced price in the store, and secondly, it was the biggest price I paid for a piece of clothing / shoes in his life in general. Well, that and see how much they will hold. The stores Walmart has also garments, shoes, pants, shorts, socks, T-shirts, look for something, and there will for you.

In general, there are clothes to suit every pocket, some Americans just throw their waste good things spread around the urn, or shoved into special tanks charities as happens in Western Europe.

Small household THINGS

As for the small things, then they are in the United States about the same as in Russia, or one and a half times more expensive. Approximately twice as expensive than in Asia. What are these things? Yarn, needles, soap shampoo, bags, scissors, glue, stationery, any such predmetiki. To purchase them, you can go to the two types of seats:

A) There are shops "All for 99 cents" and similar to them. However, with inflation gradually there appears postscript "Everything from 99 cents," or "Everything for 99 cents and higher." There are taken and all the little everyday things, is that something (eg soap and a few pieces of the dollar. Also things are Well shops sell potato chips, soda and canned food, too, that fit their price range.

B) in the "Wal-Mart" and other large supermarkets also have these things. Prices are not cosmic.


Vehicles in the US nedёshev, but prices also differ quite strongly.

How to get gortransporte - 1,75-2,25 dollar. Directions are usually includes the ability to transplant to another bus / tram for two hours or even longer, so that when a certain flexibility can be three hours to go on one ticket tricky route to explore the city. Suburban buses, trains - from 3.5-4 dollars abroad main agglomeration can be $ 4, and 5 km and 50 km.

Intercity buses are not everywhere. The western and eastern parts of the state services "Megabas" where there is a trip and for $ 1-5 and $ 10 if they buy in advance on the internet. Continue to "Megabase» (, for example, from New York to Florida directly impossible to do three transplants. "East Coast" begins with Omaha, I have taken just in case your tickets Omaha Chicago, NY, only $ 25 (2000 km), but I took the advance. He did not come in handy.

Those who want a more expensive posts, there is a bus monopoly "Greyhound» (, serving 3,800 destinations; from New York to Florida $ 100 (1800 km) from New York to Omaha $ 130 to San Francisco as much as 250-280, with transfers three days trudging who need to please (4500 km).

Apart from these two extreme variants, there is a "Chinese bus" connecting areas of Chinese cities. Schedules and plans are written in Chinese, the cashier speak Chinese, but can buy a ticket and anyone. Who will understand the schedule and find the cashier. Prices are roughly intermediate between Greyhound and Megabasom.

Trains in the United States there is not much there Passenger Company "Amtrak", which operates the remaining passenger trains. A trip to a nearby city / state is $ 50, $ 100 to drive away, and cross country (in a sitting car) - from $ 150, for an amateur. In summer, many trains are full, especially for the most cheap tickets, redeem them in advance.

Aircraft in the United States is not so very cheap, but for $ 100 you can fly anywhere in the country - look on the internet aviabiletnye different search engines. Maybe $ 200 one-way through half of the country, or from the coast on the coast (at large distances - less bus "Greyhound"). Can be found for $ 100 to fly to Alaska if you do not have a Canadian visa and want to Alaska. And it happens that the demand is very high on some dates and tickets are $ 300 each way.


Interestingly, the price of gasoline in the US is highly dependent on the state. It is measured in dollars per gallon (mpg - a little less than 4 liters). At the moment, it seems to 2.5 dollar in some central states, about $ 3 in New York, more than 3.5 dollars to California and Alaska. In San Francisco and Los Angeles is almost the most expensive gasoline (sometimes I even saw a $ 4), not because of the difficulty of delivery, and because a significant portion of that price consists of taxes, different for each state.

This is a result, in countries receiving US $ 0,65-1,05 per liter; half the European price is three times lower than the Turkish, Russian and above is much higher in general and Indonesian srednemusulmanskoy.

The price of gasoline varies significantly from the world prices for oil; when oil cost twice as much petrol was more expensive by about $ 1 per gallon. Also, price is a little different for different varieties of this fuel.


The cost of renting housing in US vary many times, firstly, based on city, secondly, from the place in (agglomeration), and thirdly, the size and properties of the housing, fourthly, on how long a person has lived here and how well versed in the rental. Most shoot here, houses are less common; Size of living space per person than in Russia or Asia.

The most expensive for domosёma - San Francisco; here meets the minimum price for single accommodation - $ 2,000 per month; in New York, will assume $ 1500 in Los Angeles, can already be found for less than $ 1,000 in provincial towns $ 500 / month is even less.

To this are added the price of utilities (electricity, water, internet, garbage, extortion of local house committee or the board of micro-districts). Electricity in each state has its own value, and depends on consumption, there is about 15 cents per kilowatt-hour. Local levies domsoveta may be $ 100 per month, the Internet - 40-50. Garbage: all their tanks, garbage disposal, it happens once a week, so that it does not rot and does not stink, it is necessary to stick it to the packages and tanks kept away from the kitchen, especially in summer. Who has a lot of garbage in the tanks, and even more, he pays more.
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