he easiest way to solve the refugee problem in Europe

Модератор: zlata

he easiest way to solve the refugee problem in Europe

Сообщение DARPA » 16 сен 2015, 03:39

1. Europe must put a bolt to the world human values

And remember the main purpose of the state. Namely, to protect its citizens. Those who pay taxes, those who actually contain their own state, which is obliged to provide its citizens a safe and secure existence.
Therefore, it is necessary to tightly close all border stretch of barbed wire and secure access control. The amorphous entity called "European Union" in addition to a strong economy must have strong security forces. Remember the fate of the Roman Empire, how little she had to fall.
If you suddenly have this stream was sent to Russia, I would have definitely been against their admission. I think that even Tajiks who sweep my yard, too, would not welcome the increased competition.
Those who are now conducting a demonstration in support of refugees in Europe, it is necessary to issue a distribution list for receiving the latter in their own apartments. I see that the crowd thins sochuystvuyuschih rapidly.
In addition, some European countries do not know firsthand what ethnic organized crime groups.

2. Europe must put a bolt on democracy

The only thing you can try to build democracy in one particular country. Exporting democracy has never to anything good does not. When Europe in the Middle Ages, its executed its Copernicus and witches burned at the stake, the people lived in Persia at about the same as the way of today.
Democracy can not be exported. She needs to grow in society. Or should not, if there is no historical background.
Experiments with the introduction of government-imposed violence usually end totalitarianism and millions of victims.
Already acknowledged that democracy - is a children's fairy tale for kids fed.

3. Europe is necessary to lift the economy of the countries devastated by its military intervention

Some are now shouting "Russia, stop feeding the Caucasus!" or "Russia pays tribute to the Chechen Republic". Their cries have some foundation in that country is really investing in the restoration and development of the region certain funds. And, including therefore, there is now world.
This means that our children do not participate and do not die in the fighting there. How much currency you are ready to evaluate your child's life? The one million? In a billion? For me, such a figure, and this issue does not exist.
Europe at that time should take into account the experience of Russia. The refugees will no longer run from his homeland, if there is, first of all - peace, in the second turn - stability. In the end, nothing that any son of Abraham Maslow Kiev Cooper is in the West came up with his pyramid of human needs.
To ensure a normal existence, Europe needs to stop supporting the fighting and put them in a ruined economy. We must learn to negotiate even with those regimes that they do not consider acceptable. Experience shows that their replacement is unlikely to get adequate.
And expect more tens of millions of immigrants.
I think it is very hard over whether to bomb Iran. Its population under 80 million.

4. Europe must stop whining

What to five hundred millionth of Europe a couple of millions of refugees? When a year ago, Russia silently took myself a million refugees from the Donbass, the European policy was introduced sanctions against us.
Therefore, the Europeans should stop moaning and start taking the most stringent and unpopular measures. I am afraid that half measures will not do here.

Believe me, I do not want to gloat over the problems, which today fell on Europe. I like their culture, their city, and other attractions. I was not tempted by the idea that they are waiting for the fate of the ruined Palmyra.
Yes, and economic relations has not been canceled and, hopefully, will not cancel. Where oil and gas, we will sell in the end?
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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