New immigrants

Модератор: zlata

New immigrants

Сообщение DARPA » 11 сен 2015, 19:03

Cool story, but hard to believe. A Jewish woman by a quarter - is not Jewish in the full sense of the word, and did not think that she was a Jewess of religion. Maybe it altogether, a Christian.
But her husband was not a Jew, and a daughter, too. And in Russia, and her parents left, and husband.
So in Russia was flat, parents, friends, memories of childhood and youth, language, culture, profession - all thrown. Why is that?
Woman not happy with the position of Russia in Ukraine. It is very delicately silent about their claims - all these have been, but the underlying reason for its decision reports.

By the way, remember Olga Bakushinskii which was popular LiveJournal blog? Bakushinskii constantly wrote about what she was - a Catholic and very kichilas this constantly stressing that her faith - the truest and most correct. Olga was married to filmmaker Andrey Razumovsky opposing Mikhalkov. He died. It is flooded with television, then that she immigrated. I do not know who it was she Jewish, but her great-grandfather was from the village and became an academician of Russian folklore.
So, now she does not speak about his Catholicism. I shut up, and that in fact all of their holiday is celebrated.
Now observes all Jewish historical events: so many years of so many years from now. A Russian hated holidays and only spat. All of it was disgusting: and 8 March and 12 June.
Meanwhile, as in Israel, its affairs are not too good.
Here is her yesterday's entry: "I remind you that are still looking for work. Ten thousand spectators in the circus, it is not a joke. And I note a free ticket. No, I know that I have a case to the five men, but I have a long and great fun. And especially no weights. Now I will. It was a commercial break, which now will you often get in the way "; "" I'm not convinced that it should be the work of the specialty, although to write, speak, edit, invent and Kindle reader I do best. But why not the other, as long as I could it perform at all. Suitable Telecommute Jobs is considered, of course, in Gush Dan, but, sorry, you're all you know, full-time work in Gush Dan is highly dependent on wages, which will live there. In general, seen everything. When I say "all" I'm just that I have in mind. The only request - not to upset me some types of idle councils. Somehow - learn about four years at the university, a job in the Knesset. Or - a recent example. I see the job in their specialty, have a familiar person. I write. He says to me - not You what? You need a decent job with decent you your salary. It does not suit you. So I stopped at a computer with his mouth open. Although I seldom that I did not know what to answer. ""

Yes, sir. And we have something in a magazine to write a column, then the other, then publish a book. I'm not talking about working on television.

She left because of disagreement with the policy of Russia in Ukraine. But the Israeli policy in the Palestinian territories is very happy with it, especially because it is very well aware of the Arabs: "I live among them. And my eyes are open. I walk among their stalls, sometimes under the muezzin sniff baklava and coffee from the open door. I eat sometimes in such inns that from one kind of dishes you'd fainted. By the way, there is delicious. They know how to cook. But I respect them as individuals with their concepts and their mentality and never try to make them into a doll for his application pity or pedagogical talent. I know that this elderly woman who gladly showed me the way has a special relationship with his daughter, as previously had with his mother-in (you do not like). What for them is normal, when the father gets better (or last) meal or a single life jacket. They lived for thousands of years. " In general, there is its position in the conflict with the Arabs is to ensure that any foreign - the international community - it did not climb - they will understand.

While her more clearly. For example, he writes: "People spasiti. It mohshevim. What's all they want? The girl did not even realize that it finally? "; "Mary came first in class in all subjects and she does not understand. At all. It is so global that I probably will not even do anything. We'll have to stick. As the thread. Connect to the Hebrew completely different level that I used to be able to give her. "
I can not understand why all this suffering? Her daughter is already 15 years Once she adapts? Jewish blood in the girl - 1/8. And it is unlikely to learn the Talmud and the rest to be Jewish by religion. Therefore, it will always be in this country to feel at ease. Why Bakushinskii it taken away?

Here we take Dinah Rubin. Her emigration took place in 1990, and apparently was not ideological, and "sausage". Here it is - a Jew according to the rules, and always proud of their nationality. It would seem that Rubin held at 100% - her books are successful, very large print runs for our time. Perhaps it brings her good income.
But recently I read her interview, she says that in her book Israel, out of print. They do not translate into Hebrew, it was not invited to a TV, etc. Why is that? Because she says in Russian, and the popularity of their compatriots in Russia, a country which is still home to 145 million. People in one of the countries of origin, where Israel came a quarter, if not more people, they are not interested. We Rubin - famous writer, but at home it is - and no one can call.
And with his daughter, it seems her relationship unimportant because the daughter was very believing Jewess, comply with all the rites and prohibitions, and Ruby is not in compliance. That is not easy to have to very successful man.

Finally, one of my old friend became often write about emigration. She has no Jewish roots, she was 50 years (Bakushinskii, by the way, too). From the property - an apartment, and then she will have to run, to fully legalize its ownership. Relatives in Moscow there, but not very close.
About life abroad, she knows not by hearsay. Her mother came in his time a foreigner and left the USSR, the daughter lived with her until adulthood. She knows that there - do not be smeared with honey, which a lot of problems, and had never expressed his desire to move to his mother. And now, I think, I do not consider this as an option, and thinking about living in another country - not the one where the mother lives with her younger brother.

Her husband for 63 years.
She - a journalist, a man, you might say, a freelancer - Translation of technical literature. She writes on pseudo-scientific and okolofilosofskie theme. All my life I argued that far from politics, ideology, and is able to live independently from everyone. My husband has, most likely, the pro-Soviet views.
Their incomes are low, but allow to meet their needs: there they want to live as they wish (he works at home, she goes to the office two days a week) to buy the mountain of books, relax, where they want. It is also a lot of fun and goes on trips around the country. And could not ride, ie it is solely for her initiative. The work allows her to communicate with interesting people - writers, scientists. This is what she dreamed in childhood and adolescence.
All her life she told me how fond of his home, where she was born, as the likes of Moscow. And now she is ready to throw it all and go to a foreign country. After all, there is nothing that she will not be - nor grammulichki.
Why is that? Again, the policy of Russia in Ukraine. Earlier, we talked more tightly - worked together, but then our dialogue has come to such a level.
Until last year, she called me for my birthday on New Year's Eve and a couple more times, I told her, respectively, too. Our acquaintance 20 years.
And in 2014 she stopped calling me. The reason for this is my position in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
And now the thought of emigration ... Rather, they run out of nothing, as her husband does not want to change my life in my old age and leave the family here, but still.

Tell me, is this normal? If people, like, do not have political ambitions, not to engage in politics by any side, tearing due to old friends, ready to lose the last - but would not live more in Russia?
And it's not that such a policy is Putin - they do not like that many support this policy. They leave out the fact that the people around them was not what they thought, because of mismatch with him. But did before they coincided with the people? What shook them so suddenly?

That's the most interesting question: what happened to the remains of the creative class, which they can not sustain us, and why now? Worse today than 90, for example?

Or maybe they feel that with us there soon will be something awful, and save their lives? As those rats that know in advance that a leak in the ship? The sailors and the captain still do not know, and they know, and float away. In this case I do not want to offend those who have emigrated or plan to emigrate, if they are smart rat, pre-sentient trouble and saving their lives, we - silly, but faithful dog, and die with the ship.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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