Very aggressive selling. When the nerve to the consultant goes beyond

Модератор: zlata

Very aggressive selling. When the nerve to the consultant goes beyond

Сообщение DARPA » 09 сен 2015, 18:42

Today, I will have no ordinary post. I even find it difficult to choose the tags to it, though he, too, moral violence. What is called - I can not be silent. So, inspired by ... buying dresses.

Now I understand that this women's clothing store, I avoided to go precisely because of the intrusive service. I do not mind when sellers greet and ask how they can help. To this we can always politely reply: "Thank you, I still see myself." But not in this store!

First, the clerk immediately wide, wide smiles and asks, "What is your name?" Well, not much of a secret. Yes, that's why they only my name? Is it because that the employees in any kind of training vparivayut that, say, if you call a customer by name, it "float" and will buy half the store?

Secondly, after you continue to hang around the room, commenting on your every gesture with phrases such as "Excellent taste!" "Fine sense of style!", "With your figure you can afford it!". Why this frontal flattery? Personally, I like praise unpleasant.

But this time I decided to endure all the hardships of this intrusive service. A month ago, I liked it a dress. And I did not go out of my head. I returned. She took in the dressing room. Allotment. And poured sweet words: "Oh, Tatiana, when your ideal" hourglass "..." "But you are with your fine taste, Tatiana could pay attention to this thing ...", "Tatiana, your 42-44 size ... "(for reference: I wear 46-48, and so much" go wrong "- well, I do not know ...)

I do not know about you, but I hate to hear such things. I'm currently know to treat their appearance without aspiration, "ideal" do not want to be, and reflections - especially such exaggerated - do not need.

Besides, I hate to hear these compliments also because the saleswoman contrasted my "perfect hourglass" their "zhirochki." I experienced a vague sense of guilt. The idealization of the object on the background of depreciation itself - smell something very familiar ... This vyznavanie name in the first few minutes? Is it not creating an illusion of intimacy, which is very successful practice of daffodils and sociopaths?

And all this is particularly unpleasant because the saleswoman spent intention of seduction. That is not there she saw me, and of course admired, which, they say, to us interesting ladies come. :) And did it deliberately - as if it was doing the same sociopath, wanting to fall in love with a rich heiress, or (depending on scope) to secure hospital beds for the night.

To me such marketing techniques seem outdated. But I thought: if they are so widely used - so effective. And therefore, there is the client, which is a nice treatment. Why is that? In fact, these "clever" techniques or exploit our insatiable thirst for compliments (confessions of love) or our chronic nedookomplimenchennost.

If there had been in my place, or narcissistic hysteroid client - it would have blossomed. I would extort more compliments: "And how do you think I have not the belly sticks out?" - "What are you, that you are such a flat tummy, I have not seen even a 18-year-olds!" :)

Or they started the competition who is stronger and thus samounizitsya knocks plenty of compliments. "And you call" zhirochki "? You should have seen my dear, my cellulite ... "-" Show me ... What do you mean, unless there is cellulite? If your skin turgor, he smoothed it in three days! But my double chin ... "

The client-grandiozka, likely in response to the compliments would declare proudly: "Yes, I know that I am so." This is difficult to persuade's client to purchase, if it is not set up to do it. It can remeasure polmagazina and retire, wrinkling her nose, saying: "Most bad taste did not meet!"

But if grandiozka in a good mood, when money is tempted to "bless" - it is very likely that the purchase will take place. Especially if you pretend to be a complete nonentity. There could play a tactic, "I have not eaten for seven days, and if I'm not selling anything today, I was thrown into the street."

I also think that narcissistic can make a purchase, if you feel a saleswoman envy - for example, about grooming, beauty, style and so on. D. Buying on the advice of the konsultantshi become something of an act of merging with it, the privatization of its qualities.

Now imagine a place to women customers abyuza chronic victim. Self-esteem is very low, look in the mirror toshnyak, because every day you hear that fat ass, and his ears stick out, and with the legs all you need to sit at home.

And sociopathic trained saleswoman begins pouring firs. What feels shopper? Cheers? Maybe. And this wave of buying more things, or not what she wanted. But, most of all, she does not believe your compliment, but feels a strong unease. After all, for her as crucified! Many of us, as a child living with guilt, feel uncomfortable by the fact that "a girl trying so hard" - then it is imperative to buy her.

By the way, if the seduction is not crowned desired effect, often pointing device removes the mask and becomes a cold (analogue boycott) or devalues ​​you. Until the pile it can connect aggression environment. I'll tell you, in which treatment I got around the famous cosmetics company, vtyuhivayut kits for more than a hundred thousand.

I was greeted with enthusiastic ahami-ohami. I calmly listened to them, making it clear that no illusion, and they do not hesitate.

Then we began to gravitate toward buying. The decision on which to adopt certainly is now.

- So, my decision will be negative, - I replied. - I always think before you make a decision.
- But how?! You are missing a unique opportunity to receive a gift of three tube cellulite cream !!!
- Well. Means no luck.

