The truth about refugees

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The truth about refugees

Сообщение DARPA » 09 сен 2015, 18:39

In short shed some light as he had lived in Syria for 20 years.

1 Many of my friends would be happy to fight, but for whom? when you go to war then I think that everything has to be right, the war for the country .... but in fact corrupt generals from the army for the money drained positions, such as Lear gets 200k and merges the positions of soldiers and militants cut off reinforcements from them, fighters come and cut all guys meat .... then work backward, General pays militants that they have merged to him a couple of blocks to report to his superiors that there is progress .... and examples of such darkness, several chiefs of this caught and imprisoned, and many continue on this scheme to make ..... here and knowing this garbage, I do not really want to go and turn into meat to the chief earned a bubble.

2 After serving 2-3-4 years you will not let go, to continue to fight as long as you do not get killed in the battle, a few friends already 4 years are injured and wounded, and that made them almost crippled, but they continue to push to the front, that is. k. Aligarh rich sons and children of officials are not so simple just to fight guys.
I have a friend who provoeval 3 years, he simply lost his nerve when they are surrounded by rebels under fire from the houses, the boss just said do what you want, aid did not come out and evacuate you will not (although they can and opportunity there is one) is lest they be killed, to have to fire at houses where militants riddled the whole house, and killing militants, women and children who are at home .... they retreat after such a few people remain at home all! Plus sometimes teams come to the shelling of residential areas where entrenched militants, and they had cut from the district artillery knowing that there is a lot of peace, too, will fall .... well, and much in the same spirit.

3- Many friends have accumulated on the 5-12 th. Euro and went to Europe (refugees, illegal ways) because legally obtain a visa to any country is not possible. And yes, first ride as men not much of a chance to get a living, and then after 6-15 months to obtain a permit and they can legally ask for the arrival of their wives and children.

4 But they had to give up the city, home and work because the city was bombed Syrian troops + fighters during the war (yes, Syrian troops also did not stand on ceremony with the locals and let them meat) flee to Europe because the whole family nowhere and no one to leave.

5- The EU + US continues to fund the "opposition" and thus the fighting is still very very long time will continue.

6- crisis in the country, electricity is supplied to 2:00 then 4:00 it is not, the water is constantly turned off, the dollar from 50 rose to 300-330, prices also rose cosmically, and wages and working less and less, but oddly enough oligarchs do not become less, on the contrary, they are becoming richer and richer and the poor getting poorer ....

7 Taking into account all the above and many more that I will not write that was not too much to read the letters, you know what a mess in the country for a long time will last no less than 10 or even 20 years .. ... that would be chosen for their families and children? Let them live with the risk of dying every day (shells falling in the cities every day, and every day the victim)? you just can not feed their families or provide children with school or university, can not be cured if they are sick .... I think many will choose to flee to another country as well as ..... neighboring Arab countries (except Lebanon) supported the Islamic caliphate (LIH) and completely closed its borders to the Syrians is where to run? Only in Europe since is the only place where you have the opportunity to get physical and have hope for the future for themselves and family.

All the same, within a country with 18 million (the population of Syria), the whole world (the media) have raised the hype because of several hundreds of thousands of migrants? Do not tell my sneakers, it's not such a disaster as they want to present it ....

Now I'm not trying to justify the refugees, as many of them are actually from very poor areas with a minimum of education and culture, I just want to clarify what is going on x "№nya there ... I myself until 2012. worked there and many have seen with my own eyes .....

Then a lot of refugees from other countries such as Ethiopia, Pakistan, Ariteriya, Sudan, etc. They are posing as the Syrians, and they believe as no documents confirming the opposite .... and a very large percentage, a lot of my friends who escaped told in their groups of 100 people, 30 atoms and more migrants from other countries posing as Syrians ....
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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