At this point konsultantsha apparently exhausted the arguments and called for help, "commercial director". She also started with compliments. I smiled and listened. She changed tactics:

- And everything is clear - she said disappointedly. - You simply have no money.
- Perhaps that is so. I do not keep a hundred thousand in the bedside table.
- For young mothers we have a special offer ...
- I'm not a young mom.
- Well, how? (contemptuous hmyk) Since you do not have money for basic things. On student you obviously do not look!

Then, perhaps, I was ashamed, his poverty, potaskannosti and immediately sign a contract. But I am not ashamed,.

Then manipulative passed to intimidation. In the course include depreciation.

- You have not a girl - she started a disturbing voice. - If you do not start to smudge our cream, then a year later you cheeks turn red from the blood vessels rosacea, and the hair in the frontal part of povypadali to hell, and you have to wear a wig.

Then, perhaps, I had to change in the face and cried out:
- Anything, anything but that! Let your contract!

But I continued to listen to her with a calm smile. And then he connected the manipulative tactics of "aggression of the environment." She began to exchange glances with konsultantshey and shrugs

- Well well. The first time I see that the woman herself the enemy ...

Note: I instantly ceased to be a "girl," I have no one insisted that I look 32. I have called the "woman" and intimidated by the horrors of old age. :) Which is to fall on me from day to day.

Though cosmetologists could not bamboozle me, I left them with a very unpleasant feeling, realizing that faced with a real moral violence. Which many can not resist. Switching to tender to disparaging tone, the idealized, the discounting, the frightening, emotionally rocking customers successfully take for a ride, and quite adequate people sign a contract for a two-year loan! For a box of cosmetics. Just imagine the scope of the absurd?

On the Internet I read that some of the victims filed a lawsuit claiming that allegedly he slipped something into the coffee and they were dizziness. Yes, most likely, not mixed into anything. A very consciousness can blur if against you - razomlevshie, by the way, after a cosmetic procedure - include a whole arsenal of aggressive techniques.

But another kind of moral violence. The tactic of "the customer about Thomas, and we are about Eremu" means frequently used by our "friends" nartsy and sociopaths. "I mean that the soul hurts - and she about stockings and weather» ©. One option viskholdinga when pointing in every way conversation takes us on an exciting topic and did not seem to hear us.

For many years I kept the money in a bank. Let the market had offers and interesting, but I'm not chasing extra 2-3% per annum. I patiently waited for "my" bank to raise interest rates - such as he did in the crisis of 2009 m. However, last summer, it became clear that I was deceived in their expectations. And I transferred the money to another bank.

It took eight months, and they called me all the way from Moscow. It was "my ex". The girl - or maybe it was a robot? - Obviously a piece of paper read out the proposal immediately come and make a deposit. Interest rates will rise, what else?

- Thank you informed - politely I said - but my money is already on a higher interest rate.

But for some reason I thought it was a robot? Because I answered and said:

- On what date and time, I can issue you a visit to our bank?
- Sorry, but I do not plan a visit to your bank. My bank is now offering 14% per annum, and you're talking about 8%.
- You no longer fit night or day?
- Did you hear me at all?
- Are you satisfied, if ...?
- I do not. I will come. In your. Banks.
- I write you tomorrow, at 19.00 ...
Then I pressed the "all clear."

A week later, in the processing of the same bank had already hit my mom. She's a year removed from the card money for the use of the mobile bank is not providing services. So she went from her to unsubscribe. She listened with a polite smile and replied:

- Our bank has a long history and high reliability.
- I! I want to! Unsubscribe! On! Yours! Services!
- We can offer you competitive rates.
- !!!
- According to our savings certificates, you can ...

So 20 minutes. Mom came home with the feeling that her notably povampirili.

Incidentally, the head of the bank has a personal Life-coach. Which strongly contributes to "enlightenment" of his boss. So he can generate all sorts of ingenious ideas: good for business, and to the delight of customers. A conversation in the style of "the customer about Thomas, and we - about Eremu" train employees to seminars on some "work with objections" and "cold calls." There are such expensive studies.

And it would be better Life-coach and business coach taught his disciples truism: Do not count people more stupid than ourselves. As for the kind smiles and intrusive service "stupid client" sees the failure of services under the contract and the low yield - he does not have any smiles. He's not ready for smiles to lose 6% per year.

How do I behave if the seller finds himself these great manipulator and uses aggressive techniques? (I refer to those, and the bombing of compliments, because this psychopathic Seduction pure)

1. fails to respond to compliments.

2. If I'm interested and have the time, without any guilt take an additional service. Let yourself to deceive. I choose to pay, and you want to make me the whole way, cheat mufflers and hold Boucicaut? Yes, for God's sake. But I will not be anything. I'll buy the dress. And what I like. Can this be the same.

3. If I doubt the advisability of buying, I ask to postpone the item for a day.

4. If the home thing I cease to please the house, I will return without any torment her by check, in accordance with the law on protection of consumer rights.
